Originally Posted by master3004
And you are entirely right, my arrogance does not come from a place of ignorance Mets. I've read the books, I've taken time to understand them. I understand why people follow them, and I understand that if half of them read them to the depth that I have that they wouldn't choose to worship one of the most heinous beings ever put to print.
But I get that many of them haven't. I get that many believe what they were taught, that listen to their pastors try to hand wave away the awfulness, and that are in it for the communal aspect, the fear of the unknown, and the fear of death.
I get all of these things, but when I point out "A happened in the book that you revere and it's as disgusting as B, which also happens to be in the book you revere" you don't get to then call me arrogant for pointing out the truth.
well the point is
you yelling at someone for worshiping a god they believe in, however ridiculous it sounds to you, is as bad as a religious christian saying that gay marriage hurts their own marriage
i just believe in general we should allow people to believe in what they want, worship what they want. yes i get your disdain for tying that into govt and thats not what this discussion is about.
The jewish religion doesnt even teach of a hell. they do say to be faithful to get on the list of the book of life but they dont even mention the alternatives
the christian belief that if you dont accept jesus you end up in hell .. i found that proposterous and ridiculous; but i respect their right to believe it