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POG Pub March 2021, I'm gonna march you down the aisle POG Pub March 2021, I'm gonna march you down the aisle

03-10-2021 , 06:52 AM
i just rewatched "you" finale with a friend like 10 days ago. and i cant remember at all what happens lol

so i've seen it twice, and recently, and can't remember.
03-10-2021 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
I'm drinking hot toddie.

How stickler are people for calling uno on people while playing uno? Assume not children and been a couple seconds
Not children?
You have until roughly the time your hand comes back to your body after playing your card onto the pile.
03-10-2021 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Not children?
You have until roughly the time your hand comes back to your body after playing your card onto the pile.
Sounds about right.

"A couple seconds" definitely long enough to be called out.
03-10-2021 , 01:26 PM
My friends and fam played cutthroat. Best drop that "uno" word before your card lands on the top of the pile!
03-10-2021 , 01:27 PM
Who plays Uno without children?
03-10-2021 , 01:45 PM
BTC to $80k by April?
03-10-2021 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by A missread issue
BTC to $80k by April?
that would mean people would have to put about 1.5 trillion dollars into btc

that is an insane amount of money. i mean i'm basically betting that they will lol! not necessarily by april, but eventually.

and it's the biggest bet of my life lol
03-10-2021 , 02:29 PM
My son got a blood test this morning (at the house, it's amazing, only $30 for the visit), to check how he's doing for his seizure med levels over night, which meant we had to delay his seizure meds until after the blood test. It took longer than expected, and in my rush to send him to school I forgot his meds. So now I'm sitting here hoping he can make it through the day without a seizure :/
03-11-2021 , 12:01 AM
Z, did things workout okay today?

My teenage daughter told me today that she couldn't imagine living in a time before smartphones. "Everything would be so boring"

I laughed.
03-11-2021 , 12:20 AM
She's right.
03-11-2021 , 12:32 AM
you mean if i got a smartphone i wouldn't be bored?
03-11-2021 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
you mean if i got a smartphone i wouldn't be bored?
Sorry dude, your tablet and laptops probably count towards the anti-boredom effect.

BTW, does your tablet still work? I can't believe the battery isn't dead and swollen.
03-11-2021 , 02:44 AM
yeah my tablet is still in great shape! i used it every day before the pandemic. now it mostly just sits on the floor, plugged in and turned on, but unused. i still use it when i go out, i just never go out lol.

the battery still lasts a looooong time, like a few days.

not sure when i bought it, maybe 2015?

*just looked it up. wow i bought it in 2014
03-11-2021 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
Z, did things workout okay today?.
Yeah, he's all good. It's been well over a year since his last seizure (maybe 2 years?) and I'd like to keep the streak going
03-11-2021 , 11:05 AM
Had a couple more beers yesterday.

I decided to have 2 similar ones to compare and contrast

I started with the Plunged Orange Pale Ale which was from a discount supermarket for 99p. It had a very distant orange taste, like someone brushed it up against and orange for a second. Had a slightly unpleasant aftertaste that I can't put my finger on. Wouldn't pay money for again. Would begrudgingly drink if it was offered to me for free without an alternative.

Then I tried the Juicebox Citrus IPA. I thought it tasted pretty clearly like grapefruit. Looked at the description and it mentions orange, mango, papaya but not grapefruit. Strange. Really reminded me of Elvis juice if you're at all familiar with that. I like Elvis juice the first few times I had it then I just went off it.

Not a great day's beer tasting...
03-11-2021 , 12:53 PM
I prefer a hint of flavors to just tasting overly citrus etc normally.
03-12-2021 , 10:17 AM
When you haven't been able to keep any food down since Wednesday and your doc says to go to the ER and you just don't have the energy to dress or get out of bed. The truth is it took you 30 minutes to sit up.

Is a long tunic tee shirt, bra, and underwear, an acceptable level of nakedness to call the ambulance at if there are jeans hanging in the closet that they could toss to you? Or has pandemic brain wrecked your life?
03-12-2021 , 10:37 AM
if you're ill you can wear what you want. I would imagine they'd get you to take the jeans off once you get to a hospital bed and the ambulance people have seen it all before
03-12-2021 , 10:42 AM
Had a couple of beers over the last couple of days:

Zia Tiramisu Pastry Stout

You can really genuinely taste the pastry. It's so sweet that it doesn't even taste like a stout. It's 9.2% and a sipping drink but not because of the alcohol. It's a sipping drink because it's very heavy, very rich, very sweet and really deep tasting. It's a great beer, but it's certainly a once in a while drink. Couldn't ever imagine drinking more than one in a sitting. I'd definitely have another surreal stout before another one of these.

Sierra Nevada Hazy Little Thing

Nice and hoppy. Very easy to drink. Could do a whole drinking session on these. Nothing too special, but you don't always need something special. Good and reliable is plenty.
03-12-2021 , 10:58 AM
That’s what my dating profile used to say.
03-12-2021 , 11:05 AM
Call an ambulance if you need one obv.
03-12-2021 , 11:41 AM
Yes, do not wait.
03-12-2021 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
When you haven't been able to keep any food down since Wednesday and your doc says to go to the ER and you just don't have the energy to dress or get out of bed. The truth is it took you 30 minutes to sit up.

Is a long tunic tee shirt, bra, and underwear, an acceptable level of nakedness to call the ambulance at if there are jeans hanging in the closet that they could toss to you? Or has pandemic brain wrecked your life?
that's a lot better dressed than you were last time

jeans shmeans

feel better vr
03-12-2021 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
When you haven't been able to keep any food down since Wednesday and your doc says to go to the ER and you just don't have the energy to dress or get out of bed. The truth is it took you 30 minutes to sit up.

Is a long tunic tee shirt, bra, and underwear, an acceptable level of nakedness to call the ambulance at if there are jeans hanging in the closet that they could toss to you? Or has pandemic brain wrecked your life?
03-12-2021 , 04:58 PM
take care of yourself vr

it doesn't matter what you wear, just get the help you need
