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Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2

05-05-2009 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Caedus
and its not even close

Brian played a hell of a game
y did u never poast? how active were u in nightchat?
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by WinEvryRacex
y did u never poast? how active were u in nightchat?
too active in night chat

i mustve reread the thread 20 times, brian, beer n OTI also

I wasnt poasting cus the game was giving me nightmares
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Caedus
I wasnt poasting cus the game was giving me nightmares
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Caedus
and its not even close

Brian played a hell of a game
is it relaly hard to play a game as a wolf when you're seer cleared?
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by WinEvryRacex
lol wat was plan a and b?
plan A was to seer hunt like normal, plan B was to kill WU str8 away as a level

we killed him a day later cus we leveled ourselves into thinking he really was a seer
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 08:47 PM
Why nk rene?
Why nk felix again?
Why nk WU and mdom?
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by WinEvryRacex
y did u never poast? how active were u in nightchat?

I dunno why he never posted if he woulda posted more he probably would have been alive unless he was peeked.

Wolf chat was mostly CAEDUS and I with BRIAN joining in if he was online and some BEER.

I dont think we had any help at all from anyone else which meant looking over 500-700 posts more each night by ourselves

still mad at myself that I didnt make us lynch ZELIC n3 I came into wolf chat soooo sure but was convinced that RENE could also be one.

Also killing RENE had the added benifit of decreasing the posts per day by 100 to sift through.
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 08:47 PM
gg wolves
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 08:48 PM
oh yeah, WHY NK HOLDME? was that a seerhunt w/ rf=villa peek?
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 08:49 PM
GG all. I've been looking forward to doing a write-up ever since I read snafoo's wolf write-up from my first werewolf game. It was a treat to read and I hope I can return the favor. <3 snafoo, I never meant to make you cry, I'm never gonna say goodbye, and I hated having to tell a lie and hurt you. Pls forgive me village - my first time as a bad guy and I hated betraying you! Here goes:

Day 1

I fell right into the **** at the start, with djstu on my case from the getgo, and I wound up being the first player wagoned. I thought I'd given myself away already and was really worried I wouldn't even get to make it to my first wolfchat. I wound up being right about that, because my AIM was screwed up and not letting me join group chats. I'm going to paste some AIM logs here - mainly stuff that I found amusing, and nothing intended to be malicious.

Dudd (11:19:27 PM): I was telling someone, I forget who, that I wouldn't mind taking a shot at TomCollins
OnThinIce911 (11:19:38 PM): reasoning?
Dudd (11:20:05 PM): he's trying too hard to fly under the radar imo, he's a politard and a SE regular who loves to argue and I can't see him just sitting out for no reason
Dudd (11:20:26 PM): I think there is a much higher than normal chance that he's one of the seers trying to play it cool

I thought this was a sick soulread and agreed with it, and regreted not getting TC for a couple of days after. <3 my fellow ACist.

Ultimately, we went with Felix though:

OnThinIce911 (11:26:01 PM): ehh if we nk felix we can get karak/any wagons easy
Dudd (11:26:20 PM): Maybe if we're lucky they'll go after karak to see if he was a wolf being saved
OnThinIce911 (11:33:54 PM): i want to kill a good player while also setting up a myslynch tomorrow
OnThinIce911 (11:33:59 PM): felix accompishes that

Overall, Day 1 was the first and last day that the villagers would be at each others' throats instead of ours, and the only day wolves were able to sit back and let the villagers do the work.

Day 2

And our bad luck begins with Felix being subbed right back in! Andy also soulreads me wolf and I begin having to devote a lot of time to keeping him, RiverFenix, and others off my back. I am really worried about Andynan, not just because he's pegged me as a wolf, but also because he seems like a really good player. So I was hopeful Andy would get lynched - unfortunately, the rest of the village saw that killing him would be terribad. I think the wolves really messed this day up, as we wound up having 6 of 8 wolves on Andynan - the other 2 were YKW's Caedus vote, and Caedus' vote on Dudd - which, btw, I was really hoping he'd use to get a lot more mileage than he did.

The end of day was suspenseful for us and was definitely the start of our downfall. At first we thought Karak was lynched, and while that wasn't the result we were hoping for, it still put plenty of suspicion on Andy for the next day. Then we thought Andy/Karak were flipping, and we were pretty happy about that. Then it was Dudd/Andy, and we lost. Run bad!

