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Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games)

01-04-2019 , 12:09 PM
DWetzeloo                  0
KarmaDopeoooooooooooooooo    0
True Northooooooooooooooooxoxo2
D1iabol1caloooooooooxoooxoox   3
DonkDonkDonkDonkooooooooooooooxxx   3
CieloAzorooxoooooooooxoox    3
chuckleslovakianooooxxoooooooox     3
Zimmer4141oooooooooxoxoox     3
inDheartoooooxxoooooox      3
derwipokooooooooxooxx       3
sixfouroooooooxoxx         3
Carl_Spackleroooooxoxox          3
Priptoniteoooooxooxx          3
CrimsonFoxooooxoxox           3
iraisetoomuchooooxoxx            3
SuqAta8ooxxoox             3
xander biscuitsooooxxx             3
bolt2112xooxox              3
mic_check12ooxxox              3
Bob Dobelinaooxxx               3
iamnotawerewolfoxoxx               3
Ericxxx                 3

DWetz has a bit under 8 hours to make 18 picks.

Karma has a bit under 8 hours to make 4 picks.

Anyone new who wants to enter has a bit under 8 hours to make 20 picks.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 12:10 PM
RankGameYearPlatformSelected ByRoundY/N?
N/A1080° Snowboarding1998N64D1iabol1cal17N
211Adventure1979Atari 2600sixfour9Y
463Age of Empires1997PCZimmer41413Y
130Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings1999PC, PS2Bluegrassplayer9Y
221Angry Birds2009MobilePokerCrazy944Y
N/AAnimal Crossing2002N64, GCSuqAta87N
349Assassin's Creed2007PS3,Xbox 360, PCiraisetoomuch6Y
87Assassin's Creed II2009Xbox 360, PS3D1iabol1cal12Y
353Baldur's Gate1998PCDonkDonkDonkDonk14Y
59Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn2000PCDonkDonkDonkDonk8Y
76Batman: Arkham Asylum2009Xbox 360, PS3, PCderwipok5Y
44Batman: Arkham City2011Xbox 360, PS3, PCderwipok6Y
197Battlefield 19422002PCchuckleslovakian10Y
N/ABionic Commando1988Arcade, NESeyebooger14N
13BioShock2007Xbox 360, PCSuqAta85Y
490BioShock 22010PC, PS3, Xbox 360PokerCrazy9411Y
74BioShock Infinite2013Xbox 360, PS3, PCCarl_Spackler9Y
319Borderlands2009PC, PS3, Xbox 360insanity3119Y
175Borderlands 22012Xbox 360, PS3, PCinsanity3120Y
456Bubble Bobble1986ArcadeTrue North 11Y
145Burnout 3: Takedown2004PS2, XboxD1iabol1cal16Y
48Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare2007PC, Xbox 360, Ps3DonkDonkDonkDonk6Y
445Call of Duty: Black Ops2010Xbox 360, PC, PS3, WiiPokerCrazy943Y
346Call of Duty: Black Ops II2012PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Wiiinsanity3111Y
194Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 22009Xbox 360, PS3, PCDonkDonkDonkDonk7Y
N/ACandy Crush Saga2012PC, MobilePokerCrazy9414N
41Castlevania: Symphony of the Night1997PlayStationCieloAzor5Y
368Championship Manager 42003PCKarmaDope14Y
226Chrono Cross1999PlayStationZimmer414113Y
7Chrono Trigger1995SNESchuckleslovakian2Y
124Civilization II1996PC, PlaystationCarl_Spackler4Y
97Civilization IV2005PCBluegrassplayer11Y
162Civilization V2010PCBluegrassplayer12Y
496Civilization VI2016PCeyebooger13Y
N/ACivilizaton III2001PCeyebooger15N
234Contra1987Arcade, NESPriptonite3Y
