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POG Pub September - Chasing the Clouds Away - NSFW POG Pub September - Chasing the Clouds Away - NSFW

09-01-2013 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
Time for someone to go buy a video card
this sounds like an excellent Final Solution
09-01-2013 , 02:33 PM
it's possible that motherboard won't boot anymore with it all goofed up like that. But if it will, then buying a cheap video card to put in it will suffice. and probably a new cable
09-01-2013 , 02:35 PM
Why do I need a video card? How do I tell if my other computers have them?
09-01-2013 , 02:36 PM
You can get done pretty cheap computers nowadays. I'd consult with Markus
09-01-2013 , 02:38 PM
Question for tbob (or possibly amp? Or wn??). If I buy some sort of connection for my keyboard to USB or w/e can I just download some programs and get patches and **** out will I likely have to buy more hardware
09-01-2013 , 02:51 PM
Sooo this is not a quick fix, huh? That's kind of annoying as I'm actually using the backup comp right now bc I need it. Fml
09-01-2013 , 02:51 PM
Honestly, if this isn't fixable, I'm probably going to smash it. I could smash the **** out of something right now..
09-01-2013 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Honestly, if this isn't fixable, I'm probably going to smash it. I could smash the **** out of something right now..
not a bad idea tbh, from your pics that comp looks like a rich breeding ground for spiders
09-01-2013 , 02:57 PM
If you do end up smashing it ill smash mine too and pog can vote on who was more rustled
09-01-2013 , 02:58 PM
make a video of you smashing the computer, and add some dialogue, something like "muther****ing nutshot piece of **** **** **** bull**** ****! god! i want filthy!"
09-01-2013 , 03:00 PM
**** me for telling you guys about the one legit phobia I have, why did I do that..
09-01-2013 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by well named
it's possible that motherboard won't boot anymore with it all goofed up like that. But if it will, then buying a cheap video card to put in it will suffice. and probably a new cable
This. You didn't have a graphics card, you just hard integrated graphics on your motherboard. I'm guessing that can't really be fixed anymore so you would need a dedicated graphics card for it to work, and that's if the motherboard will still work. If the motherboard won't work then it's probably just worth getting a new computer (and buy one with an actual graphics card).

Is it a full size tower or like a mini one? If it's a mini one a graphics card might not even fit.

For reference, here's a normal sized tower:

And some mini ones:

Last edited by Alrighty Roo; 09-01-2013 at 03:08 PM.
09-01-2013 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
not a bad idea tbh, from your pics that comp looks like a rich breeding ground for spiders
A spider once crawled out at me as I opened my laptop lid once

I don't use that laptop anymore
09-01-2013 , 03:30 PM
It's normal sized, roo.

So I guess the next important issue- can I still get my stuff off this comp if it's trashed? And.. Will someone have to view everything to retrieve stuff like files, photos, etc?

09-01-2013 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
So I guess the next important issue- can I still get my stuff of this comp if it's trashed? And.. Will someone have to view everything to retrieve stuff like files, photos, etc?
It's as simple as taking the harddrive out of the computer and putting it into another. For someone who knows what they are doing it shouldn't take more than 15 minutes. They won't have to view anything.

You could do it yourself. You just take the side off, unplug the SATA cable from the motherboard, unscrew the harddrive and pull it out. Then screw it into place in the other computer and plug the cable into its motherboard.
09-01-2013 , 03:36 PM
Can a harddrive from a desktop go into a laptop?
09-01-2013 , 03:37 PM
And how often are people in computer repair shops looking through their customers **** even when they don't have to? Just out of curiosity
09-01-2013 , 03:37 PM
No. Desktop harddrives are 3.5 inches, laptop ones are 2.5 inches.

Originally Posted by Crossnerd
And how often are people in computer repair shops looking through their customers **** even when they don't have to? Just out of curiosity
I have no idea but given that you're female I'm guessing the chances are significantly increased. If all you're doing is switching the harddrive from one machine to another it seems a waste of money to take it to a repair shop. Even if you don't want to, er, 'risk' doing it yourself someone you know in the vicinity should be more than capable; it's not hard. Same goes for putting in a new graphics card. Replacing the motherboard is more complicated and I wouldn't recommend that you do it yourself (although it's more than doable with only a small amount of compute hardware understanding especially if your motherboard came with instructions; they generally tend to be pretty good) but if you got that done in a shop you could take the harddrive out before you gave them the computer.
09-01-2013 , 03:39 PM
Where is the harddrive, and can I remove it myself?
09-01-2013 , 03:40 PM
you'll need to use a plunger
09-01-2013 , 03:42 PM
That's an impressive pic.

I'd expect the computer to boot fine. The only concern would be if any of those pins are touching. Even then it might not be a problem.

You can buy a video card and have your computer work like it did before. That's a $25 experiment.
09-01-2013 , 03:46 PM
Ok, I don't know computers but I generally can put things together well, so if anyone can give me some basic instructions on how I can fix this and get it working myself asap, I will be your pog guinea pig. Please help
09-01-2013 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Where is the harddrive, and can I remove it myself?
Inside the computer where the disk drive is there should be a rack with the harddrive being in one of the slots. In most towers the harddrive will be secured into place with screws so you need to unplug the wires (there should be two, a thin one (that's the SATA cable, usually yellow or red) and a thicker multi-stranded one (the power cable), then unscrew the screws and pull the harddrive out.

You might need to take both sides off the case to do this; they'll probably be screwed on so you just unscrew the screws and slide them off. Follow the SATA cable to the motherboard and remove it from there (there might be a little catch thing you have to press before it will come out, you shouldn't need to pull too hard). Don't touch the side of the harddrive with the disk on it and don't rest it with that side down either. Earth yourself before starting by touching metal (like a radiator) so you don't **** up any of your components with static.
09-01-2013 , 03:48 PM

Open the case. Inside you'll see something like this, but with stuff plugged in.

You buy a video card and then you push it into the slot that matches the connector.
09-01-2013 , 03:50 PM
Post the exact model # and we'll pick out something that fits.

I think you have an HP Narra2 motherboard, but not sure.
