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Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+

10-17-2010 , 10:06 AM
Best Friends Forever

omg that's the exact same question Reed asked in Criminal Minds earlier
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:08 AM
How does Andy know how to run 4 hour Skype role playing games but not know what bff means

Be back later

But cadaz needs pressure
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:09 AM
Thoughts on chris:

- I assume his claim is legit untill some1 counters it
- Im assuming BBB is clear

If someone else recieved stuff from HP i suggest that you use it tonight and claim tomorrow. No reason to claim now and risk not being able to use it. If Chris is a wolf he could have claimed with whatever name they think is the seer in order to try and spot the seer.

If no1 counterclaims tomorrow im gonna lock chris and bbb as villagers
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Toganim
lol im reading this thread with "BBB and andy are bff and everyone has them on their villalist"- somehow i feel this is no longer the case.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:09 AM
I mean, Reid
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:10 AM
I have a name that's different from Chris's
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:11 AM
Alright, I have a problem with Chris and I'm going to come out with it now rather than later.

I re read the thread yesterday and at EOD 1, Chris was on derwipok and called him out as a wolf in a pretty villagery way imo. Friday when I was catching up but still far behind, I asked chris to re read 2 people after he offered. I asked him to re read derm and derwipok.

At the time, I don't think I realized that derwipok was a wolf lean of his. He agrees to do it after he eats or something, but he never gets around to it.

At eod when we are searching for legit wagons, he never mentions derwipok anymore, but he was here and only snipes derwipok at :00.

I think this is super wolfy. I also think him coming in and repeating my bbb peek is also bad.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
Lol Zurvan was my n0 so that's why i said so, just realized that is fault i'll take that back somewhat(yea whatever i'm not a seer)

For you i'm gonna go with tone for now, i'd have to go back and point things out but making dinner atm. and i have derm and derwi in line before that so it'll have to wait if i wanna make a big deal about it at some time, ain't gonna be relevant today anyway
Ok I found this.

Attention villagers. If you are given a 1 time peek in your role, do you honestly try and give seer cover? When you die and the village is told that you get a 1 time peek, which peek are we suppose to believe if your giving seer cover?

It just doesn't add up to me.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:27 AM
Mcavoy, i cant quote atm but look chris' claim

"When Harry died i got a one time peek, as time for it could expire at any time i used it pretty much instantly and i chose to peek Mr. BombayBadBoy, the result came back and he was a villager."

If Chris knew that his dead would reveal that he only got the peek after HP died he could safely assume that we wouldnt look for peeks before the death of HP
imo the problem is if some1 else recieved stuff- it would probably be too much to recieve in a 21 game
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:32 AM
Its just bad play in general though. He's a power role and he's trying to draw a nk by giving seer cover. In essence if he is successful in drawing the nk, he causes the village to lose his peek which the mod gave him to balance the game in favour of the village.

I just don't buy it.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:34 AM
didnt really thought about it like that.

i guess he could have done it a bit more subtle and in case he died we could have solved the puzzle of him + bbb by reading his posts
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:34 AM
Also for chris's claim to be true, it significantly increases the chance that mets is a wolf because I can't see there being 2 seers + one times peeks in a game this small if I am the other seer.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:35 AM

If you are a seer
and you waste a peek on me
ill never forgive you
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:37 AM
I think I'm far more likely to peek chris now but I'm not sure if I want to peek for wolves. I'll probably peek a strong villager candidate tbh.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Toganim
didnt really thought about it like that.

i guess he could have done it a bit more subtle and in case he died we could have solved the puzzle of him + bbb by reading his posts
More importantly, him coming out with it now is pretty terrible after I've already put out the BBB = village peek. It causes me to get more heat. The peek was already out there, he added nothing new to the discussion.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:41 AM

Do you think chris would ever fake seer cover on d1 knowing that he was going to be given a peek later in the game? I think the fact that he gave seer cover on d1 could also be wolfy as they might not have known about the no n0 peeks until n1 when talking with the mod in wolf chat.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:46 AM
So i caught up, im actually surprised no more has happend.

Originally Posted by Andynan
wow what ??

Speak your mind once and for all, its tiring business.

I am bitter that we mislynched a villager. Derwi/Beause/JD/Mikelle didnt show up and they are wolves for all I know. Some of them, at any rate.
This is actaully the only post from Andy wich i really really dont like.
We cant mislynch a wolf, so "mislynched a villager" actually is doubble wording or what it is called. Imo wolves are thinking in mislynches, they need x mislynches to win the game. So having "mislynched" in the back of your head could be a slipup

Originally Posted by Cadaz
About Soah btw, if he gets to f3 he should just be instalynched.
Flawed logic since he's not the only strong player in this game. but you probably just made sure that he doesnt get nk so he can be mislynched later

Originally Posted by karnelchik
i dislike this post. I skimmed from phone and did my vote. I didnt want to lynch seer, and my original vote was no longer a wagon, so i switched- i believe someone asked me to as well

Originally Posted by soah
since JD claimed a non-seer role and died as a non-seer, I'm gonna go ahead and ignore his "peeks"
I dislike this post. the first couple of days, soah was on a whole other level and not really caring to explain his thoughts, and now post like this.

