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Pog Pub - June 2012 (LC) - Now with even (fewer) more gimmicks! NSFW Pog Pub - June 2012 (LC) - Now with even (fewer) more gimmicks! NSFW

06-07-2012 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Willi
TN is awesome.


Originally Posted by Swiitch
Hellboy is just a more manly iteration of LeBron.

Originally Posted by kokiri
show me the science
I don't know, phrasing it that way just had a sort of pleasant rhythm to it imo. Something about testorone vs estrogen, etc.
06-07-2012 , 10:27 AM
Also, I am not a LeBron hater - far from it. I think he's the best player on the planet and might possibly be the best player ever, but he mishandled everything about the way he joined the Heat and people are going to carry a grudge over that for a long time.

He also MUST win a championship at some point in his career or he will get the Dan Marino treatment post-retirement.
06-07-2012 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by TheDean1
I don't know, phrasing it that way just had a sort of pleasant rhythm to it imo. Something about testorone vs estrogen, etc.
aka you're making it up?
06-07-2012 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
I read that piece.

Rick Reilly wrote it, so that nearly negates any real meaning, though. The guy is the world's biggest blowhard.
He's prolly my favorite sportswriter of all time or at least the only one that I consistently read. He use to do articles in Sports Illustrated on different odd topics in sports.
06-07-2012 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Lets play a game.

talking sports with women is like ____________ .
Selling a parakeet to a blind kid
06-07-2012 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
I forgot to mention before that Filthy absolutely has to be making **** up again.

Filthy, stop getting excited about some girl wanting to spend time with you that you aren't even romantically interested in and go find a girl that you are romantically interested in.
You under estimate the power of the human brain and how ****ed up some people can be (not talking about filthy here in specific)
06-07-2012 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
Also, I am not a LeBron hater - far from it. I think he's the best player on the planet and might possibly be the best player ever, but he mishandled everything about the way he joined the Heat and people are going to carry a grudge over that for a long time.

He also MUST win a championship at some point in his career or he will get the Dan Marino treatment post-retirement.
this post oozes da troof
06-07-2012 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
aka you're making it up?
Well I assumed that there was some science behind it, but it's not anything I have gone out of my way to confirm. If you insist that I'm wrong about this, I won't object.
06-07-2012 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by younguns87
He's prolly my favorite sportswriter of all time or at least the only one that I consistently read. He use to do articles in Sports Illustrated on different odd topics in sports.
I used to love his writing, absolutely love it.

But over the past 3-4 years he has gotten almost overly preachy about stuff, to the point that even though he's writing about sports, you almost wouldn't know it from some of his pieces.
06-07-2012 , 10:31 AM
According to Yahoo Answers, Men are more logical than women
06-07-2012 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
Also, I am not a LeBron hater - far from it. I think he's the best player on the planet and might possibly be the best player ever, but he mishandled everything about the way he joined the Heat and people are going to carry a grudge over that for a long time.

He also MUST win a championship at some point in his career or he will get the Dan Marino treatment post-retirement.
the problem is casualfan is unable to differentiate between the better player and better career. there is nothing wrong with saying dan marino was a better player while steve young had the better career but dumb person just goes YEAH RANGZ THO
06-07-2012 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
You under estimate the power of the human brain and how ****ed up some people can be (not talking about filthy here in specific)
I agree, people can be ****ed up.

But reading those 3-4 posts from filthy was just surreal.

- He's excited about some girl - cool
- Girl is talking about him, he's a bit more excited - cool
- He's not really interested in said girl as much as we were led to believe - huh?
- He wouldn't kiss her, he wouldn't share food with her, that's how you get teh herp - WAT?
06-07-2012 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by younguns87
According to Yahoo Answers, Men are more logical than women
lol please please don't tell me you take anything from Yahoo Answers as any piece of the truth

06-07-2012 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
lol please please don't tell me you take anything from Yahoo Answers as any piece of the truth

I can confirm that fact.

E: I mean Yahoo fact, not irrational old women laughing and saying things she does not know.
06-07-2012 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by TheDean1

A few years back when it was a hot debate I'd ask any guy I met whether they thought LeBron or Kobe was better. If they said Kobe I knew it was wise to avoid any sort of deep or theoretical path of conversation and I'd just talk about which players were cool or fun to watch.

06-07-2012 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
But reading those 3-4 posts from filthy was just surreal.
oh wow people are just realizing he only posts dumb stuff with minimal truth
06-07-2012 , 10:38 AM
Who schedules a 1 hour block of time to make "The Decision" and then leaves their hometown team.

It was such a douchebag move. He seemed to think he was greater than the game.
06-07-2012 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
the problem is casualfan is unable to differentiate between the better player and better career. there is nothing wrong with saying dan marino was a better player while steve young had the better career but dumb person just goes YEAH RANGZ THO
Which is why too many people rank Kobe ahead of LeBron.

Sure Kobe has 5, he also had the benefit of a first ballot HoFer as his center, and an array of all-stars in other positions, too.

LeBron has a probable HoFer as his shooting guard right now, but that remains to be seen, and the rest of his supporting cast is a far cry from anything Kobe had.

The problem in the NFL is that even the idiot announcers say 'what about rangz?' when talking about QBs.
06-07-2012 , 10:39 AM
my favorite Yahoo Answers screenshot:

06-07-2012 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
lol please please don't tell me you take anything from Yahoo Answers as any piece of the truth

well, if you had any logical power, you'd understand how he made the deduction, but unfortunately, :shrug:
06-07-2012 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
oh wow people are just realizing he only posts dumb stuff with minimal truth
filthy is the #1 pub troll
06-07-2012 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
oh wow people are just realizing he only posts dumb stuff with minimal truth
Oh no, I have known it for a while. I am not sure why other people seem to think he's not some elaborate troll though.
06-07-2012 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by TheDean1
Well I assumed that there was some science behind it, but it's not anything I have gone out of my way to confirm. If you insist that I'm wrong about this, I won't object.
it's difficult to be sure because there's such a PC taboo about issues like this, but as far as i'm aware there's essentially no difference in overall intelligence. Insofar as there is one, i think it's only at the very extreme ends of the distribution where men tend to be over represented, but even this is likely dubious, i think

Talking about 'logic' is dodgy because it's so iffily defined - i would be more sure that it's a general societal tendency to interpret the way men think as 'logical' and the way women think as 'emotional' than a real measurable difference.

There are, aiui, some differences in tasks that men tend to be better or worse at than men - spatial manipulation (i.e. imagining how objects would look when rotated) is one i think men do better at than women that.

But even with all of this, any differences between the genders are dwarfed by the noise when you look at individuals.
06-07-2012 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
well, if you had any logical power, you'd understand how he made the deduction, but unfortunately, :shrug:

herp derp
06-07-2012 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Who schedules a 1 hour block of time to make "The Decision" and then leaves their hometown team.

It was such a douchebag move. He seemed to think he was greater than the game.
Plus, he knew it was the Heat pretty much from moment 1, he led other teams on in a big way, getting their fans hopeful.

So he made enemies of all the CLE fans (which is lol, lots of major stars leave their hometown team, esp if management doesn't bring in the talent needed to get a ring for you), but also a lot of other fans across the country, as well.
