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Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread)

01-17-2021 , 04:22 PM
One question is why wasn't filthy funded every night? Because he wasn't-- correct?
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:23 PM
the real point

why would filthy show uo and scream about us for not killing nl and then die instead if nl is a wolf

makes zero sense

not even sure who we were lynching before filthy;'s post

telco? ud was afraid to lynch telco

so idk

but i dont get why he would scream for another wolf in NL at that point
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
One question is why wasn't filthy funded every night? Because he wasn't-- correct?
spacerace money manyeb
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by mrs. jonnyd
this is where i'm at with everything .. i think the categories matter less and less but i just left them for now

Living Player List (D7) (14) 4 wolves left?
Villa obv
metsandfinsfan - n4 farmer claim
mrs. jonnyd

Villa maybe
Sun Tzu - cosmonaut claim
chilltown - vig claim

Maybe villa???
viggorous- farmer claim n4
Luckbox - vanilla claim
xander - farmer claim n5
Doctor Zeus- cosmo captain
KingWiggles - doctor claim

Relmcheatham/SGTRJ- farmer...n6 claim? n5 claim?

No Lynches - farmer claim n4

doctor n6, farmer n5, doctor n4, counter-intel still available for claiming

farmer- 4
doctor- 3
counterintelligence- 1
vig - 1
POG-19: 0
surveillance - 0
This is where we are at?

I don't think CT should be as elevated as you do for what its worth, and ChillTown is seemingly 100% villa vig. In fact I'd say I'd put him as my top villa now (until you + UD role claim)

For now, I do trust Sun. I take back some of my previous reads.
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
i dont think the crs join wolfchat at all right?

maybe some do if peeked

i am def not the mechanics expert but he def did not start in chat, and prob was not in chat at all from my understanding

They could buy them in for one night, or maybe that was a policy they haven’t used. Idk I’m being lazy today and working from faulty memory lol
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:25 PM
i was tutorin my friends daughter this morning so i went on my work computer cause of the kami software and im still on it so maybe ill get in trouble for wwing on my ocmputer!!

sorry was just reading how telc got fired for wwing from work in the what happened to pogger thread

sorry about the telco

but you still need to claim
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
One question is why wasn't filthy funded every night? Because he wasn't-- correct?

They might have another vig who rands for the shot, we do not know. Maybe they bought redirects/blocks that missed ? Who knows
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
the real point

why would filthy show uo and scream about us for not killing nl and then die instead if nl is a wolf

makes zero sense

not even sure who we were lynching before filthy;'s post

telco? ud was afraid to lynch telco

so idk

but i dont get why he would scream for another wolf in NL at that point
I'm a bit lost on this...So what your saying events were are:
Step 1: Filthy comes in and tells us NL must die
Step 2: Filthy howls and we out him

So logic is:
- Filthy wants NL dead? Or is protecting Telc?
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
the real point

why would filthy show uo and scream about us for not killing nl and then die instead if nl is a wolf

makes zero sense

not even sure who we were lynching before filthy;'s post

telco? ud was afraid to lynch telco

so idk

but i dont get why he would scream for another wolf in NL at that point
Filthy could have just been posting just to post and try to seem villagery-- not thinking he was doing the opposite and confident that he was largely village-read. In which case the actual content means little. Or he could have been bussing with NL flipping wolf buying him even more credit-- which would be correct given his role.
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:27 PM
maybe they trade vig shots for a doctor conversion?

who the intercourse knows
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
I'm a bit lost on this...So what your saying events were are:
Step 1: Filthy comes in and tells us NL must die
Step 2: Filthy howls and we out him

So logic is:
- Filthy wants NL dead? Or is protecting Telc?
nl was supposed to be lynched until i pretty much stopped it

then we were discussing who

i suggested telc? or others

then filthy flips out with 7 minutes left omg we cant not lynch nl and eff you i am not claining ****ing lynch me if you have to



i dont get it

i think it looks good for nl bad for telco personally, but that would make viggo a wolf
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Filthy could have just been posting just to post and try to seem villagery-- not thinking he was doing the opposite and confident that he was largely village-read. In which case the actual content means little. Or he could have been bussing with NL flipping wolf buying him even more credit-- which would be correct given his role.
both possinle i suppose

but idk

read the tone of those posts after 850
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:32 PM
Hi fellas, well done on getting filthy

From what I can tell he seemingly **** the bed trying to push for me to die and also not counterclaiming lol

I skimmed a bit of what's been posted today, apparently there is a wolf in me/Viggo/Mets?
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Filthy could have just been posting just to post and try to seem villagery-- not thinking he was doing the opposite and confident that he was largely village-read. In which case the actual content means little. Or he could have been bussing with NL flipping wolf buying him even more credit-- which would be correct given his role.
I keep seeing your profile picture and thinking its filthy. Seeing a ghost alive.
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:33 PM

being that you probably cant makeit much longer, depending on claims, you were right about vr etc but very wrong about filthy

i dont like how you are like omg you should have listened to me about vr and i still find the vr read tmi-ish

so what am i asking?


give us some important soulreads in case you get no-lynched

like your 100% confidence reads
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by No Lynches
Hi fellas, well done on getting filthy

From what I can tell he seemingly **** the bed trying to push for me to die and also not counterclaiming lol

I skimmed a bit of what's been posted today, apparently there is a wolf in me/Viggo/Mets?
yes and everybody already knows it isnt me

and most of the thread (not me necesarily) think its you

so ---

you gots some work to do
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:34 PM
Good news for y'all at least, I should roughly be here till EOD (unless I fall asleep)

So I may actually be able to contribute today in what meagre way I can
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
this can't be real life! no lynches plays like crap the whole game. he's an obvious wolf. then comes and posts some **** about being a farmer when there are like 20 farmers or whatever lol
I mean this is a good post. But I don't think it's possible to infer whether he is bussing or not.
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by No Lynches
Hi fellas, well done on getting filthy

From what I can tell he seemingly **** the bed trying to push for me to die and also not counterclaiming lol

I skimmed a bit of what's been posted today, apparently there is a wolf in me/Viggo/Mets?
that’s when you start pushing viggo for real, usually
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:36 PM
Filthy trying to go after me is super dumb if we are w/W when people are already village reading him and wolf reading me, you just go along with it
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:36 PM
rememebr when chilltown was asking abiout my undertitle and i told the story and ud was calling me a turd with mascuuline toxicity and she told mrs d that she never wanted to play with her again for a bad reason?

can you believe that is this game?

it seems like 5 games ago
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Doctor Zeus
This is where we are at?

I don't think CT should be as elevated as you do for what its worth, and ChillTown is seemingly 100% villa vig. In fact I'd say I'd put him as my top villa now (until you + UD role claim)

For now, I do trust Sun. I take back some of my previous reads.
don’t worry about me
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by No Lynches
Filthy trying to go after me is super dumb if we are w/W when people are already village reading him and wolf reading me, you just go along with it
youre job is to prove viggo is a wolf bro

stop doing what you are doing
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:37 PM
I mean you don't **** your pants if we are w/W

Dude was clearly unhappy about the possibility of me surviving given I played poorly lol
Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:38 PM
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Politics Werewolf Game, Episode II: The Empire Strikes Back (Game Thread) Quote