Originally Posted by Larry Legend
this could be a slip up
I thought this as well (i know thingy also seconded it but i might as well do it)

Originally Posted by Andynan
I think the wolves have reasons to be angry at how the game has gone so far.

Who is seemingly unhappy, or bitter sounding?

Zurvan is, LL on and off, as well.

Derwi was a bit (remember: knee jerk reaction not to post on Wednesday, mantaining it throughout the rest of the game)

Soah resorting to sarcasm and irony so frequently might mean he's a lil bit pissed off as well.
I like this post so much, however I actually thought about it in another way. I thought that the wolves were trying to stop our momentum. And i actually had karnel as a wolf for doing it. I read your "deep into his mind" but i dunno if i agree- cool post though

Originally Posted by Telcontar
mnorning no good., Im pished reight now and want you to spew yourself imo
regarding the "craving for info is wolfy". If chris has some info and he gives it up 5 min before EOD saying "i got a one time peek and peeked bbb = villa" the wolves will be VERY busy that night since they need to figure out if he is telling the truth or not. Knowing the info for longer time gives the wolves some time to actually think about it and mby questioning him about it
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
More importantly, him coming out with it now is pretty terrible after I've already put out the BBB = village peek. It causes me to get more heat. The peek was already out there, he added nothing new to the discussion.

Originally Posted by McAvoy
togan claiming wolf itt
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
peeked toganim wolf, good night

yeah okay, doesnt look good... 2 times he sponged you
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
Chris also voted for JD much after JD claimed but he waited until Andy voted JD, then he followed andy onto JD.

uber wolfy imo
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:52 AM
Also in extention of andys "wolves are unhappy" i really liked this

villagepoints for andy

Regarding thingy:

- I agree with his statements, wich is why i left him. Im pretty sure that i said that before i left the debate

despite that he failed to case me, but i guess he tried to lock the game instead
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by karnelchik
but zurvan, you've gotta change your vote. Voting me is epically bad. I pretty much just spewed myself villager.
Originally Posted by karnelchik
Mac, you're voting me aren't you? That's pretty damn bad too considering

Can you explain these please, I am sure you have already but I want you to do it again. Me and zurvan were trying to save the claimant, which is ww 101. Why was it bad epicly bad to vote you when we are trying to save Harry Potter?

I just don't understand why you would say that. imo it makes you more likely to be a wolf.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 10:58 AM
chrisrjdk is very likely to be a wolf, he is not seer, so there is no harm in him dying imo.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 11:00 AM

Mac, dude! The reason he left seer cover on d1 is because he at the time was not aware that he had a one-time peek. He got it after HP died!
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by chrisrjdk
This is a post

I hereby claim Ronald Weasley.

When Harry died i got a one time peek, as time for it could expire at any time i used it pretty much instantly and i chose to peek Mr. BombayBadBoy, the result came back and he was a villager.

I got some disturbing text to go with it but i figure that was just flavour.
You may continue
Does this text by any means make it more likely that he's a godfather role?

I think the odds that there's a GF in the game are low, plus I like BBB's thinking, but I just want to cover all bases.
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
10-17-2010 , 11:02 AM

Zurvan: Slipup + some minor thinking regarding unhappy etc.

Karnel: Seems to wanna stop villager momentum, trying to deliberatly misunderstand, and trying to cause the most likely villagers to turn on each other (wich worked)

Andy: Seems geniune in tone, thinking outside the box and eager to help us
Thingy: Actually seem to wanna lock the game. This lean maybe due to anti-blinders but i'd like to give him a chance to help us win the game
Mcavoy: his skepticism towards chris is very villagerish. I found his start to be a bit off but I still have a hard time reading him

Mets/titan (Mets seer => titan villa (doesnt men titan villa => mets clear))
Chris /BBB (Chris ronald weasley => BBB villa (doesnt go the other way around))

Soah: I didnt really get his start but somehow he changed his way of thinking, and I dunno what to make of this
YP9: I remember reading something wolfy from him but i actually forgot what it was. Need to reread him to determine
LiveDK: Had a nice start but I havent seem much from him lately. Livedk usually avoid the game if he's a wolf since he hate it but it could be role-neutral due to the weekend

I feel i forget some names but this is it for now
Reclaiming Hogwarts - A Euro Friendly Vanilla+ Quote
