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Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs)

11-21-2018 , 04:09 PM
All Along the Watchtower
Free Bird
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 04:56 PM
I'll post the results regarding songs already submitted before I leave today (a little over 4 hours). Reminder that the next 2 songs aren't to be guessed until after 1 on Monday. Thx!
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 05:44 PM
Let it be
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 06:49 PM
Dock of the Bay
Blowin in the Wind
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 07:09 PM
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 07:37 PM
dont stop believin
scar tissue
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 08:22 PM
Hotel California
California Dreamin
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 08:24 PM
Fun fact:

Not a single person has picked a song from the 1st half of the list, yet.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 08:28 PM
Strawberry Fields Forever
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Edit - Sniped by Nich while reading thread.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 09:04 PM
"Rank"SongArtistGuesserRoundChart DateCorrect?
543Blowin' In the WindBob Dylannails21963-08-13Yes
568(I Can't Get No) SatisfactionThe Rolling Stonesaaronk5621965-06-12Yes
575Like a Rolling StoneBob Dylanderwipok21965-07-24Yes
576YesterdayThe BeatlesD1iabol1cal11965-09-13Yes
581In My LifeThe Beatleseyebooger11965-12-03Yes
582California DreaminThe Mamas and the PapasNicholasp2721966-01-01Yes
595Strawberry Fields ForeverThe BeatlesCieloAzor11967-02-13Yes
596Penny LaneThe Beatleseleanor6011967-02-13Yes
598RespectAretha Franklinbolt211221967-04-10Yes
602A Day in the LifeThe Beatleseyebooger21967-06-02Yes
605All You Need is LoveThe Beatleseleanor6021967-07-07Yes
612The Dock of the BayOtis Reddingnails11968-01-08Yes
617Hey JudgeThe Beatlesaaronk5611968-08-26Yes
618All Along the WatchtowerThe Jimi Hendrix Experiencexander biscuits11968-09-14Yes
619I Heard It Through the GrapevineMarvin Gayebolt211211968-11-16Yes
638Bridge Over Troubled WaterSimon & GarfunkelEric11970-01-26Yes
639Let It BeThe Beatlesmic_check1211970-03-06Yes
659ImagineJohn LennonD1iabol1cal21971-10-11Yes
661Stairway to HeavenLed ZeppelinPriptonite21971-11-08Yes
678Dream OnAerosmithArcticKnight21973-06-27Yes
689Free BirdLynyrd Skynyrdxander biscuits21974-11-16Yes
694Born to RunBruce SpringsteenTrue North11975-08-25Yes
696Bohemian RhapsodyQueenArcticKnight11975-11-08Yes
705Hotel CaliforniaEaglesNicholasp2711977-02-26Yes
725I Will SurviveGloria GaynorDWetzel21978-12-16Yes
756Don't Stop BelievinJourneySuqAta811981-08-15Yes
771Billie JeanMichael JacksonCarl_Spackler11983-01-02Yes
783ThrillerMichael JacksonPriptonite11983-11-12Yes
791Born in the USABruce SpringsteenDWetzel11984-06-23Yes
796Purple RainPrince & the RevolutionTrue North21984-09-21Yes
820Sweet Child O' MineGuns N' RosesKarmaDope21988-06-11Yes
832Enter SandmanMetallicaKarmaDope11991-07-29Yes
833Smells Like Teen SpiritNirvanaderwipok11991-09-10Yes
897Lose YourselfEminemPokerCrazy9422000-10-07Yes
HMMy Name IsEminemPokerCrazy9411998-12-27No
HMRing of FireJohnny CashCarl_Spackler21963-06-01No
HMI Want It That WayBackstreet Boysiraisetoomuch11999-04-24No
N/ARun to the HillsIron MaidenEric2 No
N/AIn The EndLinkin Parkiraisetoomuch2 No
N/AEverlongFoo Fightersmic_check122 No
N/AScar TissueRed Hot Chili PeppersSuqAta82 No
N/ALucy In the Sky With DiamondsThe BeatlesCieloAzor2 No
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 09:05 PM
aaronk56oo              0
ArcticKnightoo              0
bolt2112oo              0
derwipokoo              0
D1iabol1caloo              0
DWetzeloo              0
eleanor60oo              0
eyeboogeroo              0
KarmaDopeoo              0
nailsoo              0
Nicholasp27oo              0
Priptoniteoo              0
True Northoo              0
xander biscuitsoo              0
Carl_Spacklerox              1
CieloAzorox              1
Ericox              1
mic_check12ox              1
PokerCrazy94xo              1
SuqAta8ox              1
iraisetoomuchxx              2
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 09:06 PM
Well that sucks. I have a lot of better guesses already. Dunno why I rushed.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 09:08 PM
Growing up listening to oldies with my dad is gonna pay off

I woulda thought Lucy makes top 1000 tho so I’m sure we’re gonna all get some strikes like that

Last edited by Nicholasp27; 11-21-2018 at 09:09 PM. Reason: Lol Backstreet Boys song tho
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 09:10 PM
Yup...there's 542 songs on this list older than Blowin' In the Wind.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 09:38 PM
I feel like I’m going through withdrawal not being able to pick any more songs until Monday.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 09:44 PM
Yeah, this one is gonna be a long game and Monday is forever and a day away
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 09:44 PM
Every single song we listed is ranked outside the top 500? What the ****?

Edit: Oh, never mind, they're just in chronological order.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 09:46 PM
No it’s chronological order

Originally Posted by eyebooger
LOL reading the rules.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
No it’s chronological order
Nich - you have a Codenames game going on.
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 10:39 PM
Oh thanks, didn’t realize; thread not in my subscribed list
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 10:42 PM
Where? I just searched 3 times but don’t see it; my round 3 ended and I see no round 4 threads. Link?
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-21-2018 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
Where? I just searched 3 times but don’t see it; my round 3 ended and I see no round 4 threads. Link?
I PM'd you a link earlier today, but on phone now.

This might work though:

Or this:
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-22-2018 , 12:34 AM
too late to shout names?
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-22-2018 , 12:38 AM
Just started; you can give 2 songs now and then next 2 are due Monday
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
11-22-2018 , 12:43 AM
Over The Rainbow
My Way
Pogcathlon Thunderdome Game 3 (Top 1000 Songs) Quote
