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Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread

02-02-2019 , 10:32 PM
So in our most complex scoring round yet, here is where we stand before the primary judge has his say:

MeatD1iabPokerCrayirtmJM3/NotEric TotalRankDrafter
Bacon (2)2016189 631CrimsonFox
Ribeye Steaks (1)14141210 502xander biscuits
Porterhouse (3)1212206 502bolt2112
Fried Chicken (5)1810147 494eyebooger
Chicken Wings (9)166168 465DonkDonkDonkDonk
Crab Legs (5)620104 406filthyvermin
Lobster (4)81825 337Carl_Spackler
Shrimp (5)10843 258eleanor60
Cheeseburger (5)4482 189Nicholasp27
Steak Tartare (9)2261 1110Priptonite
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by PokerCrazy94

Any of kangaroo/alligator/rabbit/squirrel/ostrich/pheasant/venison would've scored well with me too
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:37 PM
Our primary judge:

Originally Posted by insanity
12 year old me would have given you first or second probably. Unfortunate that you caught me 20 years later!

10th: Cheeseburger (Nicholasp27)

Again, definitely would have scored higher for teen-inanity. Pretty sure this selection has the lowest satisfaction (meat consumed/time spent) ratio.

9th: Chicken Wings (DonkDonkDonkDonk)

Like I said at the end of the draft, my #1 meat wasn't taken. At least I think I would have ranked it #1, maybe would have depended on the write-up. Anyway, I'm talking about sashimi... there's really nothing like high quality sashimi imo. Well, I kinda hate ranking this selection so low because I'm almost positive I'd like it, but I've never had it. Sorry. At least you didn't get last!

8th: Steak Tartare (Priptonite)

Definitely overrated, as someone mentioned in the draft. Would rather have [redacted] instead for numerous reasons.*

7th: Lobster (Carl_Spackler)

Again, overrated. It's obviously good, but I'm not gonna make a meal out of it. And even though I didn't specify I wanted a full meal type of meat (twss?), I'll still dock a couple points since I can.*

6th: Bacon (CrimsonFox)

Slightly more of an appetizer, at least when I usually eat them. But still incredibly delicious.*

5th: Shrimp (eleanor60)

This one is an excellent selection for any-timeline-inanity. Stands the test of time much better than burgers and wings.*

4th: Fried Chicken (eyebooger)

This one*can*have a low meat consumed/time spent ratio, but they're so delicious that I don't care. And sometime even all you can eat!

3rd: Crab Legs (filthyvermin)

Really tough to rank these last two since they're both great in their own way. Both very good write-ups as well.*

2nd: Porterhouse (bolt2112)

IBD, you're welcome to cook me dinner any time.

1st: Ribeye Steaks (xander biscuits)
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:40 PM
Bacon and chicken wings take a tumble there. Final meat rankings:

MeatD1iabPokerCrayirtmJM3/NotEric TotalRankDrafter
Ribeye Steaks (1)1414121040901xander biscuits
Porterhouse (3)121220636862bolt2112
Bacon (2)201618920833CrimsonFox
Fried Chicken (5)181014728774eyebooger
Crab Legs (5)62010432725filthyvermin
Chicken Wings (9)1661688546DonkDonkDonkDonk
Lobster (4)8182516497Carl_Spackler
Shrimp (5)1084324497eleanor60
Steak Tartare (9)226112239Priptonite
Cheeseburger (5)448242210Nicholasp27
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:41 PM
I hope everyone knows which one in my list was a joke...

Yum this reveal is making me hungry for some meaty meat
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:41 PM
Surprised nobody picked lamb or pork, or even fish.
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:42 PM
bacon officially disavows all knowledge of you and refuses to be eaten by you forevermore
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:42 PM
Bolt knocks Nichp off the top. xander and Crimson make big moves too:

