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01-31-2014 , 05:49 PM
mrgat, you said you did research on all the remaining players in the game last night in order to truly figure out their rules, staying up until 3:30 to do so

please fill me in on everything you've learned about my tendencies in past games and how that helped you clear me in this game
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01-31-2014 , 05:53 PM
I didn't go back and look at any of your old games. I read all your posts in this game and felt sufficiently confident that you were a villager due to your posting on d3 & d4. Basically you posted in a way that I think clears you because it would be extremely difficult to have the tone, reactions and depth of thinking that you showed in your conviction that me & bhuber were wolves.

I had it narrowed down between Vix & Mucks. So I went back and read that Vix game. I then read Vix's posts this game and was able to clear him. I did try to go back and look at some Mucks games but the ones I found were mish-mashes in SE and I don't like to compare people's play in mish-mashes in order to make reads on them in vanillas.
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01-31-2014 , 05:57 PM
I hinted a couple days ago (real life days) that I thought you were a villa. I didn't come out and say it clearly because I didn't want the wolf to know that I was probably never going to vote you.
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01-31-2014 , 07:02 PM
ok im home, lets talk. ask me anything
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01-31-2014 , 07:03 PM
This is to respond to the Mucks argument about me flipping the scripts by voting him. This is my progression on Vyk which shows my village read on vyk was developing before the moment mucks is talking about.

This post below starts on the day we lynched bhuber before TTT was killed. I become increasingly convinced over this day and the next that vyk is a villager. If I am a wolf, I would be doing this just at the time when I would need to get him mislynched the most. And I have a simple argument for why I could find vyk wolfy since he's tunneling me so it's not like it would have been hard to thunderdome him if I were a wolf.

Originally Posted by MrGatito
I'm actually kind of worried that either Vix or TTT could be a wolf here playing pretty well. Vix being more likely. I'm not sure that Vyk/Bhuber feels right and I could see Vyk being a villager some of the time. The problem is that if he is a villager playing this way then we are probably going to lose this game.

I'd also prefer to play this out an entire day as it's the most +ev thing for the village to do so that people can go back through Tappo etc and wolves don't want to have to post that extra day.

Originally Posted by MrGatito
Yea, I expect this to be bhuber/tappo. I was thinking vyk wasn't a wolf so was trying to figure out which one of vix/TTT it was.
Originally Posted by MrGatito
Vyk's posting was pretty villagery after the modkill too
I continue to find vyk villagery after the modkill of TTT. If I'm a wolf then this is just stupid because, as a wolf, I'm definitely not imagining I'm going to be lynching anyone other that Vyk at this point given the thread consensus had incorrectly poe'd it down to me & vyk.

Then the following day I hint that I think you are a villager below. By this time you were my 2nd strongest villa read after UAW.

Originally Posted by MrGatito
Vyk, if I'm a wolf then my only hope is to get you lynched right here, correct? What if I told you that I think your a villager?

I still need to work this out but that's where I'm heading.
In short, my village read of you developed just at the time that I would most need to be pushing you as a wolf. On the other hand, Mucks wolf read of you developed just at the time that he would most need to be able to get you mislynched should the opportunity arise at f3.
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01-31-2014 , 07:22 PM
"Vyk, if I'm a wolf then my only hope is to get you lynched right here, correct? What if I told you that I think your a villager?

I still need to work this out but that's where I'm heading."


This is exactly what i was talking about today vyk. You called him out on his plan, which was to sweet talk me at a f3. Since i am a villager, i started to think of the reasons why i was still alive and hadent been nk'd yet. Obviously its because im a noob, paranoid player who could be persuaded at a f3. This exact moment is when he flips the script. He gets you to believe that the only way he could ever be a wolf is if you die on that night. Of course that makes total sense, but at this point he's already hopped on board the vyk-villa train, which is bull**** bc i was the one who was trying to figure you out, not him. Now he has everyone so confused bc you didnt die that night. And i feel like at that moment in the game he had to completely flip the scipt and turn on me and begin to persuade you into thinking im a wolf.
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01-31-2014 , 07:28 PM

have you actually taken the time to read the quotes that i took the time to dig up explaining my case on gat?
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01-31-2014 , 07:37 PM
Its almost like he saw me grilling you, sponged my read and just took off with it.
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01-31-2014 , 08:27 PM
vyk, i've dug up some solid mechanical stuff to why i am a villager, mostly bc of both Tappo and TTT's push of me early on d1 and the unlikeliness that i am a wolf this game.

anyway, here we go...quotes incoming
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01-31-2014 , 08:30 PM
mucks, I read your case on gat
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01-31-2014 , 08:31 PM
mucks, you fail to understand that I don't care about mechanical stuff

