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Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+

10-14-2010 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
you two are the only ones who I've expected a lot from and haven't exactly delivered
i'll be honest though, i don't know how to read you but i heard it was the in thing to call you a wolf
These two statements don't really go together. I'm not even commenting on the content
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
You're way too liberal with that term

in a vanilla+ game

what would have happened if me or whoever else it was was a moran or retart?
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
thank you sir

when you get up to the mcchrisfins stuff let me know
I read that before i posted this morning...
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
These two statements don't really go together. I'm not even commenting on the content
i've had a good impression of you from the proxy game

doesn't mean I can read you though

Which means, I give your reads weight, but I can't read you
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:49 AM
whats up titan?
youre not playing your usual game.
do you regret signing up for this or just dont want to play ww aorn?
because if youre a villa you need to start titaning.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
do you think you have been at all villagery this game?

Casting fake spells

Starting fake games

Angleshooting people to try to reveal their role when the op says no angleshooting

fakepushing toga and then saying "ha ha i was kidding"'

show me the villagery stuff
You just summarized the villagery stuff

But whatever. I can have a correct read on you and you can have a wrong read on me.

So much for you and Mac pwning our masonry
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

in a vanilla+ game

what would have happened if me or whoever else it was was a moran or retart?
They would have done something stupid.

Asking somebody to tell you their role is perfectly within the rules of WW, as is lying about it, or c/p the villager PM from the OP. Anybody that responds to an inthread kill without mod instruction is dumb

At worst, what thingy did was antivillage
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:50 AM
Cool to be a villager with zurvan though, him i'd mason with
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
I read that before i posted this morning...
zurvan bitched me out for posting as i was catching up

so my comment to you was pure sarcasm
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
You're way too liberal with that term
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

in a vanilla+ game

what would have happened if me or whoever else it was was a moran or retart?
Originally Posted by Livedk
i suck, but nice tarp

"You are a villager, your job is to defeat all non villagers"
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:52 AM
just read zurvans post.. the villager pm really is in the op. doh.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
You just summarized the villagery stuff

But whatever. I can have a correct read on you and you can have a wrong read on me.

So much for you and Mac pwning our masonry
i havent even called you a wolf once sir

but you questioning why people have uncleared you when you havent exactly been provillage is loltastic

you might be the jester or something even
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
I'm slightly concerned about me popping up on people's villager lists all of a sudden, I was wolfy yesterday and haven't done anything since :/
This is villagery.

mikelle 2
Beauseefuss 2
Telcontar 2
J.D. 2
JustJ46671 1
karnelchik 1
derwipok 1
sneakyangelshooter 1
Duckburg 1
Thread has been open for over 24 hours. All of these should have contributed more. Telcontar Karnel and Derwi in particular are normally higher volume posters. Not sure about the new guys but I'd certainly expect a wolf to be more "scared" of posting than a villager.

We should be having a wagon from that list imo.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by derm
whats up titan?
youre not playing your usual game.
do you regret signing up for this or just dont want to play ww aorn?
because if youre a villa you need to start titaning.
I smiled at this

yes I should

What do you think I have done differently though? My passive tone? My lack of easygoing-ness?

Because I'm still clearing people as per normal and I think I can back it up as per required

I just didn't think it was necessary since everyone was bending over backwards to clear them already anyway
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
i've had a good impression of you from the proxy game

doesn't mean I can read you though

Which means, I give your reads weight, but I can't read you
Well, you said you expected more from me & bbb and that's why you had us as your random wolves, but then said you heard that calling me a wolf was the in thing to do, so I guess I have two problems:

I'm not sure what you expect on day 1, or how you know my reads haven't been good (which is what you're implying when you say you respect my reads but expect more, I think)
You've given two conflicting reasons for me being on your wolf list. Or, if not conflicting, then significantly different
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by derm
just read zurvans post.. the villager pm really is in the op. doh.
i loled
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Cadaz
This is villagery.

Thread has been open for over 24 hours. All of these should have contributed more. Telcontar Karnel and Derwi in particular are normally higher volume posters. Not sure about the new guys but I'd certainly expect a wolf to be more "scared" of posting than a villager.

We should be having a wagon from that list imo.
Karnel isn't in the game
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:53 AM
im giving derwi a pass for today since his internet wasnt working well throughout the whole mermaid game.
telcontars entry was role neutral imo.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Cadaz
This is villagery.

Thread has been open for over 24 hours. All of these should have contributed more. Telcontar Karnel and Derwi in particular are normally higher volume posters. Not sure about the new guys but I'd certainly expect a wolf to be more "scared" of posting than a villager.

We should be having a wagon from that list imo.
I'm pretty sure karnel isn't actually in the game, I think he posted to say he was available to sub
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
They would have done something stupid.

Asking somebody to tell you their role is perfectly within the rules of WW, as is lying about it, or c/p the villager PM from the OP. Anybody that responds to an inthread kill without mod instruction is dumb

At worst, what thingy did was antivillage
do you remember a mishmash (yes this isnt a mishmash - but vanilla+ can mean there are power roles) where there were power roles somebody used a spell and then told the other person they were dead, the mod got their too late, legend gave his peeks before the mod got their and all hell broke loose

its a harry potter vanilla+ game with power roles

its angleshooty to tell someone they are dead stop posting when it could be true since we were not given a roleset
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
I smiled at this

yes I should

What do you think I have done differently though? My passive tone? My lack of easygoing-ness?

Because I'm still clearing people as per normal and I think I can back it up as per required

I just didn't think it was necessary since everyone was bending over backwards to clear them already anyway
you think yourself easygoing in the past ? really ?
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Zurvan
Well, you said you expected more from me & bbb and that's why you had us as your random wolves, but then said you heard that calling me a wolf was the in thing to do, so I guess I have two problems:

I'm not sure what you expect on day 1, or how you know my reads haven't been good (which is what you're implying when you say you respect my reads but expect more, I think)
You've given two conflicting reasons for me being on your wolf list. Or, if not conflicting, then significantly different
Okay maybe I'm not phrasing it well enough, I'm just spewing stuff as I go

I think you're good. Your entrance this game was disappointing though. First impressions count, unfortunately.

As for BBB I haven't been able to clear him yet, much unlike our previous game together so that's mildly worrying.

The In thing was just a joke
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Titanrulez
Karnel isn't in the game
That'd explain that one then..
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
i havent even called you a wolf once sir

but you questioning why people have uncleared you when you havent exactly been provillage is loltastic

you might be the jester or something even
No, but you are making an excuse to ignore me so you don't have to read me.

Good players would know how to interpret my actions.

Ask yourself: "Does a wolf do this?". It's really quite simple.

Considering my other games this year where I haven't been incredibly active and considering that I haven't been a wolf in a year - you should really have one of the easiest reads ever.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-14-2010 , 11:56 AM
zurvan, you ready to vote titan yet?
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
