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12-16-2014 , 03:01 PM
played 2/5 last night briefly

guy to my left straddled to 50 folds to me i have 77 and about 500 bucks, make it either 205 or 225 can't remember, guy who straddled says he'll call me dark and we can run it from there putting no more money in

do you agree or just play it out normal
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12-16-2014 , 03:19 PM
Instinct was yes, 77 vs random is like 66% so hell yes, also having 77 and 1/2 a psb left is going to be ugly I think.
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12-16-2014 , 04:07 PM
i wouldn't agree. i would politely say i wanted to play, and/or make some joke, and say i want to playout the hand. pretty good chance after you refuse his offer he shoves all in with K3o.

i would play his game if i had read that it would help him keep playing with me and betting $50 dark and calling $200 dark. but it's probably not gonna help you here, assuming you're at a full table.
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12-16-2014 , 04:35 PM
i make more money by him calling blind and running it than him folding, but he may of course put more money in if i don't agree, tho only a bit under 300 more total

if i don't agree he gets to look and theoretically play better but maybe he won't

also this is the guy who owes me a bunch of money so i didn't care to win really, i only stopped by to pick up some of the money he owed me and then started to mess around playing because i never play two card poker

made me sad he owes me money and blind straddle to 50 in a 2/5 game
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12-16-2014 , 05:53 PM
shove pre. as played refuse
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12-16-2014 , 06:06 PM
if you're playing heads up 10bb(which is basically what it was at this point), you're super happy to get it in pre with 77
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12-16-2014 , 09:07 PM

would you shove pre tho
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12-17-2014 , 11:55 AM
at about 1:30 in the morning we're playing 5/10 6 handed and this cute 21 year old girl walks up to the table and she's like "what game is this? can i play? i've never played before" she sat down next to me and shyly pulled out $28, but didn't lift it above the table. i was the only one who saw it. she said "i'm just gonna watch for a bit. is that ok?"

she stayed for 5 hours! lol! at one point she went and played blackjack. she said her plan was to win 500 so she could buy in to our game and play with us. but she lost her 20 bucks in 5 minutes.

she wanted me to take her home and all the other guys said i was crazy not to.

hh... i had AA in the bb. someone early limps, and 4 other people limp. i raise to 80. one early guy calls, one middle guy calls, and the button calls.

flop is KT6r. i bet 200.
button raises to 500.

i've never seen this guy before. he's old, and in the hour i've played with him i've seen him get in 3 pots and the worst he's had is two pair. he bought in for the minimum, but now his stack is like 1400.

i call. i'm not happy about calling at all.

river is 7 and i check
he goes all in for like 900 more and i fold


i have KxKs and my image is absolute maniac. i've been raising like crazy and making big raises pre. im utg and i open for 60. i get 4 callers.

flop is Js8s4s and i bet 200
guy to my left has been raping me, raising over my bets. he calls.
everyone else folds.

turn is 6d and i bet 300. he raises to 1100 and i fold

oh pot before this one, i won a big hand off him. i check called the turn, hit my super hidden draw on the river. i checked and he bet 500. i shoved for 800 total and he folded the pot was like 2200!!
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12-17-2014 , 12:24 PM
hand 1 fold the flop

hand 2 don't let aggressive players who have been pwning you sit on your left

but obv un-sit pre and go home with girl if that was even real
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12-17-2014 , 12:34 PM
hand 1 i wanted to fold the flop so bad, but i thought it was just way too tight. after i folded, the guy showed AA. i could not believe it!!! his preflop action was ridiculous!!! wtf?!?!?! i was so raged. how in the ever loving **** does he play AA like that?!?! everyone at the table put him on a set
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12-17-2014 , 12:37 PM
the table was pissed at me cuz they were all trying to buy her drinks and she was giving me all the attention and sitting next to me. i let her fold a few of my hands, just throw them in the muck for me. the first time she did it, it looked like her heart was about to beat out of her chest. i let her stack some of my chips and count them too.

after two drinks, she switched to water. actually she tried to order a chocolate milk! lol!!! they checked her ID and she had just turned 21.

she told me "you seem smart"
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12-17-2014 , 12:39 PM
just to be clear the guy with AA has 3 people in front of him limp. he's on the button and he limped?!?!?! then i raise to 80 and two people call in front of him, and he just calls?!?!!? lol!!! jesus!!
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12-17-2014 , 01:25 PM
Filthy if you left with the girl the police would still be looking for your body. Somebody wanted to rob you.

How much did she steal from you when you let her stack your chips?
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12-17-2014 , 01:31 PM
i was totally thinking she might have been there for some kind of scam. but it seemed really genuine when she pulled out $28 to play. i was the only who saw how much she pulled out. she kept it hidden and put it right back in her pocket. it seemed like she really wanted to play and was sad/embarrassed when she realized she couldn't.
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12-17-2014 , 01:32 PM
i'm a believer
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12-17-2014 , 01:53 PM
there is a guy from LA who was playing 5/10 with us, only his second time here. the night before he and i played heads up for a while and chatted amicably. he told me that one of the 5/10 regs got excited when i walked in cuz he thought i was fish!

and tonight everyone was acting like i was fish. when i sat down we were 5 handed, but then the table filled up. i was betting like a maniac, but i was getting monster hands, AAx3, KKx4(i was 2-5 in those hands), QQx2, JJx1, and i was opening 5x, and 6x and i'd get like 4 calls. my vpip was like 30% and i was playing tight! and then when i left at 7am we were 8 handed. but the game insta broke as soon as i left. and one of the guys at the table asked what i did for a living. he's like "how can you afford to come here night after night and lose so much?" lol!!! i told him i was a poker pro, and everyone laughed.

but i think the guy to my left was the only one better than i am. and i'm not even sure if he was. it was one of the softest 5/10 tables i'd seen there.
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12-17-2014 , 02:04 PM
correct answer: "i live off my parents' trust fund"
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12-17-2014 , 02:15 PM
that's a good one. i'll tell them that. i just said poker pro because i knew they would all laugh at me.

i could have sworn i was getting respect at the casino. i think 80% of the 3/5 regs think i'm good(im probably the best 3/5 player there). and probably 20% of the 5/10 regs think i'm good. i barely ever play with the 5/10 regs. i just bum hunt after they go home.
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12-17-2014 , 02:18 PM
Who cares if they respect you.
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12-17-2014 , 02:23 PM
it matters a lot how i should play. they will play me differently if they think im a fish or good
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12-17-2014 , 03:17 PM
Sounds like someone is trying to resolve self-esteem issues at a poker table.

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12-18-2014 , 01:21 PM
utg is a guy i never saw before. he bought in for the max $500. he limped. 2 other people limped. i'm the bb with 63o. i check.

flop is Qc8x3c everyone checks around.

turn is 3h. sb bets 15. i call. utg calls.

river is 7 no flush. pot is $60. sb checks. i bet $40 and utg raises to $240.

i fold????
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12-18-2014 , 06:22 PM
Any history with the SB? What's your image filthy?

Edit- This is one of those spots (imo) that people can't really help much with. It's a lot of timing/live tells and history/game flow dependant.
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12-18-2014 , 06:37 PM
Without a kicker that plays this isn't even a decision to think about.
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12-18-2014 , 07:55 PM
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