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04-13-2015 , 11:34 PM
That seems like the type of line that you shouldn't use as a bluff no matter how often you use it for value.

edit: that may be too harsh, but it's a weird enough line that it gives people a chance to make a big call if they want to do so
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04-13-2015 , 11:38 PM
you can throw it in the "worst hand of 2015" bucket
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04-13-2015 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
you can throw it in the "worst hand of 2015" bucket
i should be able to beat that. nothing is coming to mind right now, but i'll keep a look out
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04-14-2015 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
you can throw it in the "worst hand of 2015" bucket
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i should be able to beat that. nothing is coming to mind right now, but i'll keep a look out
I think we should all post our nominations for the "Worst Hand of the Year" and then we can all vote on the winner.

I would even pay for a statue to award to the winner. We could call it the "Spazzie."

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04-14-2015 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by aaronk56
I think we should all post our nominations for the "Worst Hand of the Year" and then we can all vote on the winner.

I would even pay for a statue to award to the winner. We could call it the "Spazzie."

The chance to win that trophy might be enough to get me playing. Really though I'm mostly 'toppair, you raise, I'm no good, I call', pretty spewy, but not very exciting
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04-14-2015 , 05:34 PM
Came out with a training video:
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04-14-2015 , 05:49 PM
what games are those graphs from? 7% and 6% roi, it's not hypers, right?
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04-14-2015 , 08:38 PM
Yes, those are your standard 25bb hypers.
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04-14-2015 , 09:11 PM
holy crap! that is a ton of money! nice job! my roi was like 2.5% how long is a game, less than 3 minutes? that is a big hourly, even at $60.

i remember hearing about one sicko having 7% at the high stakes. so crazy.

man, it makes me miss playing and printing money. now i have to drive to the casino and get sick from all the germs and get lucky to make the tiniest of profit
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04-14-2015 , 09:53 PM
I jammed 53o in the BB for 30 bbs in a donkament over 6 (!) limpers.

That's prob my most spazztastic hand there. I doubt I do that with many good hands other than some AJo type hands, I'd call myself there with like QT+

I got snapped by T9, he flopped top pair and I got there.
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04-14-2015 , 10:47 PM
UTG limps, I'm UTG+1 with AA and raise to £12, folds to SB who calls, limper calls.

UTG has been pretty fit or fold, has about £130
SB has been playing almost every hand aggressively. He has about £300.
I have them both covered

Flop is 642r. UTG donks £15, I raise to £40, SB calls, UTG snap shoves for £118, hero ???
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04-14-2015 , 11:05 PM
i call. utg has too many overpairs for you to fold.

it sucks if you ran into a set and got your aces cracked. but i think it's a pretty easy call
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04-14-2015 , 11:07 PM
What were you expecting to happen when you raised the flop? Assuming SB is bad, at this point I think you have to call because you're not that deep and I don't trust random people to not have worse overpairs here, even though the situation isn't looking too good. If SB puts much more money in the pot then you will have to fold at that point unless he's a real idiot.

Forgot to submit my post, got sniped.
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04-14-2015 , 11:14 PM
I'd smooth call the flop.
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04-14-2015 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by legend42
I'd smooth call the flop.
i like raising better. you're playing vs two people. you're likely getting your stack in. you don't want them catching up without raising. they can have tons of worse hands that call your raise.
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04-14-2015 , 11:39 PM
I expected UTG to call.
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04-15-2015 , 12:03 AM
Avg game is a bit more than 3 minutes
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04-15-2015 , 11:37 AM
Are you prepared to get ai vs SB? If not, how much money are you prepared to put in and then fold? If the answers are no and less than £130, fold and weep when you get shown 88 vs 99.
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04-15-2015 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
Are you prepared to get ai vs SB? If not, how much money are you prepared to put in and then fold? If the answers are no and less than £130, fold and weep when you get shown 88 vs 99.
yeah that's what i was thinking.

I didn't want SB to shove after i called.

I folded and SB snap called. I felt pretty good until UTG showed A6o and took the pot.
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04-15-2015 , 11:44 AM
It's possible that you might be able construct a SB range that you're ahead of, but cannot play profitably against with either a call or a shove.
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04-15-2015 , 12:03 PM
so last night there was a hand preflop it goes cal call pot by the short stack call call,whatever

flop is 46q preflop raiser shoved like half pot both call, turn 8 and third heart, check and guy bets really small, preflop raiser who is all in throws his cards kind of across the table, looks like a muck and is i'm sure but he throws them to seat 9 and they never touch the muck and the dealer doesn't muck them,other player folds

guy who bet asks to see a river which is a 7, shows his hand and has a set of sevens, guy who "mucked" recovers his hand and shows a straight saying he won

i leave the room because i don'twant to be a part of it

guy who mucked and recovered is one of the guys who runs the game, the other guy is a massive whale who called a river shove thinking he had a straight but actually had 45tj or something on a 5679a board with three hearts for a pair of fives
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04-15-2015 , 12:06 PM
when he "mucked" on the turn i knew something bad was going to happen

on to a real hand straddle to 20 blind raise to 60 guy calls 60 i make it 160 with 1000 behind qqj8ds, blind raiser calls other guy make it 300 more, blind raiser folds out of turn, i elect to just call instead of shoving and fold on a 458 flop, he kind of looked like he liked the flop actually

would have just jammed if it came like 449 or something
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04-15-2015 , 12:07 PM
I'm raising the flop but your raise was too small. He bet less than half the pot 15 into 38 before the rake. I raise big here, probably make it 70 or 75 which is a little under pot.

I raise weak donk bets a lot so I need to raise them when I have a hand too.
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04-15-2015 , 12:07 PM
probably should just jam pre but whatever

his range isn't super wide but definitely more than aces, possibly a lot more
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04-15-2015 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by aaronk56
I'm raising the flop but your raise was too small. He bet less than half the pot 15 into 38 before the rake. I raise big here, probably make it 70 or 75 which is a little under pot.

I raise weak donk bets a lot so I need to raise them when I have a hand too.
I don't think balance matters here at all. How often do you get an opportunity to raise a weak donk bet in each session? Play each spot optimally, and take into account what they've seen from you recently if you need to. [Just realized that your last sentence probably wasn't referring to the sizing, just the action. Oops. But I wrote the rest of the post already.]

In this hand he's almost certainly either way ahead or way behind and his opponent is shortstacked. Getting 40 in on the flop and the other 80 on the turn is pretty reasonable. If you had said 45 or 50 on the flop then I would agree with you, but raising 15 to 75 gives him a chance to get away cheaply. If he's willing to call 60 more on the flop then he's probably willing to call 80 on the turn after having invested more than a third of his stack.
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