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11-18-2013 , 06:37 PM
The zayana thing does seem a little too much fps, but not moving you off the wolfy list just yet.
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11-18-2013 , 06:37 PM
zayana please explain how you missed how the guns work when duck (I think) was right there pointing it out to you.
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11-18-2013 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Zayana
It wasn't... I mean if I was a wolf, I'd have been like obvious wolf with x-ray gun pew pew... rather than going over it with a bunch of people I think are villa's itt first.

*laugh* yeah, but I know I'm a villager and I think it's silly to put yourself in your own list... and I think I changed it to wolf points to clarify. It also means that when I get a "read" on you, I'll move you. Notice yg isn't in that list, because I read him as a villager, regardless of his ridiculous full rand shot. I'm not dumb, I know villa's will likely kill some villa's since villagers don't have perfect reads. But wolves will also kill some villagers...

Why did you shoot at CT? I apologize if that has been covered already, if so just tell me so and I'll read back.

Ok, nm, that was a retaliation shot... you can just go back into a nfi bucket...
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11-18-2013 , 06:43 PM
aight we back

also just realized that ihcjay is the leading poaster itt so, yeah, probably a villager who is MAD that i called him a woalf the past few games
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11-18-2013 , 06:44 PM
To be fair he was a wolf the past few games.
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11-18-2013 , 06:44 PM
How many shats are still left? I have a feelng wolves ghana be snipingg nearer to eod
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11-18-2013 , 06:48 PM
i got a shat left, deciding between gunz and targets
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11-18-2013 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Duckburg
No seriously.. listen to me:

So it never reaches the target...
Earth suits(magnetic is ineffective)

Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator is A space gun....

OK, anyone thinking I had Duck pointing it out to me clearly about the day... (this is NOT to fault Duck, he was pointing it out, I just thought he was missing the point about Mets not being dead)

This was Duck's post, look at what is highlighted... nothing about day... he pointed out that I was missing the stuff about day AFTER I had shot... we both thought the other was missing the point... he just happened to be right.

I was truthful in that if I had caught that point about the Q-36 not killing in the day I wouldn't have shot. Regardless of role, villager or wolf. So me not catching that is role-neutral at best, it's just me being an idiot. Duck saying not to shoot me should be a big tell wrt that, since if he thought that I was a wolf because of it, he'd be jumping up and down saying shoot me shoot me shoot me. I'm very cautious wrt ITA's again, regardless of role. I don't think random shooting is good for the village, hero shots often end badly. And as a wolf, I don't like to draw attention to myself.

In this case, I'm a villager, who mistakenly thought based on outted mechanics that VMF had to be a lock-wolf. Read up a few posts before that, I was even reluctant to put that I thought he might have an x-ray gun itt, because I thought the village had been randed 2, I missed that there was 1 in the pile. Once I saw there was 1 in the pile, I thought he was a lock-wolf. I really did just miss what Duck was saying. And JD did too if you read the posts itt... so it's not like I was the only one.

Also, taking that shot, I really did think I was highly likely to die instead, since all I had was a sniper rifle. I thought taking out the wolf seer would be +EV though. There aren't a lot of suits that I can actually hurt with one of those.
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11-18-2013 , 06:51 PM
What if I just never returned? That would've been elite.
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11-18-2013 , 06:54 PM
I'm back I'm back I'm on the right track. Still phone posting tho. Can someone cliff me on why everyone is voting ivers?
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11-18-2013 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
I'm back I'm back I'm on the right track. Still phone posting tho. Can someone cliff me on why everyone is voting ivers?
He's a wolf.
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11-18-2013 , 06:55 PM
something fishy going on in the corners of JD and/or Zayana.

particularly don't like JD
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11-18-2013 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
I'm back I'm back I'm on the right track. Still phone posting tho. Can someone cliff me on why everyone is voting ivers?
Read just his posts itt, and tell me why I shouldn't be voting him?
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11-18-2013 , 06:58 PM
Also yay Vader is slanking again. Slanky wolf in MTG2, slanky wolf in LOTR2, slanky wolf in BSG and imma stop you but almost certainly slanky wolf itg.

Autocorrect wanted to make all those 'spanky', I loled.
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11-18-2013 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
Also yay Vader is slanking again. Slanky wolf in MTG2, slanky wolf in LOTR2, slanky wolf in BSG and imma stop you but almost certainly slanky wolf itg.

