Originally Posted by fr1234
Yes please man. Would be appreciated.
Rank of Suits:
Clubs, Spades, Hearts, Diamonds (this is v. important)
Rank of cards:
3-A face value, 2 Highest
Tinlin is played by beating the current "hand" that's just been played when it's your turn. Valid plays are:
Single Card
Pair/3/4 of a kind
Straight (min 3 cards-ace always high, NO 2s ALLOWED)
The player who has the 3 of clubs (lowest card in the deck) goes first. They can play any legal hand that contains the 3 of clubs. Lets say they play the 3 by itself.
Now the hand to beat is 3 of clubs. So the next player can play any single card that beats the 3 of clubs. When no player can beat the current hand, the person who played that hand has control over the board and can play any legal hand.
Straights must be the exact same number of cards as the straight you're trying to beat. The last card must be higher than the last card of the hand you're beating. (IE, TJQ clubs is beat by TJQ diamonds. ONLY the queen matters in this case)
A player may double (or triple) on a single card, changing the hand to beat. For example, if in the above case you play the 3 of clubs, I can play a pair of 3s (NOT 4s!). Then the next person would need to play a pair that beats 3s.
The game ends when one person runs out of cards, and that player wins.
If you have any questions feel free to ask. I think that's everything, but I'm not as smart as I once was
It's a great game because it can be played with any number of players (with 3 or 5 you'll have extra cards, just ditch em). We typically play $1/hand, with the winner taking all in 2-4 players, and the 2nd place staying even with 5+. (Just keep playing as normal when the first player is out of cards)