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POG PUB MAY 2015 (LC; NSFW) -- May May be wonderful? It may! ♪♫♬♫☂ POG PUB MAY 2015 (LC; NSFW) -- May May be wonderful? It may! ♪♫♬♫☂

05-12-2015 , 01:23 AM
And people think I'm the cause of drama! Or maybe they don't
05-12-2015 , 01:24 AM
I don't think people even know who you are, pwns. Their loss!

You should try to be more helpful around here.
05-12-2015 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
I don't have a problem with anyone!
Hey, btw, I hope you weren't too offended by the role writeup I did for you in Anniversary. I was very tired by the time I got to yours and I was aiming for lighthearted. But someone pointed out, and it's true, that you are an enthusiastic sheeper. I don't really do sheep so it didn't really come to mind. So I'm sorry if that came over too strong (if you are aware of what it said, even).
05-12-2015 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
No, I don't think I'm always right. I have no problem at all with people disagreeing with me. I understand that in any community there's going to be people who like what you did and people who didn't. Some people will dislike everything on principle because they don't like you personally. That's how it is.
Indeed. There are better ways to disagree than what was shown.

If I can be constructive and advocate on behalf of those who felt aggrieved, for a moment-

People shouldn't be rude to you in private. They definitely shouldn't be abusive, and even if they feel you deserve it, you don't.

However, as a green, you may need to have patience with those people, and not take it personally. They are at their lowest moment and you're someone who can silence them.

This is their quiet personal private space where they can be open with you and without denigrating you publicly.

It may need to be reviewed, if there is a rule, saying that it's against the rules to speak disrespectfully to a moderator in private. I don't think that should be the case.

I still think it shouldn't be done.

But when a forumgoer is at their lowest moments, and upset and angry, if they're at least confining their outrage to a private message, it shouldn't be infractable in my opinion.

A short time out (24 hour ban) is not an excessive response to it either. But maybe it still shouldn't be a thing.

If you feel under personal attack, it may be prudent to let another moderator step in, unless it is urgent. That helps resolve the perception of bias, even if it is unfounded.

Members should also be informed directly for what reasons they have been infracted.

Take all this with a grain of salt, I didn't volunteer to be a moderator here, and I respect you for stepping up to the plate.

You go through a lot more than I can imagine, and I can imagine a whole lot.

If your robes are being flamed too much, it may be time to sit one out and let someone else get their robes flamed. You don't have to bear it all on your shoulders.

Anyway, I think some things could have been handled better, but I wasn't there, and second-guessing the moderators is not my usual hobby, and I find it distasteful in the first place.

I only wanted to lend an ear to a friend. Hope that's okay.
05-12-2015 , 01:32 AM
It was fine
05-12-2015 , 01:34 AM
TBH I banned him because I had good reason to believe he would not confine his abusive behaviour to a PM and it seemed better to me that he should have a while to cool down a bit than to risk creating a scene in public that would create way more problem for him and for me than just him abusing me in a PM.
05-12-2015 , 01:40 AM
Edge of tomorrow is a pretty solid movie so far. Heard the end was a bit meh
05-12-2015 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
TBH I banned him because I had good reason to believe he would not confine his abusive behaviour to a PM and it seemed better to me that he should have a while to cool down a bit than to risk creating a scene in public that would create way more problem for him and for me than just him abusing me in a PM.
That's understandable, and it seems reasonable. However it was also a bit disruptive for him because he says he lost his work in a game he was about to post. I really think you have to do something, not just be potentially about to do something, to get a ban. AFAIAC being that disrespectful to you in private might have been worth an infraction anyway so you could be justified.

^I think the rule should change if so.

I completely understand cool down periods. I had to close a game that was getting too heated, and re-open it a couple days later.

Preventative modding has its place, but it runs the risk of causing the very problems it intends to prevent.

