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Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno

10-08-2014 , 10:04 AM
I just got a nice safari jeep and I can take 8 hunters with me. We will be hunting big game, so this is not for the squeamish.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough supplies for everyone for the entire trip, so I will have to leave someone behind each day. Who stays will be based on hunting success

The Animals

Cheetah - If only one person hunts the Cheetah, then they will be successful and get 16 points. If >1 person hunts the Cheetah, then the Cheetah will get scared and run away, leaving each hunter with 0 points.

Gruffalo - Is worth 14 points. These points are divided between all players that hunt it, rounded down. It is impossible to unsuccesfully hunt the Grufalo.

Lion - One or two people may hunt the lion, earning 12 points each. If more than 2 people attempt to hunt the lion, they will earn 0 points.

Elephant - It takes 5 people to kill an Elephant, so if 5+ people hunt the Elephant, they'll each earn 10 points. If <5 people hunt the Elephant, they get 0 points each.

Rhino - It takes 4 people to kill a Rhino, so if 4+ people hunt the Rhino, they'll each get 8 points. If <4 people hunt this animal, then 0 points each.

Giraffe - It takes 3 people for the Giraffe, so if 3+ people do so, they'll get 6 points each, otherwise 0 points if 1-2 people do so.

Zebra - It takes 2 for Zebra, so 2+ people hunting Zebra means 4 points each. 1 person gets 0 points.

Warthog- Anyone who hunts a Warthog gets 2 points

The Eliminations

After 2 rounds of hunting, 1 person per round will be eliminated. There are 2 ways to determine the elimination:

Democracy - Everyone votes on who to eliminate. Everyone gets a single vote for free, but you may also spend as many of your points as you wish on additional votes. Points spent on votes will be subtracted from your total for the next round.

Darwinism - The person with the least points is out.

The eliminations will proceed as follows:

Round 1: No elimination
Round 2: Darwinism
Round 3: Democracy
Round 4: Darwinism
Round 5: Democracy
Round 6+: Darwinism


1 round per day + 1 round over the weekend.

Deadline for daily hunt submissions will be 6pm Server Time

After the hunt deadline, the results of the day's hunt will be posted. On Darwinism days, a player will be eliminated immediately. On Democracy days, you will have until 10pm to submit your votes

Discussion - You may discuss all you want in-thread with the players, including which to hunt and who to vote. You may not PM any players or talk privately in any way

Submitting Actions - All actual actions take place in a pm to me. You may modify your submissions up to the deadline


Hurp Durpafield
Gamer Dude

Last edited by well named; 10-08-2014 at 10:56 AM.
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:05 AM
Mod Note: Since there is no elimination today we'll have submissions open until 10pm server itme
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:13 AM
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:13 AM
Going for the cheetah. Anyone who wants to score 0 is welcome to join me. Sent the PM already so don't bother arguing.
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:15 AM
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:15 AM
n0 cjkalt v btw
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:19 AM
Pretty sure you can change your target until dealine, Mr Terrorist.
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by well named
Submitting Actions - All actual, binding actions take place in a pm to me.
Looks like submissions are binding. Regardless, will not be changing under any circumstances.
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:31 AM
How your wife and friends would characterize your persona IRL?
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Willi
How your wife and friends would characterize your persona IRL?
According to the finest online tests, I'm a St Bernard.
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:41 AM
I think the last time I took one of those I also got St Bernard!

high five!
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:47 AM
Seems like the obvious solution here is for us all to hunt the elephant and then vote off the greedy cheetah hunter at the first available opportunity.

Bloo, you want to maybe reconsider your interpretation of the meaning of "binding"?
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:51 AM
Awesome. If I wasn't at work I'd find a gif of two St Bernard's high-fiving. It must exist.
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
Seems like the obvious solution here is for us all to hunt the elephant and then vote off the greedy cheetah hunter at the first available opportunity.

Bloo, you want to maybe reconsider your interpretation of the meaning of "binding"?
If everyone goes elephant this round then I may be willing to reconsider my strategy in future rounds.

But for round one, no, I want them points on the board. I'm locked in on cheetah.
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:54 AM
Would probably be good to get mod confirmation on that interpretation if it's up for debate. I thought it was pretty unambiguous though.
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:56 AM
Mod Ruling: the binding bit was mostly a transcription error. It's from previous game rules and then I deleted the following sentence about changing your submission. I'm inclined to allow you to change up to the deadline, although I'd really appreciate it if you didn't change 87 or more times.

I'll fix the OP
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 10:57 AM

Makes no difference to me either way.
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
If everyone goes elephant this round then I may be willing to reconsider my strategy in future rounds.

But for round one, no, I want them points on the board. I'm locked in on cheetah.
If everyone else is willing to go elephant except you in this round, frankly I'm not too concerned about your strategy for future rounds.
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 11:42 AM
No voting off until after round three, compadre.
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 11:43 AM
hi all

bye all
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
No voting off until after round three, compadre.
I can wait.

This round is about establishing who's willing to be remotely cooperative and trustworthy (me) and who needs to be shat in the face at the first opportunity (apparently, you).
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 12:00 PM
What we will establish over three rounds is that I will always be 100% honest about my plans.

So far no-one else is committing to anything, I'm just putting my cards on the table for this round.
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 12:36 PM

submitted cheetah

gl see ya tomorrow
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
Seems like the obvious solution here is for us all to hunt the elephant and then vote off the greedy cheetah hunter at the first available opportunity.

Bloo, you want to maybe reconsider your interpretation of the meaning of "binding"?
Originally Posted by DWetzel
I can wait.

This round is about establishing who's willing to be remotely cooperative and trustworthy (me) and who needs to be shat in the face at the first opportunity (apparently, you).
yep. this is my plan as well. If someone hunts cheetah then we either lol at them or vote him off.
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
10-08-2014 , 12:37 PM
hurp and willi, will you two join an alliance with me and dwetzel? worst case scenario is that we can kill a rhino.
Safari Game Jeep Numero Uno Quote