N/AContra III: The Alien Wars1992SNESinDheart7N
362Counter-Strike: Global Offensive2012PC, PS3, Xbox 360insanity316Y
N/ACounter-Strike: Source2004PCPriptonite6N
N/ACrash Bandicoot1996PlayStationmic_check123N
412Crash Bandicoot: Warped1998PlayStationKarmaDope11Y
232Dance Dance Revolution1998Arcade, PlayStationNicholasp2712Y
37Dark Souls2011PC, PS3, Xbox 360Zimmer41417Y
N/ADark Souls II2014PS4, Xbox One, PCderwipok12N
237Dark Souls III2016PC, PS4, Xbox OneZimmer41418Y
N/ADarkest Dungeon2016PS4, SwitchDonkDonkDonkDonk16N
383Day of the Tentacle1993PCNicholasp278aY
189Destiny2014PS4, Xbox OneZimmer414111Y
N/ADestiny 22017PS4, Xbox One, PCZimmer414112N
243Detroit: Become Humean2018PS4KarmaDope16Y
186Devil May Cry2001PS2inDheart13Y
183Diablo1996PC, PlaystationDonkDonkDonkDonk1Y
57Diablo II2000PCDonkDonkDonkDonk2Y
320Diablo III2012Xbox 360, PS3, PCPokerCrazy949Y
N/ADig Dug1982ArcadeCieloAzor13N
92Donkey Kong1981Arcadexander biscuits1Y
143Donkey Kong Country1994SNESCieloAzor6Y
N/ADonkey Kong Jr.1982ArcadeEric1N
112DOTA 22013PCDonkDonkDonkDonk5Y
316Double Dragon1987Arcade, NESmic_check122Y
159Dragon Age: Inquisition2014PS4, Xbox One, PCchuckleslovakian9Y
144Dragon Age: Origins2009Xbox 360, PS3, PCSuqAta86Y
N/ADragon Ball FighterZ2018PS4, Switch, Xbox One, ArcadeSuqAta84N
376Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride1992SNESNicholasp2718Y
387Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King2004PS2Bluegrassplayer19Y
438Dragon Quest X2012Wii U, PC, Mobile, PS4Bluegrassplayer20Y
N/ADragon's Lair1983Arcadebolt21126N
313Driver1999PlayStation, GBC, PCPokerCrazy9416Y
N/ADuke Nukem 3D1996PCsixfour11N
N/AEarthworm Jim1994SNES, GenesisCieloAzor16N
290Elite1984PC, C64sixfour4Y
269EVE Online2003PCPriptonite8Y
193Excitebike1984NESTrue North 16Y
106Fallout 21998PCeleanor608Y
42Fallout 32008Xbox 360, PS3, PCCrimsonFox4Y
233Fallout 42015Xbox One, PC, PS4iamnotawerewolf1Y
103Fallout: New Vegas2010PC, PS3, Xbox 360eleanor606Y
399FarmVille2009PC, MobilePokerCrazy9413Y
253FIFA 122011PC, PS3, Xbox 360, WiiPokerCrazy9419Y
258Final Fantasy1987NESsixfour1Y
497Final Fantasy III1990NESeyebooger17Y
331Final Fantasy IV1991SNESchuckleslovakian1Y
99Final Fantasy IX2000PlayStationBob Dobelina2Y
118Final Fantasy Tactics1997PlayStationBluegrassplayer7Y
49Final Fantasy VI1994SNESinDheart1Y
18Final Fantasy VII1997PlayStationPokerCrazy941Y
255Final Fantasy VIII1999PlayStation, PCBob Dobelina1Y
65Final Fantasy X2001PS2PokerCrazy942Y
365Final Fantasy XI2002PS2, PC, Xbox 360PokerCrazy9420Y
N/AFinal Fantasy XIII2009PS3, Xbox 360, PCiraisetoomuch8N
491Final Fantasy XIV2010PCPokerCrazy9412Y
250Final Fantasy XV2016PS4, Xbox OneBluegrassplayer14Y
391Football Manager 20052004PCKarmaDope15Y
386Fortnite Battle Royale2017Xbox One, PS4, PC, SwitchDonkDonkDonkDonk3Y
155Gears of War2006Xbox 360chuckleslovakian13Y
482Gears of War 22008Xbox 360chuckleslovakian14Y
N/AGears of War 32011Xbox Onechuckleslovakian15N
397Ghosts 'N Goblins1985Arcade, NESNicholasp2710Y
96God of War2005PS2D1iabol1cal11Y
83God of War (2018)2018PS4Carl_Spackler8Y
