I tried a number of times to make it through this song. While at work, while driving, while sitting in the house, but no matter what I did, I couldn't get through it. It's clearly new to me, so it gets full points there, but exactly no replay value. I really just dont like this song, it's so slow and makes me sort of feel like I'm a drug trip, but coming down from it and just waiting for it to be over, as if it's dragging on after even just the first 30 seconds. Sorry to whoever submitted it...
This sing is certainly catchy, and if it came on at the bar or on the radio I wouldn't be unhappy about it. I'm never going to seek it out, or add it to my 'good music' play list on youtube. Song gets 'other' points for the random video into which is sorta cool, and because the SO says 'Ohhh, I like this song!' I've heard this a few times, and I recognize the name, so it can't ever get that high on newness.
Completely new to me, for the song and the artist, so full points there. I really like how the song starts out, feels like it's gearing up for something really cool, and the instruments continue down that line. But honestly, once he starts signing, I just sort of lose interest. Hard to say why. It is still really catchy though, and I can see how people might like it. Bonus points for the apparent quality (if lost on me) but probably wouldn't listen to it again.
Full points here for newness as I've never heard of the song or the band. Overall the song isn't that great imo, but I can see how other people would like it, so it gets to keep a few points that I might have otherewise taken away from it. This song feels like it's trying to hard to be a metal song and an angtsy mid 90's song, which I guess is ok? Seems like the sort of thing that I might have liked in 2000 if I was a girl, sad, and trying to impress my boyfriend or something. Just not for me now though. Oddly enough, replayability is probably the highest of all the songs that I don't really like.
I've heard of Interpol, and I think I've heard this song before, but only once of twice if so. Overall it's ok, sort of catchy, but feels repetitive. I'd like to give more feedback here, but it's just not special in anyway. Scores reasonably because of newness, but pretty average in all other respects
This song is also the first of 4 to get the benefit of a force tie breaker.
I'm not really sure what to think of this. It's not bad, but I just don't like it? I guess I would describe this song as solidly OK. But as such, it doesn't really do so well here. No bonus points because nothing really going on with the song that I can pick out to boost it up a bit.
The songs from here on out start getting better from an overall quality standpoint. There are a few slight misses and some really good ones, but overall good stuff.
I like Volbeat, and I've heard this song before, but I just didn't realize this was it, so it recoups a bit of the 'newness points' that it should have lost because of how well I know. Gets a few bonus for a fun video. Overall this song is really good, but it's in that weird void where I like the song, but don't want to hear it that much. Not a whole lot to say about this song, juts a solid song with a decent submission that won't rank as well as it should because it just falls slightly short in the other categories besides total quality.
Quality song by a quality artist, but I've listened to them a lot, and seen them in concert, so no newness points there. Shinedown in general is sort of hit or miss, as is my feeling on this song, but it's good. It gets hurt because it's so familiar to me though.
Another new song to me, and the band as well. I kinda of like this song, and when I'm listening to it at work, it just sort of fades into the background which is good on the surface, but it also means that is isn't great enough that I perk up and pay attention to it. So I think we land somewhere in the middle on the overall quality scale, but it does mean that is has replayability. I do find that when I actually pay attention though, his voice sort of grates on me. Unfortnately, nothing really special though, so no bonus points.
This song and the 2 that ended up ranking above it all tied initially, but a had to make a gut judgement to space them out. Bloo just misses out on an extra point or two.
This is exactly the sort of song that the SO would love, so it gets some other points there. Not my stlye at all though. It's not so actively bad that I'd want to turn it off, but certainly nothing that I would ever seek out. I might change the radio if I was in the car and it was on. I've never heard of it though, so points there for originality.
And TN eeks out a slightly better finish on the tie breaker.