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A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here

04-02-2014 , 11:08 AM
1st scoring 30 points





it's just a goat

doing his thing

72off with Neil Young - Don't cry

1,000,000 points
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 11:11 AM
172offNeil Young – Don't Cry
2Jmurder3"Love Athena" - Olivia Tremor Control
3WesCShearwater - On The Death Of The Waters
4Monkey BananaSunn O))) -- Alice
5BloobirdCasiotone for the Painfully Alone -*We Have Mice (Boombox Version)
6lenCCalifornia X - Sucker
7somaNo Age - Sleeper Hold
8ChrisVFuture Prophecies - Warlords Rising
9tappokonePrimal Scream: "Accelerator"
10loosekanenBeach Boys - "Wild Honey"
11gambitWeen - Roses Are Free
12IbedrumminLuxury - Euphrates With the Golden Hands
13captain binklesHot Chip - Careful
14fnordCaterwaul - Dizzy Delirium
15mexineilAlamos - Kill Baby Kill
16Hero ValueBiffy Clyro - There's no such thing as a jaggy snake (Live)*
17jonnydRadiohead –
18KaidusCancer Bats - Drunken Physics
19tchazTrumans Water - Long End of a Firearm (Peel session)
20JabonatorThe Neighbourhood - Female Robbery
21LKJNumb - U2
22GimmeDatNine Inch Nails*- March Of The Pigs (live)
23vginamanNine Inch Nails – Wish
24WilliIf you don't type out that weirdass name I won't either
25accobraDarude - Sandstorm
26diggerMr Bungle – Slowly growing deaf
27TreepUnheilig -*Geboren*um zu leben
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 11:15 AM
Hmm, I feel this 1 million points will slightly sway the standngs ...
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 11:19 AM
Great pick from the GOAT.

Still waiting to actually bink a category but the scoring being quite linear is helping me out, top3 still within reach, let's go.

Last edited by lenC; 04-02-2014 at 11:20 AM. Reason: by the GOAT I mean N. Young not you 72o, sry
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
Aww yiss Shearwater.
Gonna convert everyone to loving them eventually.
In the interest of Shearwaterification I should've just submitted the whole album, its only a couple of minutes longer than Sunn O)).
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
27th scoring 1 point

Treep with Unheilig -*Geboren*um zu leben

Lots of kids, not a lot of noise in this one.
something must be wrong there, I definitely didn't submit this for the noise category...
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 11:35 AM
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
Qualifies for 2 bonus points for formatting:

Originally Posted by Treep
something must be wrong there, I definitely didn't submit this for the noise category...
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Treep
something must be wrong there, I definitely didn't submit this for the noise category...
Hmm yeah I thought that was weird, will check it out when at my computer. So digger might still snag last place.
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 11:47 AM

checked the pm three times, everything ok on my side. dunno what happened.

Nick confirmed German hater
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
12th scoring 16 points

Those guys have a pretty great sound going. Remember that you submitted one of their songs to my first Walrus and I kind of prefered that one to this.
I had "When Those That Are Not..." queued up an ready to go but then remembered I'd submitted it to you previously. THAT track is noisy.
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 11:58 AM
Lol at Roses are Free not even cracking the top ten

game is broke
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
3rd scoring 26 points

I think someone went hipster

yup confirmed hipster

wtf are you guys planning to do with those lampshades

Jmurder with Olivia Termor Control - Love Athena

I have a sneaking suspicion Murder has never actually listened to this song but he just googled "super hipster lo-fi band" to exploit the lolnick and it's paying off. It's a super catchy lo-fi power-poppy song of the kind of love, well played Murder

2 points
Lo-fi is too fancy of a music term for me to know. I will probably listen to this later, though

Originally Posted by captain binkles
I was going to say there's a 0% chance jmurda has listened to whatever he submitted here :P
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
2nd scoring 28 points

I started listening to the song without paying attention to which category it was submitted, with my headphones on and the volume turned up. As it starts out slow I drift out of the song and instead start typing a snarky reply to yet another one of Bloo's silly 2p2 posts...

Then BOOOM, holy ****ing ****! I throw myself on the floor and crawl under a table to take cover from the incoming Russian fighter jets. As I mentally prepare myself for the Russian invasion we all know has been inevitable the noise stops and all I hear is some beautiful lonely piano tunes that slowly drifts into silence. Am I dead? I look around, nope still at the public library. Well this is awkward.

this story may have been exaggerated for dramatic effect

WesC with Shearwater - On the death of the waters

Another listen to this song will never live up to the first, the circumstances were just right and it set up for a perfect shock. I really mean it, I was ****ing shocked. During the piano outro, which is just perfect btw, I was visably shaking. And even if it will never be quite the same that's fine, this experience was priceless.

2 points
Very good song. I'm liking the 2 Shearwater tracks I've heard. But other than Nick's specific and absurd environmental listening description of it, it's not at all noisy or unpleasant, and is just like a lot of Pink Floyd tracks imo.
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 12:22 PM
This was in the Related videos to JMurder's, and after seeing what did well in this category, it seems like this would be awesome for Nick's taste and this category:
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Hero Value
Very good song. I'm liking the 2 Shearwater tracks I've heard. But other than Nick's specific and absurd environmental listening description of it, it's not at all noisy or unpleasant, and is just like a lot of Pink Floyd tracks imo.
It's definitely noisy imo. Even if you disagree, the description of the category included definitions of noise as "loud" and "unexpected".

Long time since I listened to Trout Mask Replica, as far as I remember I didn't care for it much but I'll check it out when not on phone.
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 02:02 PM
Sandstorm GOAT but I don't see how there's noise elements

My senior class actually voted that as our class song but it was vetoed bc it had no words.. So it's our underground class song basically

Also my submission was a troll submission but the noise element is obv when Jonny G goes rogue with the guitar like halfway in
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 02:11 PM
1,000,000 points ... seems like a lot ... is that good?
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
1,000,000 points ... seems like a lot ... is that good?
Oh right, comma is used as decimal points in Sweden so it's actually just one point. Sorry about that.
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
Oh right, comma is used as decimal points in Sweden so it's actually just one point. Sorry about that.
Damn. I just realised you were Swedish. I'm fecked for the next round then, Swedish band with Swedish (I assume) word!!

Note to self: Look at location in future.
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 03:46 PM
i knew there was a catch!
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 04:03 PM
Woo Sandstorm, woo Finland!
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Kaidus
Damn. I just realised you were Swedish. I'm fecked for the next round then, Swedish band with Swedish (I assume) word!!

Note to self: Look at location in future.
Haha, I think your word is German, actually.
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 04:58 PM
Also, best category award goes to 5 and worst to 6. While scoring 4 I realized I actually enjoyed it quite a bit, top half is definitely pretty solid. Since there are no stand outs behind those two categories those will be the only two you get a bonus for, but I'll make them 2 each instead.

I'll also make the "guess the word" question 2 points for a total of 10 if you're perfect.

Treep's real submission was: Schandmaul - Traumtänzer, another not noisy song, but pretty damn catchy

I'll upgrade it 26th. Score table will be updated tomorrow.
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
04-02-2014 , 05:31 PM
So top three "noise"y songs are hipster, hipster and not very good Neil Young. Seems legit.
A Royale WALRUS <--- complain about the slow REVEAL here Quote
