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10-21-2013 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i think 70% chance that is a bad review
never tell me the odds

Interesni Kazki
10-21-2013 , 03:08 PM
i had a dream this morning xnerd broke up with her man and she was heartbroken. i offered to take her on a date to cheer her up because i mean come on what girl wouldn't be cheered up by that, right?
10-21-2013 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
what if krayz really is a pussy bitch though?
Yeah this isn't cool
10-21-2013 , 03:10 PM
Anarchist has really been posting salty lately. Last night he mocked Kaze's dead cat and then called kcaw's wife a dog in the space of about 10 minutes, both completely inappropriate.
10-21-2013 , 03:22 PM
if i was a mod i'd blackmail him to post a video or be banned. i'd make him say how much better the west coast is than the east coast. or have him do exercise or sing a showtune
10-21-2013 , 03:26 PM
good forum posters know you can get away with it if you say pussy ass bitch viking. because it's funnier
10-21-2013 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Anarchist has really been posting salty lately. Last night he mocked Kaze's dead cat and then called kcaw's wife a dog in the space of about 10 minutes, both completely inappropriate.
its called the "kioshk style"
10-21-2013 , 03:56 PM
and i made fun of kaze's girlfriend not his dead cat you ****er
10-21-2013 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
if i was a mod i'd blackmail him to post a video or be banned. i'd make him say how much better the west coast is than the east coast. or have him do exercise or sing a showtune
west coast is so awesome they keep people in with a lifetime of unbeatable traffic
10-21-2013 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Anarchist has really been posting salty lately. Last night he mocked Kaze's dead cat and then called kcaw's wife a dog in the space of about 10 minutes, both completely inappropriate.
i used to spread my insults out over the course of a week but now i only post like one day so i have to get them all in in one day
10-21-2013 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Krayz
Yeah this isn't cool
i didnt see the post but you might be one
10-21-2013 , 04:00 PM
pwns is an alchoholic
10-21-2013 , 04:01 PM
im going back to sleep
10-21-2013 , 04:05 PM
yeah, you're neither funny nor cool. It's extremely inappropriate to say something like that, especially to someone who's been supportive of you in the pub.
10-21-2013 , 04:06 PM
The kcaw thing was really mean. You don't even know her, and you're not even kcaw's friend. Obviously it also wasn't even close to being funny or clever.
10-21-2013 , 04:10 PM
who is this daryl morey character. probably a kioshk alt
10-21-2013 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
I think my boss got fired today
Aka promotion?
They found the photos you planted on his pc?
10-21-2013 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Daryl Morey
yeah, you're neither funny nor cool.
ban for personal insults and salty posting
10-21-2013 , 04:15 PM

Jorge Santos
10-21-2013 , 04:20 PM
Daryl Morey is the GM of the Houston Rockets and is surely Krayz. He's a Rockets fan I remember.
10-21-2013 , 04:21 PM
i assumed it was mankay bananananaids but that works too
10-21-2013 , 04:25 PM
I'd probably be RC Buford.
10-21-2013 , 04:27 PM
i took a jab at kaze for having a girlfriend older than 21 (obvious joke) and one at kcaw over his wife. neither seems to be MAD. both are usually good posters. the offended parties appear to be:

1. kioshk


2. krayz, who usually posts stuff like "lolpog" in SE and therefore kinda deserves what he got. if hes crying cause somebody, in the sporting events forum, called him a "pussy bitch," then he should probably quit the internet.

neither kaze nor kcaw appear to be bothered, but if they are, i will certainly apologize to them. of course my posting isnt "salty," as im not a 60 year old man yelling at clouds. in fact i can only remember 2 instances of me actually being mad about stuff posted here, the rest of the time im laughing as i make bad jokes in character. of course kioshk is furious that i insulted the lolsouth but naturally i assumed that was the phase of the "where should i go" discussion we were currently having in the pub like we do every other week

sorry if you're very salty today, spice up your life with some pepper imo
10-21-2013 , 04:29 PM
I just think calling his wife a dog as a joke was in poor taste. You obviously know better.

Not sure why you feel the need to insult me here. Maybe that's another one of your clever jokes.
10-21-2013 , 04:29 PM
and dare i mention the irony of kioshk complaining about inappropriate insults in the pub