RankTotalEntrantUseful Kitchen ItemPts1986 MoviePtsHoliday GiftPtsRidiculous NamePtsMeat/SeafoodPtsWorst Pro Sports FranchisePtsWorld Cup Football PlayerPtsIconic PhotographPtsPiePts#1 SongPts
1434bolt2112Coffee Maker (10) Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1)71Straight Cash Homie (2) Wonderful Terrific Monds Jr. (6)83Porterhouse (3)86Buffalo Bills (7)71Klose (4)54Mansfield/Loren*(9) Chocolate Silk (8)69Hey Ya - Outkast (5) 
2409Nicholasp27Range (2) Platoon (4)85Car (6) Harry Baals (7)59Cheeseburger (5)22Montreal Expos (9)48Pele (1)101Abbey Road*(10) Apple (3)94Not Afraid - Eminem*(8) 
3404xander biscuitsTongs (6) Blue Velvet (4)64Concert tickets (7) North West (5)42Ribeye Steaks (1)90LA Clippers (8)73Ronaldo (Brazil) (2)91The Kiss (3) Mississippi Mud (10)44Smooth - Santana feat. Rob Thomas*(9) 
4397DonkDonkDonkDonkChef's Knife (2) Stand By Me (4)77Pet (10) Metta World Peace (8)70Chicken Wings (9)54Minnesota Timberwolves (7)43Zidane (3)74Tank Man*(1) Pecan (6)79Crazy In Love - Beyonce f. Jay-Z (5) 
5379CrimsonFoxMicrowave (6) Big Trouble in Little China (3)59Gift Cards (4) Moxie Crimefighter Jillette (7)78Bacon (2)83Cleveland Indians (8)60Neymar (1018Vietnam War*(1) Cherry (5)81Happy - Pharell Williams*(9) 
6368Carl_SpacklerRefrigerator (2) The Fly (6)50Alcoholic beverages (9) Rusty Kuntz (10)84Lobster (4)49Cleveland Browns (1)86Garrincha (7)49Lunch Atop a Skyscraper (5) Chicken Pot Pie (8)50Lose Yourself - Eminem (3) 
7336PriptoniteFrying Pan (2) Aliens (3)96Special Sexytime (8) Moon Unit Zappa (7)59Steak Tartare (9)23Detroit Lions (1)84Beckenbauer (5)50Marilyn Monroe*(10) Meat (4)24In Da Club - 50 Cent (6) 
8327eyeboogerDishwasher (2) Castle In the Sky (10)15Dinner at a nice restaurant (7) Ha Ha Clinton-Dix (3)51Fried Chicken (5)77Toronto Maple Leafs (6)51Maradona (1)96Pale Blue Dot*(8) Chocolate Peanut Butter (4)37Uptown Funk! - Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars*(9) 
9319eleanor60Kitchen Sink (2) Top Gun (1)50A holiday (6) Yoshie Take****a (9)26Shrimp (5)49Sacramento Kings (7)51Matthäus (4)53The Terror of War (3) Key Lime (10)90I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas*(8) 
10257filthyverminKitchen Slave (2) Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home (7)38Dream home (9) Abcde (3)53Crab Legs (5)72Washington Generals (4)38Taylor Swift (10)19Woman Falling From Fire Escape*(1) Banana Cream (6)37Somebody That I Used to Know - Gotye*(8) 
    0 605 0 605 605 605 605 0 605 0
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:46 PM
Tartare & meat pie...I know whose house I'm not going to for dinner.
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:47 PM
Don't worry JM3, he has a frying pan
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:48 PM
A good meat pie is really good, but a bad one is godawful. And unfortunately, most of them are the latter.
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:49 PM
Let's go for a video category: DonkDonkDonkDonkDonkDonkDonkDonkDonkDonkDonkDonkDo nkDonkDonkDonkDonk's Greatest Televised Poker Hand

Joining Donk's panel are eyebooger, Priptonite and CrimsonFox xander biscuits, with guest judge JM3 bringing up the rear.

mod note: lolTVpoker
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:50 PM
what? I didn't judge that
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:52 PM
As JM3 has included the links in his rankings, let's look at his rankings first, and you guys can review the hands if such is your want.

