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Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread.

01-26-2010 , 09:14 PM
ok bird's gotta go.

I am not positive i can find a nez/xxaces peek, but his defense/actions have been mega wolfy.

aces, quote and explain why the 'peek post(s)' by TCimo are just small reads and not peek hints
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by DannyKGB
ok bird's gotta go.

I am not positive i can find a nez/xxaces peek, but his defense/actions have been mega wolfy.

aces, quote and explain why the 'peek post(s)' by TCimo are just small reads and not peek hints
hey look, its the poster child of voting for no reason.
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
I have, and every person has a different list of his peeks. Obviously I know I wasn't one of tcimo's peeks, but according this village, tcimo has had about 9 peeks in 4 days. He was insistent that I get lynched--that doesn't mean I'm a wolf. Birdman v 1.0 was INSISTENT that we lynch BEG the night he got killed--yet somehow no one care about that?

This game has devolved into "meh, we can just clear so and so because of this and so and so because of that" having nothing to do with any type of reads or anything. People are just coming into the thread, reading the last 20 posts or so (none with any content) and going "oh, LL says this person is clear and this other person was peeked, wolf, guess I'll vote for them." No one is actually being analytical or thinking for themselves. This is exactly the way soah was able to win in LOTF.

People have used 4 nightkills to clear way more people than makes sense. Wolves don't ALWAYS find exact peeks for each person they kill. It is just irresponsible to be clearing people so easily the way we are and calling other people wolves. Seers have reads, too, and you forget about that is bad. I'm just asking people to think for themselves and come up with a better reason to vote me other than "tcimo might have peeked you." It is just so insane that I'm going to get lynched because tcimo is incapable of leaving obvious peeks and the village is incapable of actually doing some thinking.
if you are a villager, i'm sorry (well i'm not sorry, it's just threadcat's fault). But i'm going to go show you all the posts where threadcat called you a wolf about 25 times and you tell me that a seer does this regarding a non-peeked wolf.
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
if herbman flips villa here i'm going to be pretty lost

i'm having a hard time coming up with 1 more wolf, let alone 2
This following post was in response to something birdman said

Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
so the question is, did you have good reads, or are you a wolf now?

i'm leaning towards wolf now, because you probably have at most one wolf in that list
ugh I actually had a ****ton of posts multiquoted about how you were his peek, but then I saw there two.

I don't know if he'd say this about his peeked wolf esp when he'd been pushing herbie so so hard yesteray.

Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 09:30 PM
oh, no maj lynch. nice

xxaces has been more wolfy than birdman today imo

not that it really matters since we're probably lynching birdman at some point too
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 09:34 PM
he was also a more likely peek imo

though I don't see why the posts bsball quoted invalidate birdman from also being a peek
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 09:37 PM
ok I guess I'll reread tc, imo you clowns
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Thread Cat, imo
whew luckay is here

now we can get down to business
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Forsythio
he was also a more likely peek imo

though I don't see why the posts bsball quoted invalidate birdman from also being a peek
because he made a ****ton of posts about how herbie was a better lynch, but then he makes those posts to qualify himself... I just don't think if he actually peeked him wolf he'd make them
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:00 PM

thread cat was on birdman during the flip

Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by bsball8806
because he made a ****ton of posts about how herbie was a better lynch, but then he makes those posts to qualify himself... I just don't think if he actually peeked him wolf he'd make them
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:17 PM
guys this is pretty much just a barg post since we're gonna lynch this line anyways, but I am confident that tc, imo's peeks were

n0 nich - wolf
n1 globetrotter
n2 herbie - wolf
n3 xxaces - wolf
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:19 PM
which is funny cuz my peeks were

no nich
n1 danny
n2 herbie
n3 bsb
n4 coordi

great minds think alike. to be fair when I made my n0 decision I had no idea there were 2 seers. And then when nich came up wolf I tried to peek for wolves (probly not optimal but so wanted to come out with 3 wolves)
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:32 PM
Bsball8806 - xxaces
Browneyedgirl (in for zhaorx) - birdman
Birdman (in for Herbie) - 6
CPHoya - birdman
Coordi - xxaces
DannyKGB - xxaces
Donkfishatm - bsball
Forsythio - birdman
globetrotter - xxaces
LuckayLuck - birdman
wahoopride (in for frey) - xxaces
XXsooted - birdman
XXaceshigh (in for nez477) - birdman - 5
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:32 PM
it's not that bad to figure out u just have to reread every tc, imo post. OK so u need like an hour to spare.

But on d2 he says "minimum of 2 wolves on that list" about a list of nich herbie beg etc. He quoted my post that says nich/herbie/beg/donkfish and says "I like this list a lot." He makes numerous references to nich and herbie being wolves.
globe peek I don't think anyone will argue.
xxaces peek he makes a list and puts xxaces before herbie and after nich, and then says herbie before xxaces maybe. This means that xxaces was peeked.

idea - lynch beg today to try to end it, since herbie and xxaces are clearly peeked wolves
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:34 PM
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:34 PM
I thought you liked beg's reactions to your fake peek?
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:38 PM
I did but she still seemed like w/w with herbman + wahoo + bsb seem to really think donkfishatm is a villager so I don't see who else to vote
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:40 PM
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:41 PM
yes! herbman vote beg!
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:42 PM
I'd rather lynch peeked wolves and give BEG longer to defend herself
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:46 PM
well I was just trying to end it right now but I'll be dead anyways so it's up to u guys
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:54 PM
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:54 PM
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
01-26-2010 , 10:56 PM
Bsball8806 - xxaces
Browneyedgirl (in for zhaorx) - birdman
Birdman (in for Herbie) - 5
CPHoya - birdman
Coordi - xxaces
DannyKGB - xxaces
Donkfishatm - bsball
Forsythio - birdman
globetrotter - xxaces
LuckayLuck - birdman
wahoopride (in for frey) - xxaces
XXsooted - xxaces
XXaceshigh (in for nez477) - birdman - 6
Real Jan 21 WW Game Thread. Quote
