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The Revolution - Game Thread The Revolution - Game Thread

12-03-2007 , 05:41 PM
ourhouse, my cat avatar was here first and is clearly cooler.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by JennFox
are we back to normal where night is at 9 tonight?
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 05:59 PM
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 05:59 PM
Man, that sure is an awesome limehelm on that cat there.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Epicurus
i was impressed with how quickly you figured it out, although i dont know how objectively believable my story was.
Not very.

what i wasnt impressed with is why you outed me in the thread, which is something a villager sh/would never do.
I wanted you to be viewed with caution. Obv. a serial killer does not know who the wolves are, but most of the villagers who have been killed have not struck me as wolfy. I am not clear on who exactly is doing all the killing in this game. I'm not clear on exactly how many factions/role types there are. Wolves, villagers, semiwolves, semivillagers, anarchists.

I am willing to put myself at risk of being lynched for being "odd" to say that. I think there is a decent chance that there is a serial killer and I can see your story as being cover for one: you claim this role, get protected (clearly an angel or some protective role in this game or books is a wolf, and you could easily have gambled on that role's existing) and try to get yourself cleared. I know how you love to be cleared, epi!

I do not agree that a villager would never try to out a serial killer, or try to put it out there if he feels there might be one. Taking people at their word in a complex game doesn't seem smart; questioning everything does.

and this post is weird. how can i possibly be an ex sniper?
Dude, you run out of bullets. Didn't you say your supply was limited? I haven't been able to read this game too closely (probably shouldn't play complex games now that I'm busy at work) but I seem to recall that.

So I think you probably have been killing people in some way, but now can't, therefore your "confession".

Or you're a wolf playing the head[censored].

theres something up with you this game. you make much more sense than this normally.
Well, it makes sense to me. I am thinking 25% serial killer/25% vanillager who used to be sniper/25% vanillager who never was sniper/25% wolf [censored]ing with my head (for which I wouldn't thank you, because my head's all over the place in this game).

I don't mind admitting being confused. I don't see the value in pretending to understand the whole game. If you feel there was a downside to admitting that so far as you're concerned, and you turn out to be villager, I'll be sorry, but I don't see it. The value of being mindful that you can have other roles, and maybe talking you into a slip, are worth more to me.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Herbie, I think there's a mistake with your player list.

Books should've died several days ago.
You are that convinced books is a wolf?
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Solanthos
Man, that sure is an awesome limehelm on that cat there.
LOL. When considering why people always think you're a wolf, solycanthos, you might reflect on how little content you have posted in this game.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 06:39 PM
You can't make a logical comparison about why people *always* think I'm a wolf based on *this* game or any one game. I've changed from posting a significant amount of content to just posting what I'm thinking/basic opinions to see if maybe it was the level of detail that people thought was wolfy, but clearly it's not.

So, now I'm just going to post whatever I feel like posting at the given time, and if you think I'm wolfy, fine. It just means I have to defend myself a bit at times and try to get people to use actual logic instead of a feel-based read.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 06:53 PM
LOL. Whoah, defensive!

I mean that in this game, as in others, you do wolfy things, and this is one. Mind you, it doesn't seem you have set people's wolfdar off that much this game, so the change has probably worked. I don't think you're a wolf, myself, but I'm sort of working on the thesis that because I've thought you were a wolf every time you were a villager, and a villager the one time you were a wolf, I should probably bin my reads on you and take the odds unless you do something specific. You haven't, so I still have you as villager.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by drzen
You are that convinced books is a wolf?
Not really, but I remember when the whole thread was worried about him living through night TWO.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by drzen
You are that convinced books is a wolf?

Not really, but I remember when the whole thread was worried about him living through night TWO.


I know what you're saying.

On the negative side for books: he hasn't been NK'd; maybe a slight negative that there's been no real push to lynch him after that; still not sure why he would peek nichp and found his reason spurious.

On the positive side for him: I found him convincing; nichp was a wolf and I more than anyone can understand getting excited about peeking a power role and the awesome disappointment of its not turning out to be a powerful wolf.

Neutral for the moment: fmxda. We are lynching him purely on books' word, I think. I certainly didn't have him on my wolf list. I think it's a positive for books if fmx is what he says, although of course it doesn't clear him or anything.