Originally Posted by JMurder3
RankTelevised Poker HandDrafterNote
1Dwan Bluffs Ivey (1)SuqAta8Fun hand, huge amounts of $$$ involved.
2Jarvis vs. Mizrachi (8)rtspursLoud excited crowd, a rollercoaster of emotions, lots of money on the line…but in the end it's just a flip. Conflicting. Dunno, 2-7 are all pretty similar to me, so the atmosphere will lift this one up…
3Farha vs Gold AA vs KK (5)D1iabol1calWeird azz hand. Kind of amusing, but wtf?
4Phil Ivey vs Paul Jackson (5)chuckleslovakianPoor video quality, & I think it would be more fun if it was cash (although I'm sure there was a fair amount of $ involved, just missing that context from the clip). Not a bad hand, though.
5Kitai call vs Chen (6)insanity31It's an impressive call, but it doesn't seem like they're playing anything too important & it was for a pretty small % of the chips. Wonder what % of the time he's bluffing with better than ace high…
6Phil Hellmuth vs. Ernest Wiggins (9)True NorthI can't help but enjoy how miserable Helmuth is…otherwise it's kind of silly, but kinda fun.
7Moneymaker Effect (10)aaronk56Remarkably similar board to the Mizrachi hand. I don't know. I just can't be excited about someone in a Stevie Franchise shirt losing, even if it did help the making me a lot of $$$ in poker cause.
8Know your Opponents Hand (5)iraisetoomuchKind of funny. Hadn't seen this before. Not like something I would ever want to watch again, though.
9Henry Tran v Alcober (2)PokerCrazy94I don't have time to watch a 17 minute video, but I advanced to the important looking parts. Kinda funny/silly, but meh.
10Tony G (10)EricFilm quality is awful. Don't really enjoy the antics. Some of it is semi-funny, but meh.
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by CrimsonFox
what? I didn't judge that
no idea what you're talking about
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:55 PM
you scared me
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 10:59 PM
Priptonite has first say from the secondary judges:

1 Kitai vs Chen
2 Revealed Jacks
3 Alcober vs Tran

4 Durrr vs Ivey
5 Ivey vs Jackson
6 Farha vs Gold
7 Hellmuth vs Wiggins
8 Jarvis vs Mizrachi
9 Moneymaker vs Ivey
10 Tony G vs Ralph Perry
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 11:03 PM
eyebooger says:

10Tony G vs Ralph Perry - Didn't really like this at all. Just a guy being a dick.
9Jarvis vs Mizrachi - A rollercoaster for sure, but unless you're actually one of these two, the importance isn't very high.
8Tran vs Alcober - Seems like a couple of tired guys making bad decisions
7Jackson vs Ivey - Seems like more intelligent aggression than Tran/Alcober, but not as intriguing as the top half of the list.
6Chen vs Kitai - Nice to see super aggression not work out. Pretty average for excitement, so it lands in the middle.
5Moneymaker vs Ivey - Basically the same as Jarvis/Mizrachi, but so much more important. Had you selected the Boyd/Moneymaker hand that happened earlier, it would have podiumed.
4Ivey vs Dwan - Best part of this is how pained Ivey is before folding.
3Wiggins vs Hellmuth - Always great to see Phil lose. Without Tony G at the end, this would have been top 2.
2Farha vs Gold - Not great poker, but the entertainment value is off the charts.
1Exposed hand - Loved every bit of this. Bonus points for "parsley".
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 11:06 PM
xander says:

Originally Posted by xander biscuits
1 Kitai call vs Chen
This is what I look for in a poker hand. Great play from Kitai and it’s a hand that’s not reliant on a cold deck to be interesting.

2 Phil Hellmuth vs Ernest Wiggins
The luck involved in the hand is one thing, but this doesn’t become a classic hand without all the characters involved. You’ve got a Hellmuth emotionally in decline and an amateur in emotional up tick and the peanut gallery giving Hellmuth the needle the whole time. Fun clip.

3 Dwan Bluffs Ivey
It’s a good clip. Interesting to see a hand played completely differently than I would play it. If I was Dwan then I don’t bluff and if I was Ivey I snap fold. Reminds me that it’s not just a game of who gets the best cards in the best positions. There’s still space for creativity.

4 Moneymaker Effect
It’s a cold deck which in itself isn’t too interesting but it’s got the historical context to it which is why it’s ranked this high.

5 Farha vs Fold AA vs KK
Oh dear God, just shut up already guys. Doyle’s got the right idea about this one. It’s interesting and fun to a point, but it goes on way too long and is way too repetitive.

6 Know your opponents hand
It’s a quirky hand, but it’s kinda dumb too. It’s also less interesting because it doesn’t involve anyone famous and the clip cuts out too early for my liking. It’s a decent draft pick because it might be something that people haven’t seen before, but I saw this one years ago.

