Still getting some questions about this and that is understandable since I used a poor choice of words. I should have said "recover" not "heal". The "Doctor Heal" is a day action. Any player with POG-19 has a "recovery check" that happens after all NIGHT actions and thus could contract it before night actions, have their actions blocked, then pass the recovery check that same night.
Can a player get cured the night they get POG-19?
Yes. POG-19 infections occur at beginning of the night and the check for
RECOVERY happens at the end of the night. So in theory, a player may catch POG-19 at the beginning of the night and and
RECOVER by the end of the night. Keep in mind, though, this player would still be role block (if they are a villager) since the check for healing happens AFTER actions.
Also note that since the "Pandemic" policy was enacted today, no check for
RECOVERY was done so three people currently do have POG-19.
Are there more benefits that Universal Healthcare unlocks for the "Pandemic"?
No, the benefits Universal Healthcare unlocks in the event of a Pandemic are described in the policy:
If Universal Healthcare is passed, rapid testing is done every day automatically for free. It also unlocks a doctor day action: Each day, as a day action, doctors may “treat patient” by targeting a player from the living player list. If that player has POG-19, they are cured at EOD. Additionally, if doctors use their normal night action, it now prevents the spread of POG-19 from or to that player that night in addition to any other effects.