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POG Pub January - You will give up on your Resolutions by Post #100 POG Pub January - You will give up on your Resolutions by Post #100

01-06-2014 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
I thought it was a fast action and adventure filled 240 minutes.
Damn, a 4 hour movie for a third of that little Hobbit book?
01-06-2014 , 12:57 AM
Oops, close... 2 hours and 40 minutes.

01-06-2014 , 01:01 AM
Me and Jethro, both good at cipherin'.
01-06-2014 , 02:58 AM
If my Amazon package arrived in San Antonio Sat Jan 4, why is the expected delivery Wed Jan 8. Are they gonna send it on a lame burro.
01-06-2014 , 03:09 AM
A couple months ago I had a package go from New York to LA to North Carolina to LA to my house.

Took about 2 weeks. I wasn't happy.
01-06-2014 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
A couple months ago I had a package go from New York to LA to North Carolina to LA to my house.

Took about 2 weeks. I wasn't happy.
Over Christmas I bought a book second hand via Amazon, from the states, when it arrived it had 'incorrectly delivered to Taipei' stamped on it
01-06-2014 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
Oops, close... 2 hours and 40 minutes.

That's ok then. Taylor swift sarcastic nod.
01-06-2014 , 04:04 AM
you bite your tongue!
01-06-2014 , 04:12 AM
Ten Things that annoy me the most: (In no particular order)

DH in American League

Sports Managers/Coaches who make millions still do things that have been proven mathematically incorrect such as punt on 4th and inches, or sacrfrifice bunt with position players

When people say "Its pointless to vote in NY because you already know the Democrat will win that state"

People that think the Passing Lane is the "Fast Lane" (and assign their own arbitrary speed to it)

Shelly Long coming back for the Cheers finale, but not getting together with Sam

Tri-Dimiensial Chess

Gay is an adjective, but Lesbian is a noun

When people say "Evolution is only a theory"

The way movies are today, witch excessive fake looking action and lack of a story. No computer graphic can ever look as real as guy wearing a costume.

When restaurant's give out a "get one meal free with purchase of another meal" coupon but give you the cheapest meal free instead of the 2nd most expensive meal.
01-06-2014 , 04:18 AM
* My own frailties
* That I let other stuff annoy me (subset of above)
* admin
01-06-2014 , 04:19 AM
self-indulgent pet peeve lists
01-06-2014 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by kioshk
self-indulgent pet peeve lists
Unless they take the form of a sheep game, am I right?
01-06-2014 , 04:22 AM
lol everything i do is self indulgent
01-06-2014 , 04:24 AM
I'm off to work today. The commuters waiting for trains were amazingly cheerful. I saw a guy be barred from getting on a train that then didn't move for 30s, seemed perfectly happy, and a station employee giving a happy new year hug to a person on the platform
01-06-2014 , 04:27 AM
The bogo coupons always specify "equal or lesser value", numbnuts.
01-06-2014 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
I saw The Hobbit 2 today. I don't get Sun Tzu's strong dislike for it.

I thought it was a fast action and adventure filled 2 hours and 40 minutes. The last hour is awesome. They obviously added a ton of things to make a movie out of 100 pages of a book but I liked it.

There was never a slow part. It's always fun watching the artistic slicing and dicing of orcs.

I put it on par with the first movie.
It was enjoyable apart from the horrible plot tumor of a romantic subplot with 'I don't like sand' level dialogue and the interminable last thirty minutes of 'dwarves running away from the stupidest ****ing dragon ever'.

Although, like with the first film, every single action sequence went on a bit longer than I wanted it to.
01-06-2014 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by kioshk
The bogo coupons always specify "equal or lesser value", numbnuts.
I'm always a fan of doubling up on coupons. e.g. At Outback, using $20 off coupon along with a free appetizer deal/coupon.

Almost all coupons have disclaimers about how they can't be combined with other deals but in my experience, it's rarely rarely ever enforced.

Sometimes a fast food worker will whine a little but they still do it.
01-06-2014 , 05:37 AM
Another trick is to say you have the coupon and then not give it up to the cashier or delivery person. They will rarely ask for it if you don't volunteer it.
01-06-2014 , 05:37 AM
What I am talking about is the get one meal free with another meal purchased deal.

If 7 people go out to dinner and bring this coupon the SECOND most expensive meal should be the free one... as that should be the one coupled with the most expensive meal for the deal. Some idiot workers will say "no no, its the cheapest one you get free"... which is illogical. So if the 5 people who ordered cheaper meals all got up at sat a different table would you THEN give them the 2nd most expensive meal free???? I've gotten into an argument and almost left a restaurant because of this.
01-06-2014 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
It was enjoyable apart from the horrible plot tumor of a romantic subplot with 'I don't like sand' level dialogue and the interminable last thirty minutes of 'dwarves running away from the stupidest ****ing dragon ever'.

Although, like with the first film, every single action sequence went on a bit longer than I wanted it to.
The romantic triangle can almost be ignored. It really has little effect on the story.

I enjoyed the dragon parts. They reminded me a great deal of how I pictured the scenes in the book.

I also liked how they interspersed humor throughout the fight scenes. I laughed pretty good during a certain orc decapitation or parts of the river sequence.
01-06-2014 , 05:40 AM
On a related note to Bloobirds "I like sand" quote.... It bugs me when people blame Hayden Christiansen for his acting in those movies. What was he supposed to do with dialogue like that?
01-06-2014 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
What I am talking about is the get one meal free with another meal purchased deal.

If 7 people go out to dinner and bring this coupon the SECOND most expensive meal should be the free one... as that should be the one coupled with the most expensive meal for the deal. Some idiot workers will say "no no, its the cheapest one you get free"... which is illogical. So if the 5 people who ordered cheaper meals all got up at sat a different table would you THEN give them the 2nd most expensive meal free???? I've gotten into an argument and almost left a restaurant because of this.
I've had this happen a couple times. It's almost always fixed with a simple "Can you ask your manager to adjust this? Thanks!"
01-06-2014 , 05:44 AM
Frankly I don't even believe Bobo here. Like that ever happened. You don't just throw a coupon in at a 7 person check.
01-06-2014 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
I've had this happen a couple times. It's almost always fixed with a simple "Can you ask your manager to adjust this? Thanks!"
I would have taken it that far, but the time it happened I was with my mother and sister... and I also argued with THEM about it before we even got there and they were happy to be proven right that the server was as brainless as they were. Which was the the only reason why I didn't leave... because I wasn't "allowed" because my mother and sister "get upset" at fights/disagreements.

Here was the way I wanted to go about it... In this particular instance I was ordering the cheapest meal. I was going to be like .. "OK, instead of ordering what I wanted.... I will instead order nothing so you now have to give my sister's meal free. Now would you like to make extra money by serving me something in addition to this or no? Ugh... morons... I'm still mad about this incident. (which was years ago)
01-06-2014 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Frankly I don't even believe Bobo here. Like that ever happened. You don't just throw a coupon in at a 7 person check.
But then Bobo gets to eat free!

Last edited by Mark_K; 01-06-2014 at 05:52 AM. Reason: Just a silly joke.... :)