I care about village t0an, attitude and thought process
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01-31-2014 , 08:32 PM
paranoia over an extended amount of time towards the same player eventually crosses over the rubicon from villagery to wolfy b/c after a certain point of you being paranoid about me, I have to ask myself, why the hell is mucks specifically so damn paranoid about me in particular

in fact mucks, I don't remember you commenting on mrgatito's role at all
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01-31-2014 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by tappokone
Alright, now we're getting somewhere. Why is that post unlikely for a wolf to make?
ok so this is d1, right when tappo starts to interrogate me about his interaction with birdie, which is also the same type of thing he did to zayana early in the game. he wants to get my reactions to birdie claiming wolf and continues to look me up for quite a while about it...
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01-31-2014 , 08:33 PM
mrgatito, you've explained your thought process very well

can you switch over and explain to me why I should understand that mucks is the wolf between both of you
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01-31-2014 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
paranoia over an extended amount of time towards the same player eventually crosses over the rubicon from villagery to wolfy b/c after a certain point of you being paranoid about me, I have to ask myself, why the hell is mucks specifically so damn paranoid about me in particular

in fact mucks, I don't remember you commenting on mrgatito's role at all
I thought Gat was a villager for most of the game, but once i got done questioning you the other day and you responding the way you did, i was almost positive that the last wolf was Gat and not in fact you. By the time i got around to clearing you, vix had already stated that noone should share their thoughts bc it could potentially help the last wolf. So i just shut up about what i was thinking. I remember saying a few times that i wanted to bounce ideas off of vix and uaw's head bc those were the two people that i trusted most in the game at the time, but i never got an opportunity to do that.
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01-31-2014 , 08:41 PM
mucks, if you openly thought that mrgatito was a villager all game and were suspicious of me most game, explain to me why gatito would open f3 by voting me as the wolf instead of waiting for the most likely scenario of you placing a vote on me first, thus giving him a free roll
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01-31-2014 , 08:41 PM
ok vyk i wont quote anything, but you need to at least go back and read the first couple of pages of the game to get a good understanding of why im not a wolf here.
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01-31-2014 , 08:49 PM
I'll be rereading
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01-31-2014 , 08:51 PM
mucks, if you were a villager, you'd be voting me in this f3 about 95% of the time

mrgatito is too competent of a player in my mind, not to drag you into f3 to have you snap vote me after being suspicious of me all game

there's just 0 reason for mrgatito to NK vix and then open day by voting for you
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01-31-2014 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
mucks, if you openly thought that mrgatito was a villager all game and were suspicious of me most game, explain to me why gatito would open f3 by voting me as the wolf instead of waiting for the most likely scenario of you placing a vote on me first, thus giving him a free roll
Because he was already invested in his villa lean on you. After our conversation where i was questioning you, he jumped in and started sucking up to you. Sniping my read away from me. Thats what I'm talking about when I say flip the script. You had figured out his plan. No way he's going to vote for you after that. He's going to do exactly what he did. Vote the other person and leave it up to you. And I think he did it bc of how wrong you've been all game. Hes banking on you getting it wrong.
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01-31-2014 , 08:59 PM
Votes from post 1711 to post 1820
Night in 48:00:58

1 mucksandgravs MrGatito (17)
1 MrGatito mucksandgravs (35)
1 not voting vyk07 (55)

Caution! Votes today are locked in. No vote changing or unvoting today.
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01-31-2014 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
mucks, if you were a villager, you'd be voting me in this f3 about 95% of the time

mrgatito is too competent of a player in my mind, not to drag you into f3 to have you snap vote me after being suspicious of me all game

there's just 0 reason for mrgatito to NK vix and then open day by voting for you
see thats what you're not understanding. i guess im not explaining myself well enough.

the whole reason i was questioning you is bc i was suspicious of you being a wolf. i wanted to get your reactions to the theories i had about you. Once i understood where you were coming from, i really wanted to believe you were a villager. i remember making a post after the questioning was over about how i was almost convinced you were a villager, but i wanted to get vix and uaw's thoughts before i moved forward. problem is, i was never granted that opportunity due to the silence ITT. So i had to make the decision for myself that my initial read of you in the game was right and i should question gat just like i did you the next day, but again i couldnt do that bc everyone was saying to STFU.

Then i find myself in a f3 with you and gat. Before i even get a chance to speak my mind, gat slaps a vote on me and proceeds to make his case. This obviously looks terrible for me bc im not there to defend myself. i have to phone post from work all day which is very tough especially when i wanted to lay out a case on gat that i had been preparing for the past day. so i proceed to try to do so while working which you werent loving bc you wanted more interaction with me and not old quotes from the thread explaining why i am a villager and gat is a wolf. if i was at my computer, at home i would have been able to do that. Now everything i say or do gets shut it down bc you already have a tainted perspective of the situation.
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01-31-2014 , 09:03 PM
mucks there was a post where gatito listed his previous wolf games

please comb through them and let me know if you find any similarities between those and his game here

thanks in advance
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01-31-2014 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
mucks, if you were a villager, you'd be voting me in this f3 about 95% of the time

mrgatito is too competent of a player in my mind, not to drag you into f3 to have you snap vote me after being suspicious of me all game

there's just 0 reason for mrgatito to NK vix and then open day by voting for you
i wasnt suspicious of you all game. in fact, i had you as a top villager lean mid way through the game. I started to tinfoil, mainly due to POE and i felt like you might be a good enough player to be wolfing here. i thought the final wolf was bhuber and we were going to postgame, but the next day the thread opened i remember thinking it was either you or gat. Gat wasnt in the thread if i remember right, but you were so thats when i began to look you up a bit.
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01-31-2014 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
mucks there was a post where gatito listed his previous wolf games

please comb through them and let me know if you find any similarities between those and his game here

thanks in advance
ok ill go that now
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