Autocorrect wanted to make all those 'spanky', I loled.
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11-18-2013 , 07:00 PM
Votes from post 1 to post 1415
Night in 2:00:59

8 iversonian Charry (22), Duckburg (78), younguns87 (35), Zayana (66), No Lynches (30), metsandfinsfan (163), pry (58), ihcjay (165)
4 Zayana thediceman (28), SuqAta8 (43), iversonian (22), KruZe (7)
3 pry TheNothing (14), Klairic (25), Gabethebabe (42)
2 metsandfinsfan DonkDonkDonkDonk (44), ElliotR (14)
1 mutigers5591 Luckbox Inc (23)
1 Bloobird UncleDynamite (59)
1 Charry Felix the Cat (1)
1 Duckburg TehVader (8)
1 TehVader vixticator (7)
1 SuqAta8 Quarrrr (13)
1 ihcjay tmleafs1967 (76)
1 J.D. TheBrokenATM! (23)
1 unvote J.D. (43)
12 not voting whatevs (0), rebonkulous (0), Noze (1), mutigers5591 (5), mexineil (6), Forsythio (27), Eurotrash (16), domer2 (0), chuckleslovakian (1), CalledDownLight (28), Cadaz (0), biggerboat (0)
1 Error Bloobird (35)
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11-18-2013 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Zayana
Read just his posts itt, and tell me why I shouldn't be voting him?
Phone is a nightmare for re-reading, can you mq a few choice cuts? Went back a page or two and didn't see much.
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11-18-2013 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
Phone is a nightmare for re-reading, can you mq a few choice cuts? Went back a page or two and didn't see much.
Yeah there is only like 20+, I'll mq it.
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11-18-2013 , 07:01 PM
Why am I erroring? TehVader then.
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11-18-2013 , 07:01 PM
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11-18-2013 , 07:02 PM
I guess that makes some amount of sense. Back to Elliot.
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11-18-2013 , 07:03 PM
So, who got silenced?
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11-18-2013 , 07:03 PM
I'll refrain from sharing my thoughts right now, but I'll gladly follow up with them afterwards.

Originally Posted by iversonian
posting to avoid modkill.

someone tell me what to do.
Originally Posted by iversonian
also, welcome to the POG Corral, a Vanilla+ open-roleset game. but don't tell people that. they won't sign up.
Originally Posted by iversonian
ok. why must i arm my gun. why does not the mod assume i would want my gun armed? i don't get that part. i feel like i'm missing something.
Originally Posted by iversonian
Should I tell people what guns I have?
Originally Posted by iversonian
you're also the guy who told me to shoot myself right?

shooting suqata after bloo's shot resovles
Originally Posted by iversonian
don't understand mechanics. haven't read posts. just want to shoot and get on with my day. zomg, he's faking newb!
Originally Posted by iversonian
so jay, should i still shoot suq?
Originally Posted by iversonian
how long do these shats take to resolve?
Originally Posted by iversonian
oh, i shoulda read the OP. i think i blew my seer cover. oops.
Originally Posted by iversonian
Originally Posted by iversonian
i was in a meeting. standard opportunistic wolfy post.

shoot ihcjay
Originally Posted by iversonian
maybe i shoulda shot pry
Originally Posted by iversonian
oh well

Originally Posted by iversonian
i should probably move off pry in case someone says they don't want to vote him because they don't like the people on his wagon.


to snipe pry at eod
Originally Posted by iversonian
my last one is probably most representative of how i play these days. felix was all over my nuts for not try-harding to be a villager.
Originally Posted by iversonian
let's vote people who kill villagers first.


how do you feel about the updated status of the position of the tables with respect to you and me, zayana, they having moved in a manner that could accurately be described as having been turned?
Originally Posted by iversonian
who is pry?
Originally Posted by iversonian
hmm, which one was it. oh yeah, the one where you kill a villager. that seemed kinda wolfy imo.
Originally Posted by iversonian
wait, shouldn't the guys always getting in my grill for talking mechanics be clearing me for not having done so?
Originally Posted by iversonian
so zayana, were you really interested in reading my old games or were you just saying that?

fyi, my last game was the hydras game.
Originally Posted by iversonian
Originally Posted by iversonian
i should write a werewolf academy article about how to play jester one of these days.
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11-18-2013 , 07:04 PM
how do i switch suits?
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11-18-2013 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
So, who got silenced?
VMF -dead villager

dunno who else
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