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POG Pub October - OMG who the hell cares - NSFW POG Pub October - OMG who the hell cares - NSFW

10-01-2013 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
if you flash yourself people stop coming to your house
Does this attract or scare off the slutty girls?
10-01-2013 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
christmas is based on pagan traditions too

pretty much everything christians do was stolen from someone else

even the sacrifice yourself to yourself and come back to life nonsense wasn't anything new
you are now banned from kioskchat
10-01-2013 , 01:25 AM
3rd page
10-01-2013 , 01:38 AM
Don't forget to do your testicle lifts. Need to keep that sperm count up
10-01-2013 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
Does this attract or scare off the slutty girls?
iirc pwnsall is kinda cute so who knows
10-01-2013 , 01:43 AM
we need 1 more for a turbo! all are welcome!
10-01-2013 , 01:57 AM
Everyone enter Mets' Birthday Sheep! Reveal Tuesday night.
10-01-2013 , 02:40 AM
Ramen hack: stick in a couple dried chiles arbol (or whatever your dried chiles of choice are) with your ramen. Adds some nice, fulfilling spice to it.

Life hack: take out the chiles before eating the ramen.
10-01-2013 , 02:42 AM
you know it's a new month when I'm in the top 20 of pup posters
10-01-2013 , 02:45 AM
i havent had ramen in ages

never understood all the hate. the point of it is a cheap meal. of course its not gonna be good for you or anything.
10-01-2013 , 02:47 AM
ramen is the one thing i really liked the rooster sriracha on

i usually prefer sauces with more heat
10-01-2013 , 02:53 AM
speaking of heat, I bought some habaneros the other day but I don't even know what to put them in
10-01-2013 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
O/U on number of spazzy Felix too-serious and likely ****faced pub posts itt is set at 4.5

get your bets in people
Snap under.
10-01-2013 , 02:57 AM
The one time I bought habaneros I ended up putting a bunch of them in a batch of chili. The heat level was ok. Not as much as I was expecting.. The overall flavor wasn't quite there either.
10-01-2013 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
I'd like to officially congratulate wyman and J
To what does this refer?
10-01-2013 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
To what does this refer?
I believe in the previous pub pwns was saying a pogger got married. That would be my guess.
10-01-2013 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
I believe in the previous pub pwns was saying a pogger got married. That would be my guess.
Wyman's gf was a j so I suspected as much. Thanks.
10-01-2013 , 03:11 AM
<----- officially on the road.
10-01-2013 , 03:12 AM
That doesn't really work on the app
10-01-2013 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
speaking of heat, I bought some habaneros the other day but I don't even know what to put them in
Habaneros are difficult, you need to stew them with something.

If you do the slow cooker thing maybe toss a sliced habanero in with the roast?

One technique I recently discovered is baking cuts of meat (particularly pork) in a baking dish. Take some thick-cut pork chops or whatever, marinate to taste, something not very salty is better for this. Slice up some mushrooms and onions. Place the mushrooms and onions underneath the pork chops. Cover with foil, maybe add a dash of water to the bottom of the pan for extra moisture. Bake at 350 for 25 to 30 minutes. The best dang mushrooms I've ever had. Maybe if you stuck a slice of habanero under each pork chop it would turn out well?

If you're doing a sauteed dish habanero is usually too strong, have done it before, wouldn't recommend.
10-01-2013 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
i havent had ramen in ages

never understood all the hate. the point of it is a cheap meal. of course its not gonna be good for you or anything.
It's also delicious.

Honestly it's not that bad for you or anything, noodles are carb-dense of course but fine, and when I do ramen I only stick in maybe 1/3 to 1/2 the seasoning packet so less salt.

I think the big issue is that they're not that filling for how many calories they have. Gotta mix in some fatty/protein-dense cheapo food along the way. When I was on the actual solid poverty diet for a month and a half (had... $50 for a month of food IIRC) I would do a PBJ for breakfast, ramen for lunch, and like Chef Boyardee beef ravioli for dinner. If I did ramen for more than one meal in a row I'd just be craving more, because a 95% carb meal just isn't satisfying.
10-01-2013 , 03:20 AM
I feel like with some tweaking I can make a killer habanero chili. Spices and sauces are the things that really interest me when it comes to cooking.
10-01-2013 , 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
It's also delicious.

Honestly it's not that bad for you or anything, noodles are carb-dense of course but fine, and when I do ramen I only stick in maybe 1/3 to 1/2 the seasoning packet so less salt.

I think the big issue is that they're not that filling for how many calories they have. Gotta mix in some fatty/protein-dense cheapo food along the way. When I was on the actual solid poverty diet for a month and a half (had... $50 for a month of food IIRC) I would do a PBJ for breakfast, ramen for lunch, and like Chef Boyardee beef ravioli for dinner. If I did ramen for more than one meal in a row I'd just be craving more, because a 95% carb meal just isn't satisfying.
Yeah ramen was a staple of my diet when I was living on my own at first. I got some dehydrated vegetables (or something similar) and would toss them in, and then use part of the seasoning packet along with other spices and whatnot to make more of a sauce as opposed to a broth.
10-01-2013 , 03:24 AM
Apples on the pork chops, too Felix.
10-01-2013 , 03:29 AM