132God of War II2007PS2insanity3114Y
158God of War III2010PS3Carl_Spackler7Y
19GoldenEye 0071997N64iraisetoomuch2Y
166Gran Turismo1997PlayStationD1iabol1cal3Y
196Gran Turismo 21999PlayStationsixfour7Y
116Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec 2001PS2D1iabol1cal6Y
310Grand Theft Auto1997PC, PlaystationD1iabol1cal4Y
46Grand Theft Auto III2001PS2chuckleslovakian3Y
51Grand Theft Auto IV2008PS3, Xbox 360, PCZimmer41416Y
8Grand Theft Auto V2013PS3, Xbox 360chuckleslovakian4Y
35Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas2004PS2CieloAzor4Y
55Grand Theft Auto: Vice City2002PS2eleanor604Y
101Grim Fandango1998PCsixfour6Y
N/AGuild Wars2005PCPriptonite9N
168Guitar Hero2005PS2eyebooger4Y
N/AGuitar Hero II2006PlayStation 2, Xbox 360chuckleslovakian5N
N/AGuitar Hero III: Legends of Rock2007Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, PCchuckleslovakian6N
2Half-Life 22004PC, Xbox 360, Ps3, XboxCarl_Spackler2Y
62Halo 22004Xboxeyebooger7Y
84Halo 32007Xbox 360eyebooger8Y
260Halo 42012Xbox 360insanity3110Y
17Halo: Combat Evolved2001Xboxiraisetoomuch3Y
294Halo: Reach2010Xbox 360insanity319Y
296Hearthstone2014PC, MobileDonkDonkDonkDonk11Y
446Heavy Rain2010PS3D1iabol1cal15Y
N/AHeroes of Might and Magic III1999PC, Dreamcastxander biscuits6N
460Job Simulator2016PCPokerCrazy9415Y
293John Madden Football1988PC, C64True North 20Y
389Katamari Damacy2004PS2CieloAzor11Y
174Kerbal Space Program2013PC, PS4, Xbox One, Wii Ueyebooger12Y
75Kingdom Hearts2002PS2CieloAzor7Y
79Kingdom Hearts II2005PS2inDheart8Y
N/AKing's Quest VI1992PCCrimsonFox7N
150League of Legends2009PCPriptonite5Y
N/ALeisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards1987PCCarl_Spackler8N
403Lemmings1991Amiga, PCmic_check121Y
421LittleBigPlanet 22011PS3insanity3116Y
240Lode Runner1983PC, C64True North 14Y
N/ALord of the Rings??mic_check126N
N/AMadden NFL 172016PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3iraisetoomuch5N
483Madden NFL 20042003Xbox, PlayStation, GCNicholasp2715Y
236Madden NFL 20052004GC, PS2, XboxNicholasp2716Y
N/AMadden NFL '951994SNES, Genesisbolt21124N
444Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle1993PCNicholasp278bY
202Mario Golf1999N64D1iabol1cal9Y
125Mario Kart 641996N64insanity312Y
343Mario Kart 720113DSNicholasp2713Y
256Mario Kart 82014Wii UNicholasp2714Y
282Mario Kart: Double Dash!!2003GCeyebooger11Y
N/AMario Party1998N64Priptonite10N
N/AMario Tennis2000N64D1iabol1cal10N
60Mass Effect2007Xbox 360Priptonite4Y
11Mass Effect 22010Xbox 360, PS3, PCinsanity317Y
114Mass Effect 32012Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Wii Uinsanity318Y
163Max Payne2001PC, PS2, Xboxeleanor605Y
312May Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne2003PC, Xbox, PS2Nicholasp2711Y
98Mega Man 21988NESTrue North 3Y
251Mega Man 31990NESTrue North 4Y
359Mega Man X1993SNESinDheart2Y
12Metal Gear Solid1998PlayStationinDheart3Y
67Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty2001PS2inDheart11Y
38Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater2004PS2inDheart4Y
81Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots2008PS3inDheart5Y
82Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain2015PC, Xbox One, PS4chuckleslovakian11Y
N/AMetroid Fusion20023DS, Wii UinDheart6N
25Metroid Prime2002GCsixfour2Y
N/AMiddle-earth: Shadow of Mordor2014PS4, Xbox One, PCderwipok9N
249Mike Tyson's Punchout1987NESchuckleslovakian8Y
31Minecraft2011PC, MobileDWetzel2Y
297Mirror's Edge2008PS3, Xbox 360, PCeleanor6016Y
N/AMissile Command1980ArcadeEric3N
N/AMoon Patrol1982Arcade, Atari 2600, C64Bob Dobelina4N
137Mortal Kombat1992Arcade, Genesis, SNESD1iabol1cal2Y
375Mortal Kombat II1993Arcade, SNES, GenesisTrue North 6Y
N/AMortal Kombat X2015PS4, Mobile, Xbox OneSuqAta83N
69Ms. Pac-Man1982Arcadeeleanor603Y
170NBA Jam1993Arcade, SNES, GenesisTrue North 5Y
N/ANFL Blitz1997N64, PlayStationZimmer414115N
238NHL 941994SNES, Genesisbolt21123Y
449Ninja Gaiden1988NESNicholasp2715Y
270Ninja Gaiden Black2005XboxNicholasp2717Y
351Okami2006PS3, WiiCieloAzor10bY
363Out Run1986ArcadeTrue North 18Y
73Overwatch2016PC, PS4, Xbox Onederwipok10Y
N/APaper Mario2000N64Zimmer414110N
185Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door2004GCTrue North 15Y
128Perfect Dark2000N64D1iabol1cal5Y
254Persona 32006PS2, PSPBluegrassplayer18Y
54Persona 4 / Golden2008PS2CieloAzor9Y
105Persona 52017PS4CieloAzor15Y
N/APitfall II: Lost Caverns1984Arcade, Atari 2600, C64Bob Dobelina3N
161Pitfall!1982Atari 2600True North 8Y
107Planescape: Torment1999PCDonkDonkDonkDonk9Y
356Plants vs. Zombies2009PC, Virtual Consoleeyebooger10Y
332PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds2017PC, Xbox OneDonkDonkDonkDonk12Y
88Pokémon Gold and Silver2000GBCPokerCrazy947Y
30Pokémon Red and Blue1996GBPriptonite2Y
323Pokémon X and Y20133DSPokerCrazy9417Y
223Pokémon Yellow1998GBPokerCrazy946Y
218Pole Position1982ArcadeTrue North 10Y
16Portal 22011PC, PS3, Xbox 360insanity314Y
214Prince of Persia1989PCeleanor6019Y
242Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time2003PS2insanity3117Y
N/AQuest for Glory: So You Want to Be a Hero1989PCCarl_Spackler6N
452Rainbow Islands: The Story of Bubble Bobble 21987ArcadeTrue North 12Y
N/ARampage1986ArcadeTrue North 19N
N/ARayman1995PlayStation, Sega Saturn, Atari JaguarCarl_Spackler10N
4Red Dead Redemption2010Xbox 360, PS3eleanor601Y
78Red Dead Redemption 22018Xbox One, PS4eleanor602Y
122Resident Evil1996PlayStation, PCKarmaDope3Y
126Resident Evil 21998PlayStationSuqAta81Y
6Resident Evil 42005GC, PS2KarmaDope2Y
494Resident Evil Code: Veronica2000Dreamcast, PS2, GCKarmaDope4Y
N/ARiver Raid1982Atari 2600Bob Dobelina5N
447Robotron: 20841982ArcadeTrue North 13Y
207Rock Band2007Xbox 360, PC, PS3, Wiiiraisetoomuch4Y
N/ARock Band 22008PS3, Xbox, Wiiiraisetoomuch7N
179Rock Band 32010Xbox 360, PS3, WiiNicholasp2720Y
224Rocket League2015PC, Xbox One, PS4insanity3113Y
418RollerCoaster Tycoon1999PC, Xboxeyebooger19Y
358RollerCoaster Tycoon 22002PCeyebooger20Y
459Rome: Total War2004PCBluegrassplayer15Y
N/ASam & Max Hit the Road1993PCCrimsonFox9N
171Secret of Mana1993SNESNicholasp276Y