[20:05] Caedus: oh well goodbye dudd
[20:05] OnThinIce911: running good so far eh
[20:06] Caedus: meh, dudd woulda been lynched soon anyway, but i woulda liked another mislynch first
[20:06] Brian: yeah, i dont see how we can even begin to play off andy as wolf now though

As for the seerhunting, we were very worried about Felix not leaving a fakepeek. And we also felt he was playing much differently than before. But ultimately we went with holdme for his RiverFenix=villa peek.

[20:22] OnThinIce911: right now i have snafoo/holdme/mdom
[21:00] OnThinIce911: snafoo/holdme are my top 2
[21:00] OnThinIce911: than mmod/corsakh
[21:01] Brian: well, of those, id rather take out snafoo. hes a stronger player, and guaranteed villa in everyones mind
[21:01] Brian: holdme i think we can put some pressure on, he had 2 votes day 2 and many have been suspicious

OTI planning his fake seer already:

[21:09] Brian: ah snap, i forgot to leave behind a fake peek
[21:09] OnThinIce911: theres a few others that are gonne be under suspicion
[21:09] OnThinIce911: i didnt leave one on purpose
[21:09] Brian: whys that?
[21:09] OnThinIce911: gonna say that I wanted to make sure I stayed alive long enough to help the village
[21:09] OnThinIce911: muahaha

Day 3

Another wolf, OTI, gets put in the crosshairs on a weekend where we shouldn't have had any resistance to Karak.

Some interesting bits from wolfchat that made me lol:

[19:39] OnThinIce911: also i thjink in 1-2 days bussing our own useless wolf partenr would be a good plan
[19:40] OnThinIce911: kidd/ykw
[19:40] OnThinIce911: unelss we get subs
[19:40] Caedus: kidd/ykw will keep
[19:40] OnThinIce911: beer?
[19:40] OnThinIce911: me?
[19:40] Caedus: theyre totally off the radar, n them being away means they cant give themselves away more than they already have

[19:41] Caedus: savant is different from his villa game, but thankfully he never posts much
[19:41] OnThinIce911: yeah
[19:41] OnThinIce911: i think everyone has assumed savnt is villa
[19:41] OnThinIce911: because they cant read

[23:58] OnThinIce911: gonna read lenc
[23:58] OnThinIce911: lenc has 50 posts
[23:59] OnThinIce911: great he has no avatar
[23:59] OnThinIce911: wish i could give him one
[23:59] OnThinIce911: like a bullseye
[23:59] OnThinIce911: for when im scolling

We wound up thinking Rene was seer for one of the reasons we thought ZELIC was seer later on:

[19:56] Brian: a lot of his posts have been like "well im dead tonight"
[19:56] Caedus: i dont want to nk him today, but its gotta be soon
[19:57] Brian: "wolves wont kill me and too bad bc ive found them"

[01:16] Brian: Sorry for being so straightforward and possibly educating wolves, but I think they had this figured out already. Also sorry for sucking at seercover, I tried it once and got the real seer killed. That was pretty funny though.
[01:16] Brian: is that a Seerish post
[01:16] Caedus: who was it from?
[01:16] Brian: Zelic
[01:17] Brian: also this from Zelic
[01:17] Brian: but there's someone in the wolf pack that has decided they should take that route (since guys like Rene and me are the most unlikely seers atm obv).

I thought gtpitch was def seer,

[20:12] Brian: i think i found one
[20:12] Brian:
[20:12] Brian: gonna wait on u guys

but he left such an over-the-top peek in Post 1298 that we decided against it. Also, it meant instadeath for OTI.

