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Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread

05-20-2012 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by teddyyyr1974
Who's there?
A Fred
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
And where is VoraciousReader?

Cant remember her last post.
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Or JD/Mac for that matter
Complains about JD and Mac being MIA.

I quoted a bunch more where Steve is still on Felix. I think that's pretty much beating a dead horse now.

Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
Really feel like vig hasn't been getting quite enough recognition for being just plain awesome.

Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
This was 1 hour before EOD. Hifi had 5 votes and Aksdal had 2.

Don't think Steve does this to a partner, especially when Jim sponges him to make it 4.

Originally Posted by JimHalpert
aksdal works too
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Alright no way I'm switching now with felix on hifi, I'm out till EOD
Left his vote on Askdal, a close 2nd or 3rd wagon at the time.

finally, villa points for Askdal

Originally Posted by TBobLP
The nothing is like never a wolf here. I am almost convinced.
Originally Posted by TBobLP
TN I can't imagine you being a wolf here but wtf are you doing? Who did you sponge with that willi vote?
Originally Posted by Willi
Maybe? I think he mentioned TN some kind of TN villageriness earlier too.
Did anyone else besides willi think this may have been a peek of me?

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Jim & SYF

Mac is playing like a tard, I dont believe he is the seer.
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
I get that but when someone claims seer out of left field like that my initial thought isn't to lynch them.
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Well either you are misremembering the timing or misrepresenting it.

I wanted to lynch him and voted him BEFORE his claim.

The timing of his claim makes no sense. He didnt have many votes on him and his peek VMF only had 4 posts.

Why would a Seer claim here? Somebody tell me that.
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
I don't know, it's dumb but why would a wolf do it?
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Why would a villager do it?

None of it makes sense.
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
You're right.

That's why I said earlier that I want to review Mac. You and I are almost saying the same thing here

I'm giving Magic some villa points for this interaction

Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Mac claimed and then unclaimed seer. Mac is still alive which I think means 1 of 2 things:

Mac's a wolf
1 of Mac's peek is a wolf and that's why he's still alive today and he was fps'ing trying to draw a wolf NK
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
So felix...

Are you completely disregarding the fact that mac can be a wolf or that 1 of his peeks could possibly be a wolf?
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
I really hate that felix isn't even answering my question about whether or not it's possible that mac could be a wolf or that 1 of his peeks could be a wolf.

Felix in wolf chat asking for suggestions on how to answer the question?
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
1. I feel very strongly that he's villa based on pretty extensive game experience with him.
2. It's certainly possible that one of his peeks is a wolf, I just don't think we can give that possibility as much weight as you'd like because of confounding factors. If wolves NKd a vanilla last night I'd give it more weight, but nabbing the angel is pretty huge there.

I think maybe looking at the whole shenanigan becomes more productive later on when more information is out there.
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
Fwiw I'm at work and had to actually do something for a minute. (The horror!)

Totally not surprised that you took yet another opportunity to call me a wolf for no particular reason after promising to approach me with an open mind.
also more villa points for Felix for this interaction. Also some villa points to Mac

Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
I did a lot with necro already so I'd give iversonian a go...

Also, VR and chrja should also be a priority because absolutely no one has given them a strong lean 1 way or the other which I see as dangerous.
More suspicion for VR and chrja - villa points for chrja
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan

This vote looks very good for Mac, Iver may have spewed mac villa. More villa points for Mac
Okay, to the first point, how is a random vote from Iversonian on Mac in the middle of the day a good vote for Mac?

Second point, that does NOT spew Mac villa. I don't see that at all.

Not sure about this here. He seems to be going back and forth on Mac. Some things he does makes me think he's trying to cast suspicion on Mac (like the argument about the seer claim) but then he does stuff like this. Saying Mac is cleared by these couple of posts from Iversonian. I don't think they make him look good, am i wrong?
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 01:22 PM
Has Steve wolfed many times before?

I think I may have to put more weight in the people he was hating on and less on the people he was loving on. I still can't get over how much he was gushing over teddy and switch, though.
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 01:29 PM
I would also like to say how much is SUCKS that the first 2 dead wolves in the game had less than 50 posts between them. Most of what we have to go on wrt to spew is Steve.
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
Has Steve wolfed many times before?

I think I may have to put more weight in the people he was hating on and less on the people he was loving on. I still can't get over how much he was gushing over teddy and switch, though.
You think I'm a wolf here, ever?
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan

I see that OR also did a case on VR which I think is much more beneficial because I find myself a bit lost in some of their interactions since it seems heavily based on their history with each other.

I feel conflicted on VR because I don't have a reference point for a lot of her arguments

On another note:

I'm starting to find people who voted McAvoy early suspect given that I feel like wolves are trying to use him as a mislynch
The statement regarding OR and VR says absolutely nothing. It's like he wanted to mention OR without saying anything about her.