20Shadow of the Colussus2005PS2Bluegrassplayer17Y
190Shenmue II2001Dreamcast, XboxCieloAzor8Y
348Silent Hill1999PlayStationKarmaDope5Y
56Silent Hill 22001Xbox, PS2CrimsonFox6Y
208SimCity 20001994PC, SNES, PlayStationeyebooger6Y
95Sonic the Hedgehog1991Sega Genesisxander biscuits2Y
148Sonic the Hedgehog 21992Sega Genesiseyebooger3Y
N/ASonic the Hedgehog 31994Genesis, Wii, Saturn, PC, Xbox 360sixfour8N
71Space Invaders1978ArcadeDWetzel1Y
94Spelunky2009PC, Virtual ConsoleDonkDonkDonkDonk7Y
222Spider-Man (2018)2018PS4eleanor6013Y
327Spider-Man 22004GC, PS2, Xbox, PCeleanor6020Y
220Splatoon2015Wii UZimmer414114Y
N/ASpy Hunter1983ArcadeTrue North 17N
404Spyro The Dragon1998PlayStationeleanor6018Y
252Star Fox 641997N64Zimmer41415Y
33Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic2003Xbox, PCDonkDonkDonkDonk8Y
141Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty2010PCDonkDonkDonkDonk10Y
484StarCraft: Brood War1998PCBluegrassplayer6Y
45Street Fighter II1991SNESBluegrassplayer2Y
390Street Fighter IV2008Arcade, PS3, Xbox 360, PCCieloAzor14Y
261Streets of Rage 21992Arcade, Genesisinsanity3118Y
3Super Mario 641996N64iraisetoomuch1Y
26Super Mario Bros.1985NESCrimsonFox1Y
245Super Mario Bros. 21988NESCieloAzor1Y
22Super Mario Bros. 31990NESTrue North 1Y
47Super Mario Galaxy2007WiiCieloAzor2Y
52Super Mario Galaxy 22010Wiichuckleslovakian7Y
63Super Mario Kart1992SNESderwipok4Y
464Super Mario Maker2015Wii UNicholasp2716Y
68Super Mario Oddysey2017SwitchZimmer41411Y
219Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars1996SNESZimmer41419Y
N/ASuper Mario Sunshine2002GCCieloAzor3N
15Super Mario World1990SNESTrue North 2Y
142Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island1995SNESderwipok3Y
263Super Meat Boy2010VCeyebooger18Y
21Super Metroid1994SNESBluegrassplayer1Y
147Super Smash Bros.1999N64SuqAta81Y
167Super Smash Bros. Brawl2008Wiieyebooger16Y
58Super Smash Bros. Melee2001GCSuqAta82Y
276Superman1979Atari 2600eleanor6014Y
N/ASuperman: The Man of Steel2002Xboxeleanor6015N
169System Shock 21999PCCarl_Spackler7Y
402Tactics Ogre1995SNES, Sega Saturn, PlayStationBluegrassplayer8Y
406Tecmo Bowl1988Arcade, NESTrue North 9Y
409Tecmo Super Bowl1991NESinsanity3112Y
135Tekken 31997Arcade, PlayStationKarmaDope12Y
14Tetris1986PC, GB, NESD1iabol1cal1Y
N/AThe Binding of Isaac2011PCDonkDonkDonkDonk15N
70The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind2002PC, Xboxderwipok7Y
86The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion2006Xbox 360, PS3, PCderwipok8Y
9The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim2011Xbox 360, PS3, PCCrimsonFox3Y
5The Last of Us2013PS3, PS4KarmaDope6Y
40The Legend of Zelda1986NESinsanity311Y
493The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds20133DSNicholasp273Y
10The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past1991SNESNicholasp271Y
27The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild2017Switch, Wii UNicholasp272Y
152The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening1993GBNicholasp275Y
