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The Revolution - Game Thread The Revolution - Game Thread

11-27-2007 , 02:31 PM
Theory: books is telling the truth about Nich. books is also evil. Wolves would absolutely pile on books today in order to clear Nich.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:34 PM
Theory: books is telling the truth about Nich. books is also evil. Wolves would absolutely pile on books today in order to clear Nich.
except they can't now, can they...

if books is evil, why would he toss the vice president under the bus, given he sounds like he must be pretty strong power villain, unless he''s the pres. Unless it's like a dan quayle style VP, obv...
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:35 PM
he's saying that we lynch books, he comes up evil, we have no reason to lynch nich at that point
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:35 PM
dmk, if you're not going to post reasons for your thoughts, like why we should lynch someone else instead of one of them, you're not being provillage. Which means you come out looking wolfy. But by all means, keep digging your grave.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:36 PM
lol, not posting my reasons?!?!?!


lol digging my grave, rofffffffffl
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:37 PM
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:37 PM
Good post Luckay. I wonder if we should be reading into the color coding for the write-ups. Although blue-govt, green-revolution, isn't consistent with the n0 write ups, but perhaps if different on a night by night basis. There's also red.

Anyway, I think it is completely obvious that the government targeted cincity last night, seer hunting, why else would they ever kill her there??? Today we need to kill lastchance and figure out books/nich later when we have more info.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:37 PM
he's saying that we lynch books, he comes up evil, we have no reason to lynch nich at that point
and vice versa

and jgunnip is like 235927592359% clear holy shitake

wolves, just kill him tonight, he's totally clear yo
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:37 PM
lol, not posting my reasons?!?!?!


lol digging my grave, rofffffffffl
[hands dmk her inner peace pipe]
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:41 PM
Anyone want to go back and count how many one line posts like "omg solanthos is a wolf" or "lol i don't believe you books" dmk has posted today? Because I'm at work and getting ready to go to lunch, and I really don't feel like getting into a pissing match.

I think we need to look a little more closely than thinking I'm a wolf because I think it's dumb to NOT lynch one of those two people.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:41 PM
i don't do drugs, i just say no

also, stay in school kids
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:43 PM
he's saying that we lynch books, he comes up evil, we have no reason to lynch nich at that point
and vice versa

and jgunnip is like 235927592359% clear holy shitake

wolves, just kill him tonight, he's totally clear yo
wtf is this. why do you keep stating that I'm obv village. lol at talking to wolves. Are you an evil without communication with the rest of them? Why would you make these posts as a villager??? Please stop.

You have shot up my wolf-dar so fast today its not even funny. perhaps my very early read yesterday was correct.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:43 PM
Anyone want to go back and count how many one line posts like "omg solanthos is a wolf" or "lol i don't believe you books" dmk has posted today?
you found 2 so far

and this one makes 3

and then pretend i quoted this and said "4"
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:43 PM
he's saying that we lynch books, he comes up evil, we have no reason to lynch nich at that point
and vice versa

and jgunnip is like 235927592359% clear holy shitake

wolves, just kill him tonight, he's totally clear yo
But if we kill Nich and he comes up anything (even a different evil) other than VP then books looks bad and we are looking at lynching him again. I think this only provides protection if we were to lynch books first, have him come up wolf and then ignore Nich. The other way this works is if books is an evil more powerful than the VP, who gets us to look away from him by giving up his VP. This makes me think its better to lynch Nich before books.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:44 PM
wtf jgunnip? how am i talking to wolves by clearing villagers?

The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:45 PM
books probably is lying, but I think nightkills will eventually clear this up. LC is a better choice: actually peeked by a confirmed seer.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:46 PM
Theory: books is telling the truth about Nich. books is also evil. Wolves would absolutely pile on books today in order to clear Nich.
if both are evil, it depends on the relative powers of nich/books.

if books>nich, they pile on nich,
if nich>books, they pile on books,
if they're both relatively powerful wolves, then they have a freeroll.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:46 PM
Also, if lastchance turns up evil its clears at least three more people.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:47 PM
And I won't say who those people are so don't ask.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:47 PM
Theory: books is telling the truth about Nich. books is also evil. Wolves would absolutely pile on books today in order to clear Nich.
if both are evil, it depends on the relative powers of nich/books.

if books>nich, they pile on nich,
if nich>books, they pile on books,
if they're both relatively powerful wolves, then they have a freeroll.
This is completely ignoring the fact that nich had no heat at all so far. In fact he was ice cold

This makes any sneaky wolf plans extremely unlikely and it makes it more likely that books is trying to get someone lynched before him
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:48 PM
So on one hand we have Nich who I have a village read on (for some reason) this game, and on the other hand we have Books who everyone is throwing a hissy fit over people voting durron instead of him and who has come out with his most LOLish claim ever.

Hmmmm...tough choice.

Then we have LC who could've possibly been seer-peeked and mets who has quieted down a ton since I answered his question and antidan is not here to argue with him anymore. And of course FMX with last night's BS.

Decisions, decisions.

We also have Solanthos who's been barking at the moon for a while and drzen who stopped being confrontational/serious and started lightening up.

Herbie, how many [censored] wolves are in this game??

I'll vote for any of them. Just not Nich or koki today. DMK is off the hook. His tone went from wolf to villager rather quickly.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:50 PM
DMK is setting off my villager-with-blinders-dar pretty strongly today.

I'll be frank in that i don't really understand the books claim/nich situation fully, so i'm happy to stick with a LC vote for now. As I said, above, IF we go with Books/nich, i'd rather vote nich.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:50 PM

As the revolution forces gathered in a small warehouse planning their next move, a bomb went off outside. Rushing out they saw the body of Chuckleslovakian, who had been torn apart by the blast. Quickly putting him from their minds, the soldiers went ahead to carry out their orders.

Who kills revolution soldiers? Government or rogue revolutioners

They came on the small house silently and planted a bomb of their own. The Vice President was set to arrive within minutes. When his car pulled up he sent Antidan444 inside ahead of him to make sure the house was secure. He was sitting in his car when the bomb went off

who kills disloyal nsa agents? either side probably

The soldiers were used to following orders, and these came from the very top. They broke down the door and saw CinCity sitting naked in front of her computer, she turned around and gasped before being shot 11 times. The commander sighed. Always a nasty business, killing women, especially attractive ones who weren't wearing any clothes.


it wasn't a seer hunt
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:51 PM

i dont' necessarily think ppl pushing a lastchance lynch are wolves or villagers. just want to say that cincity wasn't a seer hunt from wolves
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:53 PM
chuckles is the one we need to be looking at for seer hints
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