Comes to the defense of Mac here. Again, i don't know what this means, he's back and forth on Mac.

Originally Posted by McAvoy
Here is an example of why I would normally clear OR if I didn't already have her as clear.

Look at the way she is talking about wolf chat. She's talking in hypotheticals, like if she was in wolf chat, it wouldn't change whether someone is a he or she.

But the wording and tone of it is VERY IMPORTANT. She's doing so in a way, that she wouldn't be able to fake if she was in wolf chat, the wording is just too hypothetical.
Felix responds to this saying "this makes no sense"

I gotta agree

Originally Posted by chrja

anybody have any strong opinions on him?
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
I think this is a bad vote,

heading home from work
Makes me a bit at willi/supine
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
You think I'm a wolf here, ever?
I'm saying the one dead wolf that actually posted in thread gushed over practically everything you did. It makes me suspicious. I know wolves will gush over villagers to mix it up. With teddy, it was more excessive.

I'm going to continue to read now that I have time to do so. I'm keeping an open mind to anyone and everyone. Based on what Steve had to say about you, you aren't clear to me. After re-reading YOU and your interactions with everyone else, it's possible I change my mind.

I think that's fair.
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 01:48 PM
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
You think I'm a wolf here, ever?
TN appears to be ignoring, like, everything that has happened today in his analysis.

Not sure how I feel about that.
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
I'm saying the one dead wolf that actually posted in thread gushed over practically everything you did. It makes me suspicious. I know wolves will gush over villagers to mix it up. With teddy, it was more excessive.

I'm going to continue to read now that I have time to do so. I'm keeping an open mind to anyone and everyone. Based on what Steve had to say about you, you aren't clear to me. After re-reading YOU and your interactions with everyone else, it's possible I change my mind.

I think that's fair.
How can I not be clear to you? I'm an uncountered RB who gave the village the SK, who also just happens to have claimed.
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
TN appears to be ignoring, like, everything that has happened today in his analysis.

Not sure how I feel about that.
Yeah. I guess I am. I wanted to do some work and I jumped right in on a re-read of the last wolf killed.

Originally Posted by Swiitch
How can I not be clear to you? I'm an uncountered RB who gave the village the SK, who also just happens to have claimed.
lol, sorry!

I saw Felix's claim but I did not see yours.
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
Players left: 15 (3 wolves, 1 SK, 5 clear/claim villas, 6 unclear villas)
Me - villa vig
Swiitch - villa RB
Teddy, Mac - lovers

Tehtoes - peeked villa

Unknowns in no order:
Sun Tzu

Worst case scenario: we lynched an unclear villa. unblocked VR kills a cleared villa (say Tehtoes). Wolves NK Swiitch. I kill an unknown villa. Leaving 3 wolves, 3 clear/claim villas, 4 unclear villas, 1 SK = 11 remaining. We lynch VR, I am RBd, wolves kill lovers. 3 wolves, 1 claim villa, 4 unclear villas. We lynch an unclear villa, I am RBd, wolves kill me, parity is reached.

We have potentially as few as 2 mislynches left. We have 3 if VR does not get a kill. VR is effectively a mislynch herself, meaning leaving her alive today is a wash if she kills a villa.

By my math we have to clear 4 unknowns in the worst case. If you asked me right now I'd say chrja, Supine/Willi, magic_gazz and have trouble coming up with a 4th, but possibly OrangeRake.
Okay we need to clear 4

Aksdal - I don't think he is a wolf, he isn't playing his Villager A-Game but he hasn't been wolfy. Furthermore should he be a wolf he would have been the only one on Necro day 1 - If that was the case I think he would feel bad and therefor bring his best wolf game - This isn't him really trying.

OR - She is 95% fluff and the only reason she is alive is mac's ******ed play so far she has done nothing all game, BUT i reread that game she linked where she was a villager and it wasn't any different.
- So far i have to trust mac or else i will just blame him post game for loosing the game

Gazz - I don't think this is his wolf game - He seems to be trying to solve the game.

J.D. - I need more from him, i don't think i have ever seen a wolf game of his where he is actually trying, but so far this resembles his villa game.

TN - I find her wolfy, but she does keeps on trying and looks like she is actually trying to solve the game. right now i wouldn't clear her.

Supine/Willi - I found Willi wolfy, without being able to say why - So far supine hasn't been that great a sub - Supine help me solve this game, i actually think i am pretty good at reading you but i need you to put on your work pants and work your ass off.

Nofear/VMF - VMF was wolfy, nofear isn't different.