43The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask2000N64derwipok1Y
1The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time1998N64CrimsonFox2Y
153The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword2011WiiNicholasp274Y
32The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker2002GCderwipok2Y
72The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess2006Wii, GCTrue North 7Y
N/AThe Lost Vikings1992SNES, Genesisiamnotawerewolf2N
271The Oregon Trail1971PC, C64eyebooger9Y
89The Secret of Monkey Island1990PCCarl_Spackler5Y
N/AThe Simpsons: Hit & Run2003PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, PCxander biscuits5N
61The Sims2000PCmic_check125Y
398The Sims 32009PC, PS3, Xbox 360, WiiPokerCrazy9410Y
108The Walking Dead2012Xbox 360, PS3, PC, OUYAKarmaDope9Y
476The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings2011PC, Xbox 360KarmaDope7Y
29The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt2015PS4, Xbox One, PCKarmaDope8Y
N/AThief: The Dark Project1998PCCrimsonFox5N
N/ATime Crisis1995Arcadexander biscuits7N
111Tomb Raider1996PCKarmaDope10Y
366Tomb Raider (2013)2013Xbox 360, PS3, PCPokerCrazy9418Y
134Tony Hawk's Pro Skater2000PlayStation, N64, DreamcastD1iabol1cal7Y
93Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 22001PlayStation, PC, Dreamcast, N64D1iabol1cal8Y
133Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 32001PS2, GC, XboxPokerCrazy948Y
453Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 42002GC, PS2, Xbox, PCeleanor609Y
428Total War: Warhammer2016PCBluegrassplayer16Y
N/ATrack & Field1983Arcademic_check124N
217Ultima Online1997PCPriptonite7Y
23Uncharted 2: Among Thieves2009PS3inDheart9Y
102Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception2011PS3CieloAzor12Y
80Uncharted 4: A Thief's End2016PS4inDheart10Y
N/AUncharted: Drake's Fortune2007PS4inDheart14N
181Unreal Tournament1999Dreamcast, PCxander biscuits3Y
N/AWarCraft II: Tides of Darkness1995PlayStation, PCBluegrassplayer3N
154WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos2002PCBluegrassplayer4Y
N/AWarcraft: Orcs & Humans1994PCBluegrassplayer5N
371Wave Race 641996N64Nicholasp279Y
N/AWhere in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?1996PCiamnotawerewolf5N
140Wii Sports2006Wiixander biscuits4Y
N/AWipeout1995PlayStation, Sega Saturn, PCeleanor6017N
191Wolfenstein 3D1992PCchuckleslovakian12Y
28World of Warcraft2004PCDonkDonkDonkDonk4Y
292Worms Armageddon1999PC, Dreamcast, PlayStationPokerCrazy945Y
272XCOM 22016PC, PS4, Xbox OneBluegrassplayer13Y
241XCOM: Enemy Unknown2012PC, PS3, Xbox 360derwipok11Y
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 12:11 PM
At 7 pm, you guys can make 4 picks that will cover you until Monday at 7 pm.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 12:16 PM
Would be mighty impressive to come lay down 20 correct (or even 18/20) at this point
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 12:27 PM
WP Nich and Insanity - no idea how 20 with none incorrect is possible, I'll be happy to make it to next week.