Don't feel like you were damned if you did, damned if you didn't. Whatever you do, if it seems reasonable, people just have to deal with whether they agree or not, until someone else is willing to do the vital job that you do.

That's pretty much all I can say about it, and all that needs to be said(?) so maybe @everyone can close this chapter and move on, and try to do better and be better to each other.

Real talk from pizza hut over here.
05-12-2015 , 01:46 AM
He has my skype. He could have sent me a message if it interfered with his game. So I think I will take that with a pinch of salt.

And he did do something. If people think it's okay to tell me to go **** myself when I PM them, they're wrong. I'm probably not going to do anything when it happens but if you think that's acceptable, maybe a rethink is in order.

Thanks for your input btw. I do appreciate it.
05-12-2015 , 02:01 AM
Man they had to put my dog down today. Dog was in the family for sixteen+ years. Kinda starting to hit me Buddy won't be there when I visit my Moms house anymore and it sucks. Found an old pic of Buddy girl with me from about 5 years ago.

05-12-2015 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
He has my skype. He could have sent me a message if it interfered with his game. So I think I will take that with a pinch of salt.

And he did do something. If people think it's okay to tell me to go **** myself when I PM them, they're wrong. I'm probably not going to do anything when it happens but if you think that's acceptable, maybe a rethink is in order.

Thanks for your input btw. I do appreciate it.
This is very true.

Being a forum moderator means you're going to make a number of unpopular decisions, and that means you're going to be under attack a lot.

Forumgoers have to realize that moderators aren't any different, they're just fellow forumgoers in green robes, which are always temporary.

It's never a good look to be disrespectful to someone else. Especially when all we're doing is playing a guessing game with a group of friends.

None of it warrants this kind of vitriol.

I would also appreciate it if calling other forumgoers stupid or idiotic became infractable. It doesn't have a place and it's not cute and it's not clever, and it drags down every single game, every single time it happens.

So you can imagine how I feel about stronger insults, even if made privately.

Establishing a precedent that it's not okay to insult people would go a long way toward establishing that you shouldn't do it to a moderator, or to a forumgoer you're moderating.

That is where this stuff begins, and where it should finally end.

But I know people like their insults, and would cry a lot about having to let them go.

It really would make this place a lot more fun to be around, and those who can't change should leave and I wouldn't miss them. Trust me on that.
05-12-2015 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
There's usually more than meets the eye as well. I've certainly gained a new appreciation for some of the mods I never had much time for back in the day.
Paging Zurvan
05-12-2015 , 02:09 AM
Sorry to hear redd.

I was pretty upset too when we had to my dog down a while ago. Had him from 4th grade to senior year in college
05-12-2015 , 02:09 AM
05-12-2015 , 02:10 AM
Re: the insults

I brought this up in 2013, and I was ignored, I was told "this is how POG is."

I wonder if anyone ever took two seconds and asked themselves if maybe that is how POG shouldn't be?

The laziness of that thought process is ****ing staggering to me.

That is the defense of every single injustice throughout history. "It is what it is."

What is actually stupid is defending terrible behavior with such a reason.

How things are isn't how they should be, a lot of the time.

That kind of lazy apathy is what allows terrible things to happen, because good people don't give a crap.

It is the one aspect of the good parts of humanity I hate the most. The sheer laziness and uncaring nature we default to.

It's pathetic.
05-12-2015 , 02:14 AM
I'm very sorry Redd. That's a great picture.
05-12-2015 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
No I wasn't comparing myself to the principal. The playground was more the thing.

And you're wrong btw. I've been infracted for things said in PMs and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. You don't get to abuse me when I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, it's as simple as that, and I don't have anything to apologise for.

And seriously, this is more than enough whining over being asked not to slowroll in a game where Skype was lighting up with people saying omg he's slowrolling.
Let the record show I wasn't bringing up the slowroll thing.

I simply said punishment for master etc were harsh, I also complained about the aids game that wasn't advertized.

