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POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards

05-03-2020 , 10:05 PM
we have 4 of 6 lower

POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:12 PM
Wowsers! Did want to wait to see what Bloo and Donk thought too

But it's all good
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:18 PM
It was 14
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:21 PM
So I'm up for the last turn of the game?
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
we have 4 of 6 lower

Given that none of us felt strongly about it, it was conceivable that Bloo/Donk could have made a convincing case for higher btw
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Given that none of us felt strongly about it, it was conceivable that Bloo/Donk could have made a convincing case for higher btw
I guess. Four quick leaning lowers seemed to be fine enough to bold imo..

POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:28 PM
CategoryPlayer/TeamGlorius BFruity B
Divided - Whole   
Short Lived - Long Lived (3)Housebuts/FB04
Nobody Does It - Everybody Does It (1)Luke/FB13
Not a Sandwich - A Sandwich (10)TN/GB20
Poorly Made - Well Made   
Has a bad reputation - Has a good reputation (2)Arctic/GB31
Plain - Fancy (5)Carl/FB12
Easy to Kill - Hard to Kill (11)FMK/FB03
Unreliable - Reliable   
Guilty Pleasure - Openly Love (8)Donk/GB40
Untalented - Talented (6)JM3/GB40
Trashy - Classy (4)Bloobird/GB40
Quiet Place - Loud Place --- RESERVED (12) Gad/GB  
Job - Career (7)Spurs/FB12
Action Movie - Adventure Movie (9)D1iab/FB10
 Total 2115
Glorious Bastards (3W) Fruity Bumboys (1W 1T 1L)Round 1 and 23541
 Running Total5656
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:30 PM
Gad up.
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:31 PM
FMK clearly subpar at woman killing. Might have to rename him FMW (wound).
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by feedmykids2
It was 14
Ooh, that's a pretty good result. Nice one!

So I think we have a 2 point lead heading into the final clue?
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
Ooh, that's a pretty good result. Nice one!

So I think we have a 2 point lead heading into the final clue?
no 56/56 unless I messed up in the score table somewhere..
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
Ok, what are the scores? I can't read that table on my phone.
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:34 PM
nice clue fmk
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:34 PM
56/56 D1iab
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:35 PM
My logic for picking this category: we need them to get a zero no matter what since they win the tie breaker. Then if we got a 4 we win. If we get a 3 we needed them to get their over/under wrong, and to get our over/under right. So I thought this category would be the easiest for the extremes (my plan for 21 was Superman if kryptonite didn’t exist, I assumed I could do a non memey 1 pretty easily), so was hoping for a good rand. Was thinking of silverback gorillas etc for high but not 21. I knew the middle would be brutal but it seemed optimal.

My logic for my clue: I figured any human other than like a toddler or a frail old lady/disabled person would get you over 11, as long as you weren’t thinking about it as someone with a gun vs a person. I thought “no special fighting training” would get you to realize I was implying the other person didn’t have a gun, otherwise it didn’t matter much. I thought female, unarmed and no fighting training would get you to go too low, so I added adult (which I thought would mean slightly higher) and special training as opppsed to training might be slightly higher. I realize the more modifiers the more margin of error there is. It was never explicitly discussed but I was hoping adult as a modifier would be seen as slightly higher than female, but still lower than person (could be a male).

I was honestly thinking if I was on a team with the lolawyers I would setup the battle with person, then male/female, then adult or young, then fit or fat, then armed with something or not, then in a certain place, then at night or day, then whether police or guard dogs were near, then how far they were near, against an opponent with the same criteria, for like 25 modifiers, just to see them debate it and laugh lol. Sorry if I used 1 too many modifier, seems like I did.

With them going under it’s fine though, we got 3 and always needed them to get zero to have a chance, and we will need to get the over/under right in that case, so still in the game. Of course, I don’t think they will get zero on their clue since they usually get 4, but it’s nice they don’t have a lock haha. This really came down to, to me at least, what someone would think “person” with no modifiers was, and how you would read my modifiers of my modifiers haha.
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
56/56 D1iab

Damn, gonna need an epic choke job to win now.
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:43 PM
I honestly had no idea what you guys would say for my clue since it was pretty esoteric and subjective lol, happy I got you in the right range at least. I kinda thought I might get you too low though. It seemed like a hard category since there are so many available options. I guess this is what Carl meant by “bad” categories being more fun. I definitely had a million available options for creativity where you guys would be like “wat?”. Funny that house has the same category and the same number though
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal

Damn, gonna need an epic choke job to win now.
Yeah, but getting plus 3 kept us in the game. Even if we got 4, if they scored 2 we lose since they win the tie breaker. Will just be more epic when they get zero now and our over/under is for the match :P
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:50 PM
<3 my team for understanding my random clue though lol. I was just 1 modifier too far for the 4 ball
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Given that none of us felt strongly about it, it was conceivable that Bloo/Donk could have made a convincing case for higher btw
Sorry again, Gad. It just seemed like each lean lower was reinforcing the rest of them. I know I was firm once I saw three people with the same lean. But, you are right. It was possible for Bloo and Donk to both come in hard for high and want us to hash it out more despite 4 lower leans.

Sorry for being too quick with the bold...

BTW, nice job FMK and team FB....
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 10:54 PM
I don't think there were too many modifiers fwiw. Two people were on 15 anyway, and on a different day we probably land on the exact number.
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by feedmykids2
<3 my team for understanding my random clue though lol. I was just 1 modifier too far for the 4 ball
Are you forgetting my post from earlier?

That clue was as good as you can hope for. Variance man. Nice clue, 2nd best possible result. Maybe with one less modifier we guess 15 and they snap lower.
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 11:02 PM
I think I like the 5-word clue rule for future iterations.

This isn't really one of those situations, but there's going to be ways to angle yourself to a correct # through pure modifiers.
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
Sorry again, Gad. It just seemed like each lean lower was reinforcing the rest of them. I know I was firm once I saw three people with the same lean. But, you are right. It was possible for Bloo and Donk to both come in hard for high and want us to hash it out more despite 4 lower leans.

Sorry for being too quick with the bold...

BTW, nice job FMK and team FB....
Don't worry about it at all <3

And yeah, I'm not sure limiting the max words in a clue is the way to go, since there are some discrete and unitary concepts that take more than five words to describe, but limiting the number of modifiers might be worth trying

My clue coming up
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
05-03-2020 , 11:20 PM

Offical rules fwiw. This is the summary. It is expanded on, but awkward to post here.

I think we've allowed more than what the developers intended, especially in the very first couple of games.
POG Wavelength RR Round 3: The Fruity Bumboys vs Glorious Bastards Quote
