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The Revolution - Game Thread The Revolution - Game Thread

11-30-2007 , 05:41 PM

aside from the rather strange coincidence that she is home from work early on the day she role claims...

here is why kristie CAN NOT be telling the truth.

according to her role claim, she found chim last night bc someone was viewing him.

at 3.17 pm, when asked why she didnt role claim yesterday:

I would have been auto mod killed. I didn't know chim was evil then. I had to know my evil and my good before claiming.





Are you high? I don't think you read my post at all.
Lastchance viewed me... do I have to spell it out for you?

Please read what I wrote before you go crazy. You are obviously evil if you seriously read what I wrote.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:43 PM
The benefit here to you is a win, and to me is a potential ally that won't be killed should an end game scenario require one.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:46 PM
And Kristie -- I have no reason to lie because if you vote with us later if need be you are in as good a position as me. I only know one evil, you know zero. As long as you do as requested if they come out and say "games a lock, Kristie vote with us" I'm fine with this conclusion. You being alive is as good as me to my team in that scenario. It's not like I can be a part of any plan.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:49 PM
"I get to perform 3 actions during the game at night: 1. hack into a system and catch someone viewing a target. 2. hack into a system and check who is logged in. 3. hack into your own files and see who has checked you."

thats what you said. i dont see anywhere in there where you get to see who views you, and how it tells you they are good or evil.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:50 PM
chim is the sacrificial lamb here and kristy is trying to use him to clear herself. and wtf lastchance..
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:51 PM
"I get to perform 3 actions during the game at night: 1. hack into a system and catch someone viewing a target. 2. hack into a system and check who is logged in. 3. hack into your own files and see who has checked you."

thats what you said. i dont see anywhere in there where you get to see who views you, and how it tells you they are good or evil.
I get to perform 3 actions during the game at night: 1. hack into a system and catch someone viewing a target. 2. hack into a system and check who is logged in. 3. hack into your own files and see who has checked you.
1. Used and found that chim was viewed. (last night)
2. Used and found that jgunnip was logged to the revolution network. (night 1)
3. Used to check my file. I was viewed by lastchance. (night 3)
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:52 PM
still doesnt explain how you know last chance is the good seer..
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:53 PM
emphasis on good.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:53 PM
The problem with me revealing lc prior to him deciding to reveal is that he might decide not to verify after I sorta threw him under the bus; however, there are plenty of clues that he viewed me in the forum... so, I doubt he will.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:54 PM
WTF is going on why did everyone decide to roleclaim these last two days
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:54 PM
and if lastchance viewed you n3, and KNEW you would win a flip, then why did he vote mdorand last night and let it flip?
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:54 PM
The problem with me revealing lc prior to him deciding to reveal is that he might decide not to verify after I sorta threw him under the bus; however, there are plenty of clues that he viewed me in the forum... so, I doubt he will.
Don't worry about that.. LC has no reason not to claim now.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:55 PM
still doesnt explain how you know last chance is the good seer..
I also didn't give the full details of my views. What is your point?

I think I am done replying to you. Losing a game is not worth going back and forth with a wall.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:55 PM
still doesnt explain how you KNOW lastchance is good simply based on him viewing you.... ARE YOU GETTING THIS?
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:57 PM
why would lc not have claimed by now? he would know what kristy is about to do the second she starts role claiming, bc he suposedly viewed her n3 and knows her role!! where did he go?
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:57 PM
Kristie, what'd ya say.. can we count on you at endgame?
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:58 PM
...or that time.

Kristie/Books wagons would be super today.
And somehow the village's focus is shifted completely away from these wagons yet again. I don't think I've had a SINGLE WOLF SUSPECT OF MINE LYNCHED this game
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:58 PM
and if lastchance viewed you n3, and KNEW you would win a flip, then why did he vote mdorand last night and let it flip?
I viewed my [censored] file... I saw all views on me up to that point in the game. What the [censored] is wrong with you?
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:59 PM
you get to do all 3 things every night??? it just sounds CRAZY to me that you couldnt find a good guy and a bad guy before now...
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 05:59 PM
you get to do all 3 things every night??? it just sounds CRAZY to me that you couldnt find a good guy and a bad guy before now...
You are making this very difficult. She showed the 3 nights she chose.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 06:01 PM
Kristie, what'd ya say.. can we count on you at endgame?
I'm not sure what you mean. I'll be dead before then, because the village wants to waste a kill... so that helps y'all anyway.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 06:02 PM
Kristie, what'd ya say.. can we count on you at endgame?
I'm not sure what you mean. I'll be dead before then, because the village wants to waste a kill... so that helps y'all anyway.
You won't die because Jenn wants to kill you. My big post about ensuring I die if you help us if a situation arises when we need it.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 06:02 PM
fine. tarheels .

kristy, how about you do something usefull tonight with all of that neutrality..
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 06:03 PM
you get to do all 3 things every night??? it just sounds CRAZY to me that you couldnt find a good guy and a bad guy before now...
I'm seriously arguing with a [censored] wall. I could only use them once, and one at a time. I'm done answering your questions. I'll answer someone elses if they have them.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-30-2007 , 06:04 PM
Kristie --

Let's face it, I will not die soon because shooting me won't work (as you know) and I am not likely to be lynched soon with all the evils. I'm guaranteeing my death before you as long as (assuming you are alive) you will help us in an end game scenario if that comes up.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
