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Pog Pub X (feat. Taylor Swift):  Untitled by popular request (NSFW) Pog Pub X (feat. Taylor Swift):  Untitled by popular request (NSFW)

02-01-2012 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by soah
Sounds like Sim Ant, except that in the game your goal is to kill the other ants and collecting food is merely something necessary to do for survival.
yeah, I've played Sim Ant
02-01-2012 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Enty, nice toast the other day btw, how did the test go?
thx bro
i think i did a victory dance when i got back
pretty sure i passed for once
02-01-2012 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin

i don't know if the image i posted above will show. i have been failing on posting images for months now

but if it worked that is the country singer my friend is trying to set me up with. i hope we can hang out with taylor swift
i have been feeling super uninspired to write this girl. i never met her. i don't think she will like me. tbh, i probably wouldn't like her either. she likes keeping up with the kardashians and channel and twilight saga.

hey, xxxx

so you're a singer? that's awesome. i am a horrific singer myself, but i still try anyway. i have to admit i used to be kinda prejudice against country music, but i totally changed my mind when i heard some stuff i really like. did you know san francisco has one of the best blue grass shows in the world? and it's all totally free. this billionaire pays for it all and over a million people come every year.
i have no effin idea what to say
02-01-2012 , 02:16 AM
Did you ever say what cooking oil is
02-01-2012 , 02:18 AM
Filthy do not send that.
02-01-2012 , 02:23 AM
Send it filthy. Cest lavie
02-01-2012 , 02:27 AM
What's wrong with "my friend _____ says you're a great person and I'd love to grab a drink to test his theory"

EDIT: Just sound excited instead of ice-breaker-y.
02-01-2012 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
What's wrong with "my friend _____ says you're a great person and I'd love to grab a drink to test his theory"

EDIT: Just sound excited instead of ice-breaker-y.
sounds good
02-01-2012 , 02:28 AM
But make sure to leave the blank. It's her kind of humour
02-01-2012 , 02:31 AM
Listen to Hoya, ffs.
02-01-2012 , 02:31 AM
tell her gder sent you
02-01-2012 , 02:41 AM
At least you didn't mention Taylor Swift. That's a good start.
02-01-2012 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
But make sure to leave the blank. It's her kind of humour
this is expert, except for humor being misspelled.
02-01-2012 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
Did you ever say what cooking oil is
hmmm... i guess cooking oil is any kind of oil you use to help cook stuff. but what i meant was like some pos oil that is not olive oil, like maybe safflower oil or something. but i think it might even be worse than that. i think maybe he put some oil that came off some chicken he was cooking in that bottle. it makes me like throwing up just thinking about it. it smelled really nasty.

Originally Posted by CPHoya
What's wrong with "my friend _____ says you're a great person and I'd love to grab a drink to test his theory"

EDIT: Just sound excited instead of ice-breaker-y.
yeah, you're right. icebreakery is stupid. i will try a different approach. a drawback is our mutual friend does not really know her very well. also, she doesn't drink.

Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
At least you didn't mention Taylor Swift. That's a good start.
i know! all i want to do is ask if she knows taylor swift!!!
02-01-2012 , 03:12 AM
prude and sober is like . . . nine strikes
02-01-2012 , 03:24 AM
i left my apartment for the first time in 2 days to see The Grey

it was ok
02-01-2012 , 03:27 AM
lol, way to mix it up with the wolf movie
02-01-2012 , 03:27 AM
a couple years ago my friend tried to set me up with this big shot lawyer via FB. she graduated top of her class, makes 7 figures, etc etc... and i am just some lowlife loser. but it was fun exchanging a few emails. i think i blew it when i told her i didn't own a spoon until my mom convinced me i should have one.
02-01-2012 , 03:28 AM
7 figure lawyers are extremely, extremely rare

if she was young someone was lying to you
02-01-2012 , 03:29 AM
man i've never bought a spoon

02-01-2012 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
lol, way to mix it up with the wolf movie
i know i was thinking villagers and wolves the whole time

wolves reached parity pretty early, as chips would say
02-01-2012 , 03:29 AM
02-01-2012 , 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
7 figure lawyers are extremely, extremely rare

if she was young someone was lying to you
she was 38. my friend who is also a lawyer was guessing she made 7 figures. maybe she didn't. but either way she was definitely not used to dating guys like me
02-01-2012 , 03:32 AM
38 is young
02-01-2012 , 03:33 AM
****a yoou insomniaa
