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The Revolution - Game Thread The Revolution - Game Thread

11-29-2007 , 07:31 PM
BGGers are definitely a lot less gunshy than we are.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:32 PM
If your claim is right I think you should pick someone that is UTR but that you read is possibly a wolf.

I think talking about it is of negative benefit.
That's what I do not understand here. I am not grasping why epi would come out. He's not someone who generally asks others to tell him what to think. He has just shown us he has copious notes. If he can't find the president, does he think I can? I'm barely able to skim through the posts each morning. I have some wolf leans, but pick a particular role?

If I had that role, I would take a shot tonight, true. I'd read what people say and decide for myself. I'm not understanding why epi is not doing that.
I agree completely.. but can you imagine a pro wolf role that comes out today like that? All he does is raise suspicion.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:33 PM
Screwing up isn't wolfy.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:34 PM
Screwing up isn't wolfy.
That's my point.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:34 PM
Screwing up isn't wolfy.
That's my point.
Cool. Just being succinct.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:34 PM
If Epi says stuff about who he's killing, he's going to only kill villagers if they got roleblock.

Yes, so us giving him tips is not all that smart, is it? If wolves see that we are targeting a wolf, epi gets stopped. If wolves see that we are targeting a villager, epi maybe doesn't. (If epi had played it a bit more level two... I dunno.)

If epi doesn't say anything about who he's killing, wolves are going to auto-roleblock.
Yes, that's one reason it's weird to come out if he's telling the truth. At best, he achieves not succeeding in his role; at worst, he gets eaten.

Whoah. Now I get it. Carry on, epi. *taps nose* You are vanillager, running cover for power roles. It just struck me.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:38 PM
how will the wolves see who I'm targeting? I said I wouldn't name my target. Lastchance summed up why.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:38 PM
If your claim is right I think you should pick someone that is UTR but that you read is possibly a wolf.

I think talking about it is of negative benefit.
That's what I do not understand here. I am not grasping why epi would come out. He's not someone who generally asks others to tell him what to think. He has just shown us he has copious notes. If he can't find the president, does he think I can? I'm barely able to skim through the posts each morning. I have some wolf leans, but pick a particular role?

If I had that role, I would take a shot tonight, true. I'd read what people say and decide for myself. I'm not understanding why epi is not doing that.
I agree completely.. but can you imagine a pro wolf role that comes out today like that? All he does is raise suspicion.
No, I don't think he's a wolf.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:39 PM
how will the wolves see who I'm targeting? I said I wouldn't name my target. Lastchance summed up why.
But you want us to talk about it. Wolves can read what you talk about (unless you do it in supersekrit white writing; apparently, that's unreadable for wolves).
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:39 PM
how will the wolves see who I'm targeting? I said I wouldn't name my target. Lastchance summed up why.
But if we discuss it it becomes a lot more obvious.

Discussion here is bad.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:39 PM
i have reasons, let me quote them, one sec
I don't get you people. One says I don't post enough content, another picks apart anything I do post... and points out a typo as an obvious reason for wolfishness? Is this because I said you seem defensive? You kept yelling serenity now or something... I didn't get it, you just seem way emotionally involved in the game. It isn't an insult, just an observation.

I would think, just as a thought... if there is a seer still, they would have viewed me by now. It is always hard to read a new player, so typically I'll pick one that I can't read for my view. I don't seem to have made anyone's safe list, so viewing me isn't a bad idea; however, lynching me before I try to get a handle on the players is just basically saying you don't want to play with me... I assume this is why you made a case here, but voted lastchance? Or at least I hope that is the case... because I'm not sure what to make of it.

still reading...

also I like the lists of people with opinions next to them, I'll do one of those once I finish reading.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:39 PM
with regard to posting my reads, I did that - well, i cribbed from OH largely - earlier today.
if i come up with anything new or see something i should expand on, ill of course post about it.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:40 PM
how will the wolves see who I'm targeting? I said I wouldn't name my target. Lastchance summed up why.
But you want us to talk about it. Wolves can read what you talk about (unless you do it in supersekrit white writing; apparently, that's unreadable for wolves).
they can see who people suggest. they dont know what weight i give to whos opinion.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:41 PM

Flirt all you want. I dont care. I was saying that you were flirting INSTEAD of getting involved, discussing, finding wolves, etc.
LOL. Poor Kristie. Professor GT1T is now in session, telling us how we all ought to be good villagers.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:42 PM
Hay Guise,

There is zero chance of me posting any more tonight. We just got back from the eye doctor and he put pupil dialating (or however you spell it) drops in my eyes. Nothing will be visible close up for the next 4-5 hours.

I'm locking MDD today and voting books (if he's alive) tomorrow. If we miss on either of those, JennFox and drzen need to go next.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:43 PM
how will the wolves see who I'm targeting? I said I wouldn't name my target. Lastchance summed up why.
But if we discuss it it becomes a lot more obvious.