[22:09] Caedus: i have rene/felix/win/mdom
[22:10] Caedus: snafoo n corsakh also possible
[22:10] I_Like_Beer: I doubt rene is a seer since he posts so much, but I wouldnt mind getting rid of him
[22:10] I_Like_Beer: WinEveryRace is also spot on with a lot of stuff, so I wouldnt mind getting rid of him
[22:10] Caedus: oti has mdom/rene/snafoo/zelic
[23:21] I_Like_Beer: Again, I'm ok with Zelic, rene, winevery
[23:54] OnThinIce911: I like ZELIC>RENE
[00:35] OnThinIce911: im liking win more now
[00:35] OnThinIce911: 901
[00:35] OnThinIce911: n1 peek
[00:36] Caedus: i like
[00:36] Caedus: we can send win np
[00:39] OnThinIce911: well u wanna rand
[00:39] OnThinIce911: they all have their +/-
[00:39] OnThinIce911: and i would bet any oft he 3 is a wolf
[00:40] OnThinIce911: seer
[00:40] Caedus: want to weight the rand, or str8 33/33/33
[00:40] OnThinIce911: straigh 33
[00:40] OnThinIce911: make sure u say 1 time before clikcing
[00:40] Caedus: k randing now, 1-33 rene 34-66 win, 67-99 zelic
[00:41] OnThinIce911: 1 time
[00:41] Caedus: result is 25
[00:41] OnThinIce911: gg rene
[00:41] Caedus: gg rene

Wolves can't even hold up against a flush draw!

[00:43] OnThinIce911: if rene is seer theres %50 chnance my firest post is weeeeeeeeeeeee

[01:26] OnThinIce911: next we kill zelic
[01:26] OnThinIce911: lets just kill the highest post count each night
[01:27] Brian: lol

Day 4

I am psyched to have YKW/kiddcheckers subbed out, but little do I know who we are getting: Charliebeagle2, worst wolf EVAR. Also, atakdog gets subbed in as villager - wolvesrunbad. I made a mistake late in the day and made a big case against TomCollins, which didn't leave me any room to vote G1982 to save OTI. I don't think it mattered too much though, but this definitely began a series of days when our AFK wolves not voting to save each other bit us in the butt.


I was very suspicious of Naaka as seer, and wanted atakdog dead anyways:

[22:47] Brian: i think pretty good chance that Atakdog is seer
[22:47] Brian: still rereading but he comes in and says he thinks TC is a likely peek
[22:47] Brian: by a seer
[22:47] Brian: and if any seer peeked TC, its the guy he replaced (Naakka), who randomly defended TC

But we wound up NK'ing Felix for his open vote for me after having me as villa + his tone being way off.

Day 5

We actually got to continue our Wolfchat after thread had been opened, bc it opened during Night hours. And this was the day that Wrath's fakeclaimed, which we were all pretty excited about, as after Felix came back villager and OTI definitely dead, things were looking bleak:

[02:00] Kuntzud11: OMG READ THE THREAD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
[02:00] Kuntzud11: !
[02:00] Kuntzud11: !
[02:00] Kuntzud11: 1
[02:01] Caedus: en route
[02:03] Kuntzud11: read faster imo
[02:04] Caedus: 2117 is lol
[02:05] Kuntzud11: brian needs to get back here so we can talk about how we are gonna spin this
[02:07] Caedus: we are nking him next night even tho hes not seer
[02:07] Kuntzud11: yup
[02:07] Kuntzud11: actually no
[02:07] Kuntzud11: we cant
[02:07] Caedus: this is 100% too good to pass up
[02:07] Kuntzud11: we need seer kills
[02:07] Caedus: this will make seers come out to defend the other guys, its FPSy but its perfect
[02:08] Kuntzud11: i dunno
[02:08] Kuntzud11: i dont like it
[02:08] Kuntzud11: i think we lets him get mysyched tomorow
[02:08] Kuntzud11: hes prolly gonna be peekd by at least 1 seer
[02:08] Kuntzud11: mayb the ycome out to defend
[02:11] Caedus: if we play this right, were getting 3 mislynches out of this, as long as he stays with his claim
[02:11] Brian: why is he doing this
[02:12] Caedus: hes honorary wolf team member now
[02:12] Caedus: i dunno, maybe he drank some dangeraw potion :-P
[02:12] Kuntzud11: i bottled my fps juice up and sold it to danger wrtah and mac

[02:21] Kuntzud11: lol at wraths
[02:21] Kuntzud11: eveing this game up a bit
[02:21] Kuntzud11: so far its been rigged

Unfortunately, he didn't stay with his claim, and made this Post #2283 which all the villagers seemed to miss, where he says his peeks are OTI/Dudd wolf, mdom/g1982 villa.

