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Alright, **** it. Nobody is responding to me, which is pretty awesome.
Might as well have a good time and perform a no doubt less skilled, durron-style analysis of where we're at.
Here is a power-by-power analysis.
France - position: so-so. France is openly fighting England, just stabbed Germany, and Italy has made it clear that he wants some. England is in no position to do much of anything barring a French blunder. On the other hand, France is in no position to get any more from England anytime soon. As far as Germany and Italy are concerned, France can easily hold one of them out but cannot guarantee holding both out in 1904. If fighting goes into 1905 France will certainly lose some centers. Fortunately both Italy and Germany are likely to be locked in battle on another front. Other than the now destroyed Austria, the autumn of 1903 was probably worse for France than any other power with Italy opening the Southern front and the mistimed stab. Chance of a solo: slim to none. Chance of a draw: reasonable.
England - position: terrible. I cannot see the King sharing in any sort of draw. He is down to two home centers and losing St. Petersburg is a matter of time. As stated above, the battle with France should be a standstill in 1905. England could make some progress in 1906 if somehow he doesn't lose St. Petersburg and Germany and/or Italy make gains against France, but by then there will likely be a power or alliance that is dominant. Trading St. Petersburg for Norway is right up there with Russia not covering Warsaw for bad move of the game and it cost him dearly. Chance of a solo: none. Chance of a draw: virtually none.
Russia - position: bad. Russia has played every single turn of the game badly. The Czar is left with one home center, which is slightly at risk. Not covering Warsaw is one of the worst moves I've ever seen in my relatively short diplomacy career. He deserves no part in any draw. Despite that, depending on which way Turkey goes, see below, Russia could have a very good 1904 and be in a good position by the end of 1905. If the game ends in a draw then Russia is very likely to get a piece if Turkey decides to attack Italy. Chance of a solo: very, very slim. Chance of a draw: reasonable.
Germany - Position: bad. While the fall of 1903 was a mixed bag, Germany has a lot less power than he did before the moves were complete. He was attacked from the West by France and will face an attack from some combination of Russia, Turkey and maybe even Italy from the South. He should be able to hold on and maybe gain a center in the North, but will struggle in 1905 if he keeps getting pushed from the West and South. Chance of solo: small. Chance of draw: reasonable.
Italy - position: bad. Deciding to turn on Austria was an interesting move. On one hand, he got a build and Austria could not retaliate. On the other, it's not clear that Russia and Turkey, his former enemies, are any less hostile. In another interesting move, he went after France. Similarly, that sword is double edged. France, along with Germany, was one of the two most powerful countries in the game. Unlike Germany, who was fighting in the North and East, France was only fighting England. Going after France seems reasonable in this sense. However, with Turkey being in the Ionian Sea and having two other units on Greece which is unprotected is bad news. In what is pretty safely the third-worst move of the game, Italy built an army in Venice. If the build is designed to be anti-French then a fleet in Naples is better. If it's supposed to help protect against Turkey then a fleet in Naples would be better. If it's meant to go after Russia it makes sense, but going after Russia and France would be foolish. If Italy and Turkey are to join forces, then building a fleet in Naples to go after France and letting Turkey go after Russia would be better. As it is, Italy is very unlikely to lose a center to Italy in 1904, although things could get better in 1905 if Turkey indeed goes after Russia and England and/or Germany force France to disband. Even in this best-case scenario, it's unlikely that Italy makes much headway before the winner of the Russia - Turkey - Germany Eastern front gets sorted out. In that case, he would be faced with a two fronted war with a weak position and not enough forces. Chance of a solo: none. Chance of a draw: fairly slim.
Turkey - position: very good, easily the best in the game. The fall of 1903 was extremely kind to the Sultan. He convinced Italy and Russia to work with him and destroy Austria, a costly move for each. With the move into the Ionian and inexplicable Italian army build he is in a great position to attack Italy and could have forces in the Peninsula this year. With the fleet build in Constantinople, he left open the possibility that he instead attack Russia. He has to go for one or the other and the good news is that either way he will be the aggressor as both Italy and Russia face fights on other fronts. It's hard to say which will be the move as he's in a better position against Italy but of course the Balkans is richer in centers. I would put the odds at 3-1 in favor of going after Italy. In addition, whichever he does not attack this year will be unlikely to have made too much progress by the time he is ready to attack them. Chance of a solo: reasonable. Chance of draw: very high.
Deadline is in 4.5 hours, don't forget your orders
Dustin: if you need a recess, I can give it to you. PM/Press the details of when you won't be available, I'll make sure there's no deadline those days.