I never PM any mods or thought it was necessary to make a big deal out of it.

I was contacted by monkey and I didn't apreciate it.
It wasn't a mod to player: hey chill out this is a warning.
Or hey this is what u did wrong don't do that.

Monkey sent me a personal Pms to bring up our differences. And in a way that I didn't apreciate. So I told him to go **** himself like everyone else does here cuz is private.
I had not broken any rules and he's pm was not welcomed.
I told him to stop harassing me.
He then send me another one and called me a prick.
I lash back by saying he was an *******.

He was a bitch to me when the whole slowroll happened.
I was posting ****ing cases on people and in diff page as clearly shown by my work being posted from like page 2.
I got a pm a few minutes after Kruze vote telling me:
Hey not cool, stop being a dick and respect others slowrollimg is not cool.
I said oh wow why would u say that?
I saw the vote and I voted right away.
I was quiet and waiting for Moneky to end it.
Minutes passed and I pm him back

Hey mb are u gonna reveal?

Mb: oh nah bro I'm a huge ****ing troll. We are gonna slow roll the thread and we will end the game 5 hours from now when sice comes in and votes. You know to make it official.

BATM: well isn't that a bitch? What im supposed to do? Did I win? Do you understand you putting me in a weird spot right?

Mb: we gotta do it right way.

Batm: are u ****inf serious? First u assume I'm slowrollimg instead of giving me benefit of the doubt ex. Hey BATm did you miss the vote from KRUZE like 8 minutes ago?
Then u say I'm slowrollimg but want me to slowroll for real and u won't say I won.
What was the point of rushing me then?

MB then wrote some BS then realize what a dumb move he made and revealed after slow rolling all of us and not telling me if I won or what e
Was going on.

I was in thread confused and obviously lol catting but my wilf game is so legit that I was lock clear after being as wolfy as possible since killer kill stuff and viggo CDF etc.

I don't care what u guys think and Mbn was wrong and I let that go.

He never apologized and all he had to do was post the PMs or tell ppl it was a misunderstanding he caused by intersecting with a live game as a mod.

He's obsession with control is out of line and he's compulsive behavior is a detriment to this site.
He banned me without cause and it was never explained to me why I was banned.

I had to use my WW superior skills to open the pub and see him and hoya talking about why people get banned and pointing out that abussive pm to mods are not good.

Well how about harassing PMs to players? I never asked monkey for his personal opinion. He shouldn't pm me about personal stuff. We are not friends.

I don't need him to criticize me in PMs and bring up old ****.
05-12-2015 , 02:39 AM
that's sad redd
05-12-2015 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Let the record show I wasn't bringing up the slowroll thing.

I simply said punishment for master etc were harsh, I also complained about the aids game that wasn't advertized.

I never PM any mods or thought it was necessary to make a big deal out of it.

I was contacted by monkey and I didn't apreciate it.
It wasn't a mod to player: hey chill out this is a warning.
Or hey this is what u did wrong don't do that.

Monkey sent me a personal Pms to bring up our differences. And in a way that I didn't apreciate. So I told him to go **** himself like everyone else does here cuz is private.
I had not broken any rules and he's pm was not welcomed.
I told him to stop harassing me.
He then send me another one and called me a prick.
I lash back by saying he was an *******.

He was a bitch to me when the whole slowroll happened.
I was posting ****ing cases on people and in diff page as clearly shown by my work being posted from like page 2.
I got a pm a few minutes after Kruze vote telling me:
Hey not cool, stop being a dick and respect others slowrollimg is not cool.
I said oh wow why would u say that?
I saw the vote and I voted right away.
I was quiet and waiting for Moneky to end it.
Minutes passed and I pm him back

Hey mb are u gonna reveal?

Mb: oh nah bro I'm a huge ****ing troll. We are gonna slow roll the thread and we will end the game 5 hours from now when sice comes in and votes. You know to make it official.