We really didn't believe mdom's claim, not only because he had a wrong peek, but also because it didn't go along at all with his earlier fakepeeks on previous days.

In the end we found ZELIC though. All wolfchat after this is just me and Caedus, bc we never got CB2, Cruizin, or Savant in wolfchat.

Day 6

[18:15] Caedus: CB2 sent in a kill before me, MM1 disregarded it, we were very lucky that he did
[20:21] Caedus: beer just had a brilliant idea
[20:21] Caedus: nk CB2 n forfeit :-P

We had despaired before as well:

[19:59] Brian: charliebeagle
[19:59] Brian: back to back posts:
[19:59] Brian: However, the people he claimed dont really look wolfy at all.
[19:59] Brian: Anyway since I just subbed in , can someone give me a rundown of who are the mian wolf suspects/ cleared villagers.
[19:59] Caedus: rofl
[20:00] Caedus: we run bad
[20:01] Brian: i think we'd have just about forfeited if we hadnt gotten u
[20:02] Caedus: i could read YKW n kiddcheckers as wolves by their 1st post, Savant is useless, OTI was hella wolfy, beer comes across wolfy, ur outed by felix nk, n if i havent been peeked its a miracle
[20:02] Brian: yah
[20:02] Caedus: so this game is basically over, thankfully, no one realises it yet
[20:03] Caedus: we still have a small chance

We began suspecting gtpitch again, and felt mdom's strat was really bad. However, this was when our wolves being wolfy mcwolfenstein 3D's really started hurting us - the wolves were so obvious that anyone and everyone was able to fakepeek them. WU peeked Savant=wolf, and for that he died; we really had to stretch the case for him being seer, but we didn't really have any alternatives

[21:51] Brian: so i guess we think that WU was deliberately putting false peeks out there
[21:51] Brian: to see if he'd be killed or not?
[21:51] Brian: and if he was, then he was right
[21:51] Brian: and then he left that coded message
[21:51] Brian: in case he was NKed
[21:51] Brian: hoping villa would see it but not wolves?
[21:52] Brian: maybe he thought it'd be a freeroll
[21:52] Brian: if his peeks were all right, he'd be killed, and whether he was seer or not, he did his job
[21:52] Brian: if his peeks were wrong he wouldn't be nk'ed, but just in case he said "disregard everything ive said and read above post"
[21:52] Caedus: yeah
[21:53] Brian: the prob is that he has g1982 listed as a peek, and he didnt say anything to defend g1982
[23:46] Brian: oh, i was thinking maybe ZELIC peeked WU
[23:47] Brian: and saw him seer
[23:47] Brian: and decided to give him cover and say he was FPS villa
[23:47] Caedus: thats what i thought was possible
[23:48] Brian: cause if ZELIC knows that starkwired is villa
[23:48] Brian: then he should think that WU is wolf

[01:06] Brian: going to really **** w the village if hes seer
[01:06] Brian: and causing a village meltdown is our best chance
[01:18] Caedus: wrath is villa :-(
[01:18] Brian: t.t
[01:19] Brian: well hopefully they'll think it was some sort of levelling kill
[01:19] Caedus: n this should be the final fail of this game i think

Day 7

[18:39] Brian: lol charliebeagle
[18:39] Brian: and cruizin
[18:39] Brian: sooooo bad
[18:40] Brian: they coudlnt give us at least one person who would pretend to be villager
[18:58] Brian: well
[18:58] Brian: nice
[18:58] Brian: our wolves couldnt even be bothered
[18:58] Brian: to come and check the thread
[18:58] Brian: no vote from cruizn
[18:58] Brian: you
[18:58] Caedus: they didnt show up?
[18:58] Brian: well cruizn just got lynched
[18:58] Brian: and never even voted

We were on to gtpitch:

[19:17] Brian: iirc someone came out with a list
[19:17] Brian: that was all wolves
[19:17] Brian: i think gtpitch
[19:25] Brian: Ok I hope to give some thoughts later but good wagons for today are (in no particular order):

[19:30] Brian: #2990 by gtpitch. I'd also like to say FTR that card and danny are bad wagons today. Get them some other time.
[19:32] Brian: gtpitch also votes lenc today
[19:32] Brian: so that would be v conflicting if he hadnt peeked him wolf
[19:32] Brian: but maybe he knows other 3 are wolves and lenc is a big wolf lean to him

and actually though mdom was playing so badly that we nearly killed DannyKGB:

[19:06] Brian: i dont know why mdom
[19:06] Brian: wouldnt retract his dannykb
[19:06] Brian: if he is seer
[19:48] Brian: what if we kill dannykgb
[19:48] Brian: doesnt that get mdom killed?
[19:48] Brian: lynch all liars etc?
[19:48] Caedus: likely, but mdom gets an extra peek
[20:08] Brian: i really think hes just fps villa tho
[20:08] Brian: but i dont see any other way we win

Day 8

I was pretty happy that atakdog was flipping with CB2, but obviously we lost that flip, and again, our wolf doesn't even show up to vote to save himself; nor did Savant or Caedus vote.

We settled on gtpitch this night, mainly b/c he was most likely seer; I actually didn't realize at the time how strong of a case could be made for my being one of his peeks. All I said at the time was:

[23:13] Brian: and hopefully someone finds me=villager

Day 9

[03:08] Caedus: oh god i love the village
[03:08] Caedus: atak is on major tilt
[03:10] Caedus: maybe, but reading too much into CB's actions is lol at best
[03:11] Caedus: the guy was clearly lost
[03:11] Brian: lolol
[03:11] Brian: cb2
[03:17] Brian: i think other seer comes out today
[03:17] Brian: when he sees what a cluster****
[03:17] Brian: the other seers peeks have been
[03:18] Caedus: yep
[03:18] Caedus: perfect for us as long as ur not peeked
[03:18] Brian: yah

And, well, you guys know the rest.

I wasn't sure who I wanted to bring to the F3 with me - it had to be either Card or Starkwired. I thought starkwired was a loose cannon and could def vote for me, but he was also the most suspicious peek other than myself, so possibly the uncleared player could vote him. Cardassian, on the other hand, believed that I was peeked villager; however, there was no way that the remaining unpeeked player would vote for him over me.

I think I might have made a mistake in not saving Starkwired, because if I got to the Final 3 with him, after saving him, he wouldn't vote for me. Also, with all the suspicion around him, whoever made it to the finals (prob Snafoo) would be pretty likely to vote him.

About half the AIM's between Caedus and I were

Session Start (Brian:Caedus): Sat Apr 18 17:21:58 2009
[17:21] Caedus: hai, wanna play a turbo?
[17:23] Brian: no ty
Session Close (Caedus): Sat Apr 18 17:23:13 2009

Session Start (Brian:Caedus): Tue Apr 21 23:15:19 2009
[23:15] Brian: hi
[23:15] Brian: any new thoughts?
[23:15] Brian: anything u want me to look over? i can reread people if u need it
[23:15] Brian: or want
[23:15] Caedus: im in a turbo right now, gimme a minute
[23:16] Brian: u are obsessed
[23:16] Caedus: yep

Session Start (Brian:Caedus): Thu Apr 23 01:43:37 2009
[01:43] Caedus: wanna play a turbo?

[22:16] Brian: done any more reading?
[22:16] Caedus: turboing now
[22:16] Caedus: but still going thru a bit a stuff
[22:16] Caedus: also making dinner
[22:17] Caedus: multitasking FTW

[16:37] Caedus: wanna play a turbo?
[16:37] Brian: n
[16:37] Brian: nevar
[16:37] Caedus: :-(
[16:37] Brian: lol dont like them
[16:37] Brian: u and OTI
[16:37] Brian: constant spam
[16:37] Brian: i need a turbo spamblocker

We need an intervention for him imo.

My MVP list:

Andynan (obv): I was so happy when the village talked you into backing off your LAG style on the first 2 days. I think you should definitely re-adpot your turbo style for long games. And yeah, you caught me way back on Day 2 - tho I still think your case against me was extremely thin.

Snafoo: Your villager game is twice as impressive as your wolf game - your persistent questioning and interrogating, as well as your advanced planning and theories, were very solid. I think the village's best chance of getting away from gtpitch's peek on me was the plan that you proposed. There were enough people who were doubtful of my peek (atakdog, egj, starkwired, RiverFenix, one other I think) that had everyone left their percentages, I think the village would have decided that I don't make the Final 3. Also, you did a good job leaving fakepeeks early and we were always suspicious of you being seer.

Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911

I dunno why he never posted if he woulda posted more he probably would have been alive unless he was peeked.
thats why i was surprised when caedus came up wolf i thought he was a villager who forgot about the game or something
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 08:50 PM
Did you(OTI) and brian decide on the felix 1 NK?
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer Garner
is it relaly hard to play a game as a wolf when you're seer cleared?
I think Brian was awesome. Just in terms of tone and content, I was super-convinced he was village. I didn't even believe the peek 100% as I said more than once.

Sure the peek helped, but still.
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 08:55 PM
There's definitely some OTI gold in wolfchat involving ReneLuske and sponges, but I left it out because I didn't want anyone to view it as being malicious (it wasn't).
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Brian
There's definitely some OTI gold in wolfchat involving ReneLuske and sponges, but I left it out because I didn't want anyone to view it as being malicious (it wasn't).
Lol ty brian

great work on the writeup

I think you left out the part where you guys convinced me RENE was as likely a seer as ZELIC but To be completely honest I was very on to 2 seers night 3 and unfortunately I was not convinced GTP was not a seer until the day after I died.

I enjoyed the game immensly and it was my first time being a wolf in a long game. But i will save my gripes for 1 singular post.
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 09:07 PM
great writeup Brian
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by Brian
I think the village's best chance of getting away from gtpitch's peek on me was the plan that you proposed. There were enough people who were doubtful of my peek (atakdog, egj, starkwired, RiverFenix, one other I think) that had everyone left their percentages
I don't remember exactly what Snafoo's plan was tbh. I mean, I remember we were supposed to list percentages next to each peek, but how were we going to use them?

I dunno with so many people being 100% certain on your peek, and you acting super-village (imo) I don't know how we get you.
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by ewalsh420
brian-gtpitch (this is the only peek im not 100% sure about)

This is if Win is the actual seer.
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 09:10 PM
Thanks mods, by the way. That was fun. Huge time sink tho.
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 09:10 PM
ty mm1

and thanks for that writeup brian
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 09:11 PM
Great game, Brian. Great game.

On a side note, how long were you going to keep me alive for given that Andy does not get lynched?
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 09:12 PM
Heres the list of riggedness against the wolves in case anyone was wonderign how stacked the odds were agaisnt us

D1= 1 wolf does not show up but luckily CAEDUS subs in for him
D2= FELIX (arguably the most experienced villager left in the game (along with a being very familiar with CAEDUS and I) gets subbed back in after we NK him for all of the those reasons.
We also lose a flip that day because half of our wolves cannot log on before EOD(including DUDD who was the wolf on the block) and change their vote so we end up with a flip that we lose and ultimately incrimantes me enough to get me killed.
N3= We decide to rand between RENE/ZELIC/WIN because CAEDUS and I are the only 2 online and after 4+ hours we are developing headaches from reading though the thread 10+ times each. Obviously we lose that 66% chance to lynch a seer.
D4= The day I almost die before claiming seer at EOD. We need 2 of our wolves subbed in because they go AFK but the village get ATAKDOG.
D5=ATAKDOG completely shooots down all of my attempoted FPS because he knows my style and is very very expereinced. He definately gave the village a boost in the middle of the game
D?=Later in the game ATAK wins a flip vrs a wolf

we lost 2 flips and a 2/3 during the games so I am very proud of the fact we won. Cheers to my fellow wolves and it was an honor playing with most of you.
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 09:13 PM
Andynan 481
atakdog 418
WinEvryRacex 406
egj 323
TomCollins 297
snafoo 291
corsakh 280
ReneLuske 255
MoneyMatt1 203
ewalsh420 199
RiverFenix 193
J.D. 181
gtpitch 170
keshaldra 169
cardassian 146
Brian 135

not 1 wolf in top 15 posters lol
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 09:13 PM
great writeup brian
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
05-05-2009 , 09:13 PM
Also would like to say none of the subbing was MM1's fault and I only blame those who sign up and do not fully commit

MM1 you did a great job and I would definitely play a game you modded in the future

MVP=MM1 imo
Rookie Werewolf Game Thread- Take 2 Quote