JM If I PM my picks now, will they count as being provided pre anyone else guess? I'll be fast asleep by 7pm and with so few left on my list, may be sniped.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 12:30 PM
I am 100% drawing dead.. but if I wanted to try and fire off 20 games I can remember from my childhood that I don't see on the list is it better to do all 20 at once or a few at a time in case I just whiff on the first 3
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 12:32 PM
how many are even left?
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by eleanor60
WP Nich and Insanity - no idea how 20 with none incorrect is possible, I'll be happy to make it to next week.

JM If I PM my picks now, will they count as being provided pre anyone else guess? I'll be fast asleep by 7pm and with so few left on my list, may be sniped.
I responded to your PM before I saw this, but PM'd entries get judged at the end of the day, so you'll probably be better off just posting your picks when you wake up.

Originally Posted by Dizzyqtp
I am 100% drawing dead.. but if I wanted to try and fire off 20 games I can remember from my childhood that I don't see on the list is it better to do all 20 at once or a few at a time in case I just whiff on the first 3
I'm around, so it might be best to do a few at a time, but it's up to you.

Originally Posted by Dizzyqtp
how many are even left?
206 left.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 12:44 PM
ok let's do 5 at a time:

SSX Tricky
Super-Smash Bros 4
Mario Party 2
Diddykong Racing
Pokemon Stadium

am i ded yet?
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Dizzyqtp
ok let's do 5 at a time:

SSX Tricky
Super-Smash Bros 4
Mario Party 2
Diddykong Racing
Pokemon Stadium

am i ded yet?

N/ASSX Tricky2001PS2, Xbox, GCDizzyqtp1N
149Super Smash Bros. for Wii U2014Wii U, 3DSDizzyqtp2Y
N/AMario Party 21999Wii, N64Dizzyqtp3N
N/ADiddy Kong Racing1997N64Dizzyqtp4N

The 5th one is still available starting next round.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 12:54 PM
haha gg - had to try. SSX Tricky should be a lock!
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Dizzyqtp
haha gg - had to try. SSX Tricky should be a lock!
It's definitely a hard time to come in cold. Thx for playing
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 01:26 PM
I have an idea for a 5th Thunderdome. But it's dumb. Might run it anyway.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by eleanor60
WP Nich and Insanity - no idea how 20 with none incorrect is possible, I'll be happy to make it to next week.
Definitely been saved a couple times by someone guessing it first
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 01:59 PM
Batman: Arkham Knight
Doom - 2016 version
Resident Evil 7
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by KarmaDope
Batman: Arkham Knight
Doom - 2016 version
Resident Evil 7
300Batman: Arkham Knight2015Xbox One, PS4, PCKarmaDope17Y
229Doom (2016)2016Xbox One, PC, PS4KarmaDope18Y
N/AResident Evil 7: Biohazard2017Xbox One, PC, PS4KarmaDope19N
309Limbo2010Xbox 360, PC, PS3KarmaDope20Y
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 08:32 PM
prince of persia 2 and 3

i'm considering "the sands of time" as PoP 1 here, not the original that was just guessed. i don't recall the names of the next two games, so hopefully that's acceptable. they were both on PS2 i believe

rainbow six vegas
rainbow six siege
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by insanity31
prince of persia 2 and 3

i'm considering "the sands of time" as PoP 1 here, not the original that was just guessed. i don't recall the names of the next two games, so hopefully that's acceptable. they were both on PS2 i believe

rainbow six vegas
rainbow six siege
352Prince of Persia: Warrior Within2004PS2, GC, Xbox, PCinsanity3121Y
N/APrince of Persia: The Two Thrones2005PS3, Xbox, PCinsanity3122N
N/ATom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas2006PS3, Xbox, PCinsanity3123N
308Rainbow Six Siege2015PC, PS4, Xbox Oneinsanity3124Y
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 08:56 PM
Madden 02
Madden 03
Zelda oracle of seasons
Zelda oracle of ages
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 08:59 PM
Dragon Quest 1/Dragon Warrior
God of war
God of war 2
God of war 3

Edit:whoops I dont know the alphabet

Nier: Automata

Last edited by Bluegrassplayer; 01-04-2019 at 09:07 PM.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 08:59 PM
Whew, still alive
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 09:00 PM
All those God of wars were gone a while back iirc
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 09:10 PM
Soulcalibur 2
Dragon Warrior
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 09:12 PM
Black and White
Castlevania 3
Castlevania 1
Kirby's Adventure
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
01-04-2019 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by insanity31
All those God of wars were gone a while back iirc
Yeah thought I was getting a lucky break there.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome game 4 (Top 500 Video Games) Quote