BATM: well isn't that a bitch? What im supposed to do? Did I win? Do you understand you putting me in a weird spot right?

Mb: we gotta do it right way.

Batm: are u ****inf serious? First u assume I'm slowrollimg instead of giving me benefit of the doubt ex. Hey BATm did you miss the vote from KRUZE like 8 minutes ago?
Then u say I'm slowrollimg but want me to slowroll for real and u won't say I won.
What was the point of rushing me then?

MB then wrote some BS then realize what a dumb move he made and revealed after slow rolling all of us and not telling me if I won or what e
Was going on.

I was in thread confused and obviously lol catting but my wilf game is so legit that I was lock clear after being as wolfy as possible since killer kill stuff and viggo CDF etc.

I don't care what u guys think and Mbn was wrong and I let that go.

He never apologized and all he had to do was post the PMs or tell ppl it was a misunderstanding he caused by intersecting with a live game as a mod.

He's obsession with control is out of line and he's compulsive behavior is a detriment to this site.
He banned me without cause and it was never explained to me why I was banned.

I had to use my WW superior skills to open the pub and see him and hoya talking about why people get banned and pointing out that abussive pm to mods are not good.

Well how about harassing PMs to players? I never asked monkey for his personal opinion. He shouldn't pm me about personal stuff. We are not friends.

I don't need him to criticize me in PMs and bring up old ****.
05-12-2015 , 02:49 AM
But on a serious note, losing a dog sucks hard. They really are man's best friend.
05-12-2015 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
TBH I banned him because I had good reason to believe he would not confine his abusive behaviour to a PM and it seemed better to me that he should have a while to cool down a bit than to risk creating a scene in public that would create way more problem for him and for me than just him abusing me in a PM.
Lol I asked u twice to leave me alone, u kept pushing me.
Once ur pms stopped coming I was cool already.

U ****ed up and I need to cool down?

I was actually typing up a new style game with two lynches etc.

If u missed it when u started sending me pm and harassing me I was in my thread talking about the game I was gonna create.
I wasn't sending u unwanted messages.

I finish typing my game and when I submitted it was shown the you are banned message.
I loled and backtrack to copy paste since I spend a lot of time making up game and typing it.
Becuase of u and other lol moments I lost it.

U are not Important to me, do ur job and stop trying to be a ruler. U knew damn well calling me a prick after I asked u not to bother me will set me off.

I was very calm when calling an *******. It was an eye for eye
Trust me I wanted to go full BaTM on you but I know what a butch u are and that u would ban me.

I'm sure u were hoping for a worse lashback from me to ban me longer but I refrain from it cuz I know what ur plan was.
I could make this a bigger deal but u are right, nobody cares.
U have the green power to keep harassing me and I get to say what I want cuz this is a public forum and is America. Here at least
I will continue to run games sometimes and play every once in a while when my new home is too slow for me.
There's hardly I teresting stuff happening here since we focus on drama and not enough WW.

I don't come here to argue I come here to win and connect with like minded cool people.
05-12-2015 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
"Good morning".
****ing self centred Aussie, not realising it's not morning in the civilised world.*

* it is now morning in the civilised world. But it's raining, so it's not good, ****ing self centred Aussie bragging about all the sun.
05-12-2015 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
Man they had to put my dog down today. Dog was in the family for sixteen+ years. Kinda starting to hit me Buddy won't be there when I visit my Moms house anymore and it sucks. Found an old pic of Buddy girl with me from about 5 years ago.

Sad redd. Hope u get over it and if u are sad just think of all the great memories man. That's all THERES to it
05-12-2015 , 03:33 AM
Well now... isn't this just a wonderful place? Hello everyone!
05-12-2015 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by Sooh
Well now... isn't this just a wonderful place? Hello everyone!
Hey Sooh
Don't make it bad
We'll just take a bad POG
And make it better

Hi Sooh, welcome. Now we can finally turbo together.