Sun Tzu - Need more where is he? btw i think its roleneutral from sun to be missing he isn't afraid to post in either role.

chrja - Villa

BTW the argument between sun and vmf looked a lot like an argument sun had in another game where he got pissed at one of his wolf mate and bussed him hard. Does anybody know if sun and vmf got any history ?

Conclusion - right now i am clearing: Aksdal, Magic, Myself - and I am willing to trust mac on OR furthermore i don't think JD is a wolf.

I can't find a wolf team that doesn't have Willi/supine on it so he should probably go first. after him i would go vmf>TN>sun
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 03:02 PM
OK - we have
Switch - RB
Felix - Vig

and the fact that we have no one disputing Mac/Teddy means they are clear.

okay, i'm going to take what Steve said discounting others as spew and nothing else. He continually casts doubt on chrja and felix and tehtoes. He also makes a big deal about JD not being involved.

At first glance, it also looked like he was hating on VMF but he actually flip flops on him. So, not sure about VMF/Nofear.

This leaves

Of those, Steve interacts almost none with willi, Sun and OR.

There's my pick for the remaining wolf team.

VoraciousReader is the lynch today?
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 03:04 PM
Forgot to include VMF/Nofear on my "this leaves" list.

In order of V --> W
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 03:26 PM
willi's start

Originally Posted by Willi
Aksdal pretty much villager already.

And I agree that Felix start look bad for me too. Based on some Felix posts and his own posts too I would add VMF to wolfy list. This is thin, but when I went to bed i read like little more than an one page and my brain was telling me. Felix is a probably wolf and VMF too.
Originally Posted by Willi
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
Originally Posted by Willi
He is my friend and I can confidendtally say that he is working Euro who sometimes goes to sleep pretty early. He is kinda UTR as a wolf, but he does not hide and would have made a post if he would have a time. So give him time, because I think he is not too hard to read compared to other players. If you just vote him then he sometimes has trouble with it and wastes too much time about going back and forth about it. So give him time and find someone else so far.
defending necro

Originally Posted by Willi
Yeah, wolfy it up. Would be lolz if you would be lynched in day1 as a wolf in Cross game.
Originally Posted by Willi
One part of why VMF is wolfy that he tries too hard. It is like his 3rd vote on page 1 and it does not seem at all natural or funny.
this is what villa VMF does every game.

Originally Posted by Willi
This pretty much opposite I have with my reads. I know it is only page 1, but I had pretty opposite feelings about page 1. Also Felix is probably a player who would not push his teammates and I think he would probably more or less defend his mates.

So he is pretty good lynch. Some other players are finding him wolfy too and I think we could read him for spew. I am not votig him yet, but getting more and more tempted.
more heat on Felix

Originally Posted by Willi
Look at this first post. Sayin that it is villagery from VR to go after OR. Then votes Orangerake.

Now Orangerake is main villager lean and VR is suspicious bc of pushing OR.

Probably there is some post between them, but atm without reading more it seems bad for a VMF.
more heat on VMF

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Its not just his downplaying his wolf game that I found wolfy.

These are a bunch of his posts.

Here are the timings of them:


I just find some of the jumps and things he says not make sense in those timeframes.

Like when he says everyone thinks Swiitch is a villager. That wasnt early, that was more a recent thing. If he has just came into the thread, how does he know this?
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Also its 4 mins from his first post to when he points out there hasnt been a vote count. How does he know that so fast?
this pressure that Magic puts on Iversonian feels like it should be clearing.
i'm taking Magic off of "people to clear" list and putting him on my clear list.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Willi, I dont have a read on you yet.

What do you think about my case on Iveronian?
Originally Posted by Willi
It is not bad, but I would like to see what Iversonian answers.
willi hedging, doesn't want to answer.

i do think we need to resolve willi soon. i believe it will spew a few people clear, possibly VMF and Felix based on this first page. Me, too, actually.
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by teddyyyr1974
To lighten up the mood of the game, I will oblige.

Who's there?
i hope you aren't still waiting

it's fun being in the thread all alone
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 03:36 PM
What do you find wolfy about OR? So you think if Willi is a wolf, OR & Sun are his partners?

What do you think about Sun calling you wolfy all game, then ot wanting to vote ubanymore TheNothing?
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Willi
Necro is good lynch candidate too. Like Felix and TheNothing. VMF and Hifi ain't too bad either.And I would not blame much anyone for lynching Mac or Captain.
This post is kinda weird if willi is a wolf. offering up necro like that... I guess it could be a bus. But then the rest of the good lynch candidates are me (villa), Felix (villa vig), VMF (?), Hifi (villa), Mac (mason) and binkles (villa).

Originally Posted by McAvoy
What do you find wolfy about OR? So you think if Willi is a wolf, OR & Sun are his partners?