7 Phil Ivey vs Paul Jackson
Lots of button clicking for the sake of it. Take away Phil Ivey, and put this on day 1 of a MTT and everyone calls it out for what it is: A dumb dick swinging contest. A greater number of bets on any particular street does not make a better hand poker.

8 Henry Tran v Alcober
Lots of button clicking for the sake of it. A dumb dick swinging contest. A greater number of bets on any particular street does not make a better hand of poker.

9 Jarvis vs Mizrachi
How could you possibly pick this hand when the Moneymaker vs Ivey one was still available?! It’s the same hand which is just a cold deck and there’s less historical significance behind it.

10 Tony G
Tony G shouting at someone doesn’t make a good hand of poker.
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 11:07 PM
I hate how the exposed hand clip is chopped off before it finishes. Apparently the guy called, according to comments, which decreases its value somewhat imo. I'm not even sure why the guy bet the river either, unless he was expecting a shove, which he obviously wasn't.
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 11:08 PM
Scores before main judge:

Televised Poker HandPripebxanderJM3DonkTotalRankDrafter
Kitai call vs Chen (6)2010206 561insanity31
Dwan Bluffs Ivey (1)14141610 542SuqAta8
Know your Opponents Hand (5)1820103 513iraisetoomuch
Farha vs Gold AA vs KK (5)1018128 484D1iabol1cal
Phil Hellmuth vs. Ernest Wiggins (9)816185 475True North
Phil Ivey vs Paul Jackson (5)12887 356chuckleslovakian
Moneymaker Effect (10)412144 347aaronk56
Henry Tran v Alcober (2)16662 308PokerCrazy94
Jarvis vs. Mizrachi (8)6449 239rtspurs
Tony G (10)2221 710Eric
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 11:10 PM
DonkDonkDonkDonk says:

1. Dwan bluffs Ivey

This is just sick. Two absolute sickos going at it for massive amounts of cash. Ivey thinking about calling is either the sickest hollywood or the sickest read. Topped by the GOAT Gabe Kaplan on commentary.

2. Kitai Call vs Chen

What an absolute sicko. Like how do you even call here? Some next level **** here.

3. Farha vs Gold AA vs KK

This takes me back. God Jamie Gold was annoying. So annoying he tilted Farha out of a simple value bet. God I love HSP.

4. Phil Ivey vs Phil Jackson

A classic but a goodie. Ultimate penis waving competition.

5. Henry Tran vs Alcober

I have no idea what's going on in this hand. I think I hate almost every decision made here. Nice call on the end though.

6. Know your Opponent's Hand

Weird premise and some absolute punting done by the loser. It's just weird.

7. Phil Hellmuth vs. Ernest Wiggins

Yeah Hellmuth getting what he deserves is nice. I enjoyed that.

8.Moneymaker effect

Putting this higher than the other almost identical hand because of the significance I guess. Not particularly interesting outside of that.

9. Jarvis Vs. Mizrachi

Almost identical runout to the moneymaker hand but this didn't spark a poker boom, this is just a flip that got slightly interesting because of the run out.

10. Tony G

What a douche.
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 11:14 PM
Final rankings for Greatest Televised Poker Hand:

Televised Poker HandPripebxanderJM3DonkTotalRankDrafter
Dwan Bluffs Ivey (1)1414161040941SuqAta8
Kitai call vs Chen (6)201020636922insanity31
Farha vs Gold AA vs KK (5)101812832803D1iabol1cal
Know your Opponents Hand (5)182010320714iraisetoomuch
Phil Hellmuth vs. Ernest Wiggins (9)81618516635True North
Phil Ivey vs Paul Jackson (5)1288728635chuckleslovakian
Henry Tran v Alcober (2)1666224547PokerCrazy94
Moneymaker Effect (10)41214412468aaronk56
Jarvis vs. Mizrachi (8)64498319rtspurs
Tony G (10)222141110Eric
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 11:14 PM
Well I won’t get first place; bolt’s straight cash will crush my car pick

Abbey road and range should do well tho
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
02-02-2019 , 11:17 PM
5 for 5 for last place is impressive. Even Taylor Swift couldn't manage that!
Pogcathlon Grab Bag Draft REVEAL thread Quote