Discussion here is bad.
That's what I'm saying. And saying, oh, they don't know who I listen to doesn't change that. They can see which way the wind seems to be blowing. For instance, if we are talking only about three, four villagers, they're like, let him shoot; but if we're talking only about three, four wolves, well, obviously not.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:43 PM
Epi, you can shoot me if you want, but I would strongly prefer you use the bullet that only kills me if I am the President (for obvious reasons). In your position I would shoot at someone who isn't likely to get lynched for some time. I would think the President would be keeping his/her head low and allowing the other wolves to be more active.

Epi is obviously telling the truth here, and I think there is a strong possibility he will get to shoot both bullets as there seemed to be a missed nightkill one night. I assume that I was shot at and protected, but I would expect an angel role to exist in this game. For that reason I like Epi's claim. The wolves probably have to kill him, but they risk getting blocked in the attempt. Then Epi shoots his second bullet and is out of powers. Now the wolves have to choose to kill him, or let him live as a confirmed villager, which is a commodity we need more of.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:43 PM
Hay Guise,

There is zero chance of me posting any more tonight. We just got back from the eye doctor and he put pupil dialating (or however you spell it) drops in my eyes. Nothing will be visible close up for the next 4-5 hours.

I'm locking MDD today and voting books (if he's alive) tomorrow. If we miss on either of those, JennFox and OH need to go next.
FYP, Mr McWolfenstein.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:47 PM
books - no matter who i shoot today, im obv using the armour piercing bullet. as to the rest, i hope you're right.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:48 PM
Ok Epi, then don't shoot me. It should be pretty obvious that my days are limited unless I deliver a miracle and I am assuredly not El Presidente.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:49 PM
Ok Epi, then don't shoot me. It should be pretty obvious that my days are limited unless I deliver a miracle and I am assuredly not El Presidente.
That bullet isn't President only...
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:53 PM
well, if people think talking about who i should shoot tonight is a bad idea, i guess we'd better talk about who we're lynching today.

[0] Bulletproof Monk
[0] Chim17
[0] drzen
[0] Epicurus voted for MDoranD
[0] FMXDA voted for OurHouse
[0] GetThere1Time voted for Kristiefix
[1] JennFox voted for Kristiefix
[0] jgunnip voted for OurHouse
[1] Kokiri voted for Kristiefix
[4] Kristiefix
[0] Kyro voted for JennFox
[0] Lastchance
[2] MDoranD voted for Kristiefix
[2] OurHouse voted for MDoranD
[0] Reno expat
[0] Solanthos
[0] tarheeljks
[0] WDCBooks voted for Kokiri
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:54 PM
Howdy. Just got home, I'll read up and post in a bit.
"time warp"?
Yes. I try to warn that it is a time warp because I go back to where I left off from last night and reply to people as I read... so sometimes I comment on stuff that has been cleared up already, etc. Sort of a warning that I haven't read everything yet.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:54 PM
Well duh, but I don't want to be shot.

I am sure everyone says that.

I was actually just thinking that in the history of POG I don't ever remember a wolf claiming to have peeked another wolf to boost their own credibility, with one exception. That was when Bobo PMed me at the start of a 9 man "check this out", he then came out as seer and named me as the wolf.

So basically were I a wolf I would be in the hallowed company of Bobojedafan as the only guy to use that ruse. Clearly we play similar styles so that would make sense.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-29-2007 , 07:54 PM
This post is turnips top to bottom.

Epi, you can shoot me if you want, but I would strongly prefer you use the bullet that only kills me if I am the President (for obvious reasons).
Very obvious reasons if you're the VP, books.

In your position I would shoot at someone who isn't likely to get lynched for some time. I would think the President would be keeping his/her head low and allowing the other wolves to be more active.
I think this depends very much on who the president is, precisely because people will make this level one read.

Epi is obviously telling the truth here
wubblewoo tea eff??

It is far, far from obvious. I'm leaning vanillager running cover, but his story is pretty ridiculous.

This is Epi we're talking about. Man of his own ideas. Big notebook. A guy who is willing to pick over the thread for clues. So he asks other people to tell him who to shoot? Not a chance.

Try to put yourself into the role. Would you come out like that? I wouldn't. I wouldn't be trying to get myself NK'd and I wouldn't be exposing myself.

I lean vanillager but serial killer looking to get "cleared" is also possible.

and I think there is a strong possibility he will get to shoot both bullets as there seemed to be a missed nightkill one night. I assume that I was shot at and protected, but I would expect an angel role to exist in this game. For that reason I like Epi's claim. The wolves probably have to kill him, but they risk getting blocked in the attempt. Then Epi shoots his second bullet and is out of powers. Now the wolves have to choose to kill him, or let him live as a confirmed villager, which is a commodity we need more of.
What? We are confirming him because he says so?
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