What do you think about Sun calling you wolfy all game, then ot wanting to vote ubanymore TheNothing?
I really need to read OR more to see if I think she's been wolfy or if I'm taking on others reads of her. The only thing I've pointed out at this stage is that Steve, the only dead wolf who talked, might have mentioned her once. I think that's telling when he talked about most everyone.

I feel like willi being a wolf makes a lot of sense. I'm in the middle of my re-read of him.

Sun, I am not confident about.

You DO seem to be stuck on that EOD and it's odd to me that you keep on it.
I mean, Jim shows up to tell everyone he's got a very clear tell and for all of us to trust him. He says Steve is a wolf. Several people in the thread jumped right on. He ended up being right.

How does Sun voting for Steve and not me, make him a wolf? I mean, Steve WAS a wolf. Sun voted for the wolf over me, the non-wolf. Just for that reason alone, I'm now thinking Sun is not a wolf because he could have taken me out. But some of his actions have been funky.

I was trying to figure out who to read next. I need to read Willi, Sun and OR to be more confident.

But yeah - gun to my head, Willi and OR. Sun less so.
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
What do you find wolfy about OR? So you think if Willi is a wolf, OR & Sun are his partners?

What do you think about Sun calling you wolfy all game, then ot wanting to vote ubanymore TheNothing?
Mac, have you re-evaluated your read on OR at all since early day 1?

As far as I can tell it's just kind of a fake-peeky thing that has continued unabated and I feel like you're "tunneling" her villager.

I'd like to see updated thoughts on her. I can't get a solid read. IMO there's not much to read here.

On TN: doing villagery work today imo. Still don't know what to think about going straight to rereading for spew before assessing today's situation. Kind of leaning wolfish on that bit because I'd imagine a villager would be interested in being up-to-date before starting a reread. One other thing I noticed that I didn't want to get into before was that it seemed like she was faking lover d1 (with JimH I think? or was it binkles?) which does show a villagery mindset of trying to draw a NK; I don't think a wolf would bother to think of that.

I can't clear TN but she is closer to the end of my list of possible wolves than the beginning now.

I do think it's important to work on clearing 4 villagers rather than picking a wolf team. It's easier for wolves to operate when they can just pick a couple people to push on any particular day than when they have to clear people for good reasons and progress from there. I want to make things as difficult for the wolves as possible.

Oh, and since it's Sunday, I'd like some vig target ideas from the crowd, along with brief reasoning on why they are good targets for tonight.
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 04:02 PM
Votes as of post 3470
Night in 03:58

5 VoraciousReader Aksdal (33), chrja (2), magic_gazz (27), teddyyyr1974 (84), TheNothing (20)
2 Nofear3838 Felix the Cat (36), Tehtoes (11)
2 Sun Tzu McAvoy (61), OrangeRake (47)
1 teddyyyr1974 Nofear3838 (33)
1 unvote Swiitch (58)
4 not voting J.D. (20), Sun Tzu (0), Supine (5), VoraciousReader (21)
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
One reliable tell I noticed is people being upset when others ignore them or don't put them on their lists, etc. Wolves want to post without having to interact much. Confirming willi villa lean.
iversonian trying to give willi villa points

BUT after this MQ willi did, I am again unsure.

Willi points out that Iversonian asks OR what her main account was. This doesn't seem to me like something a wolf would ask their teammate in thread.

He also points out that Iversonian keeps calling for hotwingz (Sun) to post because he wants to vote him. What do you all think about that? Would a wolf call out a fellow wolf bc he's not posting in a jokey way like that? Or would he call out a non-posting villager who always gets heat before he even starts?

And people wonder why I always talk about my confidence level. 2 hours ago, I was FOR SURE willi and OR and Sun are all wolves. After a tiny bit of looking, I am no longer sure of anything.
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
One other thing I noticed that I didn't want to get into before was that it seemed like she was faking lover d1 (with JimH I think? or was it binkles?) which does show a villagery mindset of trying to draw a NK; I don't think a wolf would bother to think of that.
not sure at all what this is about. If it's about s being thrown, that's role neutral and it happens every game because we all love each other lots and lots and are BFFS 4EVER.
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat

Oh, and since it's Sunday, I'd like some vig target ideas from the crowd, along with brief reasoning on why they are good targets for tonight.
my 2 cents would be that we would learn a lot from resolving willi, OR or maybe VMF/Nofear.

And I am hating having to type OR for Orangerake because it just reads as or and I keep having to read everything slowly... lol
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
05-20-2012 , 04:12 PM
even though Steve gave JD a lot of heat for not being around, I guess he's still game as an uncleared.

I've gotta get going soon but here's where I am.




NoFear (VMF)
Sun Tzu

I will really try to read some more before EOD.
Revenge of the Supermodels Vanilla+ WW Game Thread Quote
