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Pog Pub (LC thread) - Feb 2012 - Everyone Welcome (NSFW) Pog Pub (LC thread) - Feb 2012 - Everyone Welcome (NSFW)

02-06-2012 , 01:28 AM
50,000 is a good size for a city imo. Slightly bigger is be ok too.

One thing I hate about living in a big city now is having to constantly drive on the interstates to get around town.

Last edited by kioshk; 02-06-2012 at 01:56 AM.
02-06-2012 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by pwnsall

18, missed a couple i've played
Q*Bert pissed me off. I tried Qubert, Quebert, Cuebert, and about a zillion other combo's argh
02-06-2012 , 01:47 AM
24, bah
02-06-2012 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by atakdog
Tell people the reason is Original Six > expansion, and true hockey fans will love you.
I think you may be biased as a chicagoan. I don't think many people in Edmonton care at all about original 6.
02-06-2012 , 02:03 AM
Yeah, that's pretty good. It can be topped tho.
02-06-2012 , 02:07 AM
Edmonton's concerns have always been something of a mystery to me.
02-06-2012 , 02:16 AM
ya so buddy was gonna have a SB party but he didnt get NBC so we ended up at my place and now everyone is gone but i left myself with a cig to smoke and im tilted i cannot find it

**** the giants imo
02-06-2012 , 02:19 AM
It's interesting that Eli now has 2 rings and Peyton only 1.
02-06-2012 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by ibavly
I think you may be biased as a chicagoan. I don't think many people in Edmonton care at all about original 6.
I'm not a Chicagoan (ugh), I just happen to live here.

Of course I'm biased (as a Wings fan), but even in non-Original Six cities the concept gets at least some respect, so even if many people don't think it matters, my advice to hibiscus was good.

Edit: I was going to suggest we poll the other Pub hockey fans, but I think that's pretty much Mac, JD, and Zurvan, and they would each be subject to the same bias.
02-06-2012 , 03:09 AM
02-06-2012 , 03:14 AM
Never heard that one before.

Makes me feel like spooling up Slapshot.
02-06-2012 , 03:19 AM
The Paul Newman character in Slapshot always reminded me of an old boss of mine.
02-06-2012 , 03:55 AM
so i turned the game on when it was 3-9 so naturally i had no dog and chose the pats. my favorite brewery had released a new red lager tonight so i got it

sierra nevada has a barleywine style ale for like 11$ and i will probably get a 20% discount but ive never had a barleywine since they are usually 15$+ a 6er

any opinions on this style especially if i can get a 6er under 10$
02-06-2012 , 04:14 AM
beer fetishist itt
02-06-2012 , 04:24 AM
took me like 20 mins to load the pub and all i get is kioshk ripping on me

02-06-2012 , 04:25 AM
good-natured ribbing, not ripping!
02-06-2012 , 04:32 AM
Plus kioshk if its over 12% abv its a great deal even for regular price

My computer<<<<my phone
02-06-2012 , 04:39 AM
I think I'm wearing the perfect mix of what I like and what randoms like. Except my pants have blood on them.
02-06-2012 , 04:49 AM
I took 2 shots and saw 5 others chased by the juice from my dill pickle jars.

New favorite chaser
02-06-2012 , 04:56 AM
I am planning to see sw ep1 in theatres super drunk but I'm scared there will be children there. Me yelling at crappy ep1>seeing it as a child right?
02-06-2012 , 04:58 AM
I set up settlers tonight but 4 people+alcohol seems to mean I never finish

<3friends who play game... now for the puzzles
02-06-2012 , 05:14 AM
This lull in posting is a super party
02-06-2012 , 05:17 AM
I think I like the being the last person alive scenario a lot more than being 1 of 1000 people alive when zombies take ovr
02-06-2012 , 05:21 AM
I assume tebow didn't win?
02-06-2012 , 05:22 AM
Stop mocking Tebow.