I don't know whether we can risk books getting to the endgame or not. We have no idea when mustlynch is, because we don't know how many wolves there are. I guess there must be a prez, a VP, and whatever the hell fmx is supposed to be. But we don't know whether that's it. Also there seems to be about a million other people who have some sort of power. How many are anarchists? How many NSA agents, and on which side are they? I'd hate to "clear" a wolf and find myself at the end up against him and someone who is obv. a villager. But I do believe books. I'd sort of like him to post more though. Not about his role, but just in the capacity of villager. That's also a slight negative about him. He hasn't contributed that much as one of us.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 07:09 PM
you are 25% right....
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Epicurus
you are 25% right....
Are you a fan of Everett's multiworlds interpretation of quantum theory, epi? Because I'm pretty sure I'm 100% right in the right universe.

The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 07:11 PM
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 07:12 PM
yeah. Everetts multi thingy rocks my world. and i totally know what you're talking about.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 07:22 PM

We lynched Nich solely based on books' word. What's the difference between he and FMX?

Here's one line of logic I don't disagree with at all - If FMX turns out to not be a wolf role, Books dies tomorrow. I mean, I don't subscribe to all the conspiracy theories that he's the VP and threw his Body Double under the bus... but if it IS true, we'll find out tonight IMO, because I don't think he can throw another wolf under the bus this late in the game.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 07:34 PM
Notice that FMX also has not even tried to defend himself anymore. He's resigned to dying tonight. I think that's pretty telling, because he would be trying and trying to dig up defense... DEFINITELY so if he was a power villager, and I'm pretty sure he would be doing it anyway even if he was a vanillager.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Solanthos

We lynched Nich solely based on books' word. What's the difference between he and FMX?
I'm not seeing a difference. But nichp was a wolf, so books' word is 1 for 1 atm.

Here's one line of logic I don't disagree with at all - If FMX turns out to not be a wolf role, Books dies tomorrow. I mean, I don't subscribe to all the conspiracy theories that he's the VP and threw his Body Double under the bus... but if it IS true, we'll find out tonight IMO, because I don't think he can throw another wolf under the bus this late in the game.

So it totally clears books, in your view, if fmx is a wolf?

Explain to me why, if this was true, and if there was a decent chance that most villagers felt the same way, this would not be an automatic play for "tough wolf" books?
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Solanthos
Notice that FMX also has not even tried to defend himself anymore. He's resigned to dying tonight. I think that's pretty telling, because he would be trying and trying to dig up defense... DEFINITELY so if he was a power villager, and I'm pretty sure he would be doing it anyway even if he was a vanillager.
sol, I don't think anyone is suggesting fmx is not a wolf, one way or the other (except fmx ldo). Certainly I'm not.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by Solanthos
Notice that FMX also has not even tried to defend himself anymore. He's resigned to dying tonight. I think that's pretty telling, because he would be trying and trying to dig up defense... DEFINITELY so if he was a power villager, and I'm pretty sure he would be doing it anyway even if he was a vanillager.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 07:45 PM
Yeah, I think so, but I really don't think anything you say at this point is going to matter anyway. So it's a moo point.

You know, because it's like a cow's opinion. It's all moo.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 08:23 PM

Nothing is going to "automatically" clear books in a game with such little information. All we can do is make an educated guess. What we do know:

-Books told us to lynch Nich, who he peeked. The story there obviously checks out. I don't see why everyone thinks the peek is so strange. Nich lays fairly low and only really comes in to comment with some strategy garble. Any game that I've been a seer, Nich has been on my peek list.

-Books comes out with another evil. This is obviously to his credit assuming he's telling the truth. I don't see the benefit of faking this peek unless we're closer to impending doom than we know.

Now for some opinion

Books hasn't died. Yes, it's kinda shady but there has always been the chance of some protection power floating about . Furthermore, he's made a few reads based on his own role. While this may seem like an obvious thing to do, it's intuitive more than anything and we all do it on some level. I don't think something like that would be as apparent if he weren't telling the truth
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by drzen
Explain to me why, if this was true, and if there was a decent chance that most villagers felt the same way, this would not be an automatic play for "tough wolf" books?


gt1t, I don't see how he can't make the same plays as tough wolf. I believe books, but I don't want us to throw scepticism out of the window.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 08:44 PM
I'm not saying he can't, just that it's less likely.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
12-03-2007 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by GetThere1Time
I'm not saying he can't, just that it's less likely.
That's my feeling too.
The Revolution - Game Thread Quote
