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10-19-2017 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits
I thought the answer was going to be beer

but I should have taken your username into consideration
Ya VoraciousDrinker was probably already taken.
10-19-2017 , 07:52 AM
When I was on Kit Kat, we had a full list from Nestle of the flavors they’d launched internationally (HUGE flavor proliferation in Japan especially). Lots of odd/interesting ones, mostly exotic fruits, etc. But the one that stuck out was Soy Sauce. I simply cannot imagine that being a pleasant-tasting candy.
10-19-2017 , 08:00 AM
I don't know, salty and sweet, it could work.

I actually AM VoraciousEater on a recipe site, fwiw.
10-19-2017 , 08:20 AM
I thought that too, but soy sauce is such a different kind of salty. I should’ve asked them for samples while I had the chance!

ETA: Oh, and I don’t think there’d be much sweet. For Kit Kat, the flavor mostly comes from what it’s enrobed in. And the creme used for the special flavors is pretty neutral before flavoring is added. The praline (little bit of stuff between the wafers) is usually just ground up wafers and sugar without any other flavoring added. They have some seriously savory flavors.

Last edited by IBeDrummin; 10-19-2017 at 08:29 AM.
10-19-2017 , 09:08 AM
The last place I worked in grocery had a large asian customer base. We would get some Kit Kat flavours that weren't more generally available. I never saw soy, but I do remember the green tea. I never tried it; I stick with the original.
10-19-2017 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i won the badbeat jackpot. really miserable experience. i had 66. flop 966hh. all in three way. the pot was bigger than the jackpot. so i lost money and then had to wait around 2 hours to get paid. i just wanted to go home. and everyone in the casino was pointing at me, some rough customers. i was def worried about getting robbed. and on top of it i had to tip everyone hella money because i won the ****ing jackpot. ****. so tilted right now.
Was the "jackpot" at least more than you put into the pot?
10-19-2017 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
Mystery flavor Oreo's were released last week. Guess the flavor, win $50,000.
This doesn't appeal to me at all, especially for something like a cookie where the existing flavor range is pretty broad. That means the mystery flavor is probably something weird.

I'm hoping it's something completely off the wall, like pork.
10-19-2017 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox
This doesn't appeal to me at all, especially for something like a cookie where the existing flavor range is pretty broad. That means the mystery flavor is probably something weird.

I'm hoping it's something completely off the wall, like pork.
Maybe they’ve gone the Jelly Belly route and it’s booger or dirt.
10-19-2017 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by IBeDrummin
Maybe they’ve gone the Jelly Belly route and it’s booger or dirt.
A shot in the dark, from left field: mango. Remember, you saw it here first.
10-19-2017 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by IBeDrummin
When I was on Kit Kat, we had a full list from Nestle of the flavors they’d launched internationally (HUGE flavor proliferation in Japan especially). Lots of odd/interesting ones, mostly exotic fruits, etc. But the one that stuck out was Soy Sauce. I simply cannot imagine that being a pleasant-tasting candy.
When I was a kid I used to get a candy bar called Charleston Chew. Apparently it still exists and someone gave me one the other day. It made me wonder how many different levels of chocolate quality the big candy makers have, because the Chew has to use the absolute bottom-tier stuff.
10-19-2017 , 09:49 AM
10-19-2017 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox
This doesn't appeal to me at all, especially for something like a cookie where the existing flavor range is pretty broad. That means the mystery flavor is probably something weird.

I'm hoping it's something completely off the wall, like pork.
I saw a video where the guy pointed out that Oreo jumped the shark when it introduced cookies-n-cream flavored Oreo. I mean, once you do Oreo-flavored Oreos, where do you have left to go?
10-19-2017 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
I saw a video where the guy pointed out that Oreo jumped the shark when it introduced cookies-n-cream flavored Oreo. I mean, once you do Oreo-flavored Oreos, where do you have left to go?
Do not click this spoiler if you haven't got a strong stomach:

10-19-2017 , 10:52 AM
cookies and cream oreos sound dope

i need to know everything about candy now

i love mango
10-19-2017 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
Do not click this spoiler if you haven't got a strong stomach:

Would eat.
10-19-2017 , 11:22 AM
+1, would definitely try those.
10-19-2017 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by IBeDrummin
Would eat.
Originally Posted by eyebooger
+1, would definitely try those.
10-19-2017 , 11:28 AM
Only thing that worries me is red colour. Looks like soviet propaganda.
10-19-2017 , 11:33 AM
I'm with Uncle Dynamite. I'd try the soy sauce KitKat before I'd eat that hot mess.
10-19-2017 , 11:35 AM
They need to do Praline middles.
10-19-2017 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by UncleDynamite
10-19-2017 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
I've finished the video puzzle game Talo's Principle some time ago.
I bought that on Steam a while back because of your dumbass recommendation before realizing that I no longer play games on my PC. I did finish one puzzle.

Currently playing the new Tomb Raider. All ur tomb R belong to Lara.
10-19-2017 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
I bought that on Steam a while back because of your dumbass recommendation before realizing that I no longer play games on my PC. I did finish one puzzle.

Currently playing the new Tomb Raider. All ur tomb R belong to Lara.
Talo's still a good game. Don't give up!!! On a related note, I've all the Tomb Raider games on steam except for the last one. I need to find time to play one of them.

Oh, I hope you bought Kerbal Space Program, Witness and Minecraft too.

BTW, I would eat a swedish fish oreo any day of the week.
10-19-2017 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
I'm currently reading the autobiography of Edward Thorp, the guy who invented card counting.

It's a bit overly self-congratulatory (kinda reminds me of Feynman's writing in that way) but still very interesting.

The guy was a legit legend.
10-19-2017 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by e_holle
The last place I worked in grocery had a large asian customer base. We would get some Kit Kat flavours that weren't more generally available. I never saw soy, but I do remember the green tea. I never tried it; I stick with the original.

I did a collection in Japan last winter: apple is ok, pumpkin is meh, trying to remember the others I had, hmm butter cake whatever tf that means, green tea, black tea, etc etc. Most of the real loony flavours are regional specials. They’re all ok/none are horrific imo, although my wife’s family thought they were various types of horrid and hated me.
