Originally Posted by lastchance
... and you can't vote him off until the final 5, though sure, you could be lame and not vote (like you're doing now), though then there would be no reason for Hitch to not dictator you.
For the record, this is not what I plan to do. As I said before, hitch was clear about the alliance (and it was worded differently), so I will not through inaction cause him to be eliminated before our agreement is up. Again, it would be in my interest, but I won't do it.
The situation with you is different. I actually worded my offer pretty carefully -- I had to go back and make sure I had it right. But again, I will ally if we come up with a good agreement, even though the best thing for me right now is to let you go down.
Cue and I will probably have to play with some lion/cheetah switching to have the best chance against hitch, but that's down the road.