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Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50

02-21-2011 , 12:19 AM
man, i suck.

if you ever run another one these i'll have to do better knowing how spot on atakdog is.
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by TheDean1
man, i suck.

if you ever run another one these i'll have to do better knowing how spot on atakdog is.
that will be a good time to learn how spot on TimeLady is
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by amplify
that will be a good time to learn how spot on TimeLady is
That's just mean.

truth hurts though
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:23 AM
Atakdog sweeps his third category. It will take a failure in science for him not to win.

But based on his knowledge of elemental iron from the You Don't Know Jack quiz, I think all of you may be playing for 2nd.

atakdog 5 5 4 5 500
gusmahler 4 4.5 5 3 270
sportsjefe 3 3 5 3 135
Dwetzel 3 3 3.5 4 126
Tom1975 2 3 3 3 54
RollWave 4 4 3 1 48
OutKicked 2 3 2 3 36
NumberSix 2 3 1.5 3 27
metsandfinsfan 2 1 2.5 4 20
sopoRific 2 2 2 2 16
TheDean1 2 2 2 2 16
kioshk 2 3 4 0.5 12
pwnsall 2 3 1 2 12
Donkey OT 2 3 0.5 3.5 10.5
amplify 2 0.5 4 2 8
Aaronk56's Son 2 1 2 1 4
BirdPoker 2 1 1 2 4
InsureMePlz 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Atakdog sweeps his third category. It will take a failure in science for him not to win.

But based on his knowledge of elemental iron from the You Don't Know Jack quiz, I think all of you may be playing for 2nd.
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:26 AM
21:In kilograms, what was the weight of the Colossal Squid caught by New Zealand fishing boat in 2007, which is thought to be the largest squid ever found?

TheDean1 241
NumberSix 256
metsandfinsfan 338
kioshk 400
BirdPoker 600
atakdog 990
InsureMePlz 1000
gusmahler 1000
sopoRific 1250
OutKicked 1350
Aaronk56's Son 1500
Donkey OT 5000
Tom1975 5000
RollWave 5500
sportsjefe 6800
Dwetzel 9000
amplify 11111
pwnsall 50000
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:26 AM
dude, i suck as it is. don't gyp me a half point.
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:28 AM
It was 495 kilos.

BirdPoker 1.212121212
kioshk 1.2375
metsandfinsfan 1.464497041
NumberSix 1.93359375
atakdog 2
InsureMePlz 2.02020202
gusmahler 2.02020202
TheDean1 2.053941909
sopoRific 2.52525252
OutKicked 2.727272727
Aaronk56's Son 3.03030303
Donkey OT 10.1010101
Tom1975 10.1010101
RollWave 11.11111111
sportsjefe 13.73737374
Dwetzel 18.18181818
amplify 22.44646465
pwnsall 101.010101
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:28 AM
I just looked this up, it should clearly have been called the Pretty Large Squid. (I also should have gone with the OTHER 2+2 meme number instead of "over 9000".)
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Donkey OT
dude, i suck as it is. don't gyp me a half point.
I'm looking at this now.
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:30 AM
omg i win! hahaha
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:35 AM
I see what I did; I'm fixing it now.
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:36 AM
damn straight you will. i want to be proud of my 14th place finish. don't rig it so i come in 16th!
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
I just looked this up, it should clearly have been called the Pretty Large Squid. (I also should have gone with the OTHER 2+2 meme number instead of "over 9000".)
If you were going for over 9000 you should have at least put 9001 :P
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:36 AM
This should be right (I hope)

atakdog 5 5 4 5 500
gusmahler 4 4.5 5 3 270
sportsjefe 3 3 5 3 135
Dwetzel 3 3 3.5 4 126
Tom1975 2 3 3 3 54
RollWave 4 4 3 1 48
OutKicked 2 3 2 3 36
NumberSix 2 3 1.5 3 27
metsandfinsfan 2 1 2.5 4 20
sopoRific 2 2 2 2 16
TheDean1 2 2 2 2 16
kioshk 2 3 4 0.5 12
pwnsall 2 3 1 2 12
Donkey OT 2 3 0.5 4 12
amplify 2 0.5 4 2 8
Aaronk56's Son 2 1 2 1 4
BirdPoker 2 1 1 2 4
InsureMePlz 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by kwami42
If you were going for over 9000 you should have at least put 9001 :P
got lazy obv
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:37 AM
oh sweet, i'm beating gr(amp)
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:38 AM
22: How many millimeters are in one mile?

1,609,344. Way too many of you got this one exactly right.

pwnsall 160300
kioshk 1500000
metsandfinsfan 1513666
RollWave 1574000
atakdog 1609344
Dwetzel 1609344
gusmahler 1609344
TheDean1 1609344
sportsjefe 1609344
OutKicked 1609344
Tom1975 1609344
sopoRific 1609356
NumberSix 1609360
Donkey OT 1612903
Aaronk56's Son 1666667
amplify 1745333
BirdPoker 2100000
InsureMePlz 58088000
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:39 AM
atakdog 1
Dwetzel 1
gusmahler 1
TheDean1 1
sportsjefe 1
OutKicked 1
Tom1975 1
sopoRific 1.000007456
NumberSix 1.000009942

Donkey OT 1.00221146
RollWave 1.022454892
Aaronk56's Son 1.035618861
metsandfinsfan 1.063209453
kioshk 1.072896
amplify 1.084499647
BirdPoker 1.304879504
pwnsall 10.0395758
InsureMePlz 36.09420981
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:40 AM
god damnit
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
22: How many millimeters are in one mile?

1,609,344. Way too many of you got this one exactly right.
You said we could calculate.
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:41 AM
23: What is the molecular weight (grams/mole) of Tadalafil, commonly known as Cialis? (One mole is approximately 6.02*10^23 molecules)

BirdPoker 2
metsandfinsfan 4
OutKicked 5
Donkey OT 20
Aaronk56's Son 42
NumberSix 57
pwnsall 58
InsureMePlz 68
kioshk 100
sopoRific 200
TheDean1 201
RollWave 240
atakdog 330
gusmahler 350
Tom1975 1220
amplify 1715
Dwetzel 7250
sportsjefe 1E+15
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:43 AM
It is 389.404 g/mol

gusmahler 1.112582857
atakdog 1.180012121
RollWave 1.622516667
TheDean1 1.937333333
sopoRific 1.94702
Tom1975 3.132992984
kioshk 3.89404
amplify 4.404166367
InsureMePlz 5.726529412

pwnsall 6.713862069
NumberSix 6.831649123
Aaronk56's Son 9.27152381
Dwetzel 18.61819601
Donkey OT 19.4702
OutKicked 77.8808
metsandfinsfan 97.351
BirdPoker 194.702
sportsjefe 2.56803E+12
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:45 AM
Second to last question:

At what temperature Kelvin does mercury boil? (Kelvin temp. = Celsius temp. + 273.15)

InsureMePlz 1
kioshk 150
OutKicked 150
pwnsall 190
sopoRific 200
BirdPoker 200
Tom1975 200 <--It's a liquid at room temperature.
NumberSix 345
Dwetzel 350
metsandfinsfan 400
TheDean1 400
amplify 417
Donkey OT 500
atakdog 660
Aaronk56's Son 666
gusmahler 789
RollWave 900
sportsjefe 4000
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
02-21-2011 , 12:46 AM
you're ******** me.

i thought it was degrees celsius. add a quick 273.15 to my answer, pls.
Reveal: 1k Guesstimania 50/50 Quote
