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Pog Pub IV (NSFW) -- Everyone Welcome even gurlz Pog Pub IV (NSFW) -- Everyone Welcome even gurlz

12-04-2010 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
Oh man, I'm so stealing that.
you might wanna change it to "asses"
12-04-2010 , 06:56 PM
haha, deleted and changed
12-04-2010 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by legend42
Wyman, yeah that's the variety I mean

The other kind is just a Tuesday
yeah i'm good for about 2 of these a year these days.
edit: and hoping that my company xmas party this friday is one of them!
12-04-2010 , 06:57 PM
I'm beating a child in protest of facebook.
12-04-2010 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
pssssh, that wasn't offensive according to 4life standards
12-04-2010 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
haha, deleted and changed
12-04-2010 , 06:59 PM
Weird, the changing in Buenos Aires started a couple weeks ago and I don't remember there actually being a cause behind it.

Edit: actually, most of them have gone back to normal already...
12-04-2010 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by soah
Weird, the changing in Buenos Aires started a couple weeks ago and I don't remember there actually being a cause behind it.

Edit: actually, most of them have gone back to normal already...
12-04-2010 , 07:05 PM
omg, lol south carolina
12-04-2010 , 07:09 PM
ok wait wait, I found it

Cambia tu foto de perfil por aquella de un dibujo animado de tu infancia e invita a tus amigos a hacer lo mismo. El sentido del juego? No ver más, hasta el lunes, una cara humana sobre el Facebooksino una invasión de recuerdos. POR LA LUCHA CONTRA LA VIOLENCIA Y EL MALTRATO INFANTIL
Change your profile picture to some animated drawing of your childhood and invite your friends to do the same. The point of the game? To not see, until Monday, a human face on Facebook, only an invasion of memories. FOR THE FIGHT AGAINST THE VIOLENCE AND MISTREATMENT OF CHILDREN.

But this was on November 25... different Monday imo.
12-04-2010 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
My friends are doing it too

Apart from one who wrote:

which I "liked"
A bunch of my friends have done it too. I pretty much never do anything on facebook except stalk people so I haven't changed anything myself.

Ironically your friend's response is actually the sort of reaction that helps the original idea actually work. If people take part and then read something like that it is likely to get people who wouldn't otherwise to donate. Sure there's some hypocrisy and it seems pretty stupid but I can almost guarantee that something like this will actually result in an increase in donations, even if it's fairly minor.
12-04-2010 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
I stole that word for word TL.. I find this whole "Oh lets change facebook something for xxx cause!" so ******ed.

How does some cartoon images help with child abuse?
time to make a scan of facebook. for every one of those pictures i see, i'm going to beat up a a child
12-04-2010 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Andynan
That could be it... Argentina uses the wrong time zone for its actual location, so even without Daylight Savings we're still about a week ahead of North America right now.
12-04-2010 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by reno expat
time to make a scan of facebook. for every one of those pictures i see, i'm going to beat up a a child
and I will help you do it!

oh wait wait wait

im too far away for that
12-04-2010 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by soah
That could be it... Argentina uses the wrong time zone for its actual location, so even without Daylight Savings we're still about a week ahead of North America right now.
week ahead on facebook, few years behind in other things

standard latinamerican country (inc. spain)
12-04-2010 , 07:12 PM
how do donations stop children from being beaten? they go around knocking on doors like HI! I'll give you $37.50 not to beat your child today!
12-04-2010 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
I stole that word for word TL.. I find this whole "Oh lets change facebook something for xxx cause!" so ******ed.
WOAH. Chillout with the facebook bashing! I changed mine to Dangermouse because there was a distinct lack of Dangermouse going around.
12-04-2010 , 07:16 PM
I got pink eye when that whole "Turn facebook pink for breast cancer!" stuff was all going on.

My status was : I turned my eye pink for breast cancer awareness.

Someone actually messaged me that I was hurting the cause.
12-04-2010 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
If people take part and then read something like that it is likely to get people who wouldn't otherwise to donate. Sure there's some hypocrisy and it seems pretty stupid but I can almost guarantee that something like this will actually result in an increase in donations, even if it's fairly minor.
never underestimate the power of social networking. By posting and retweeting a video we got LOADS of donations for Children In Need that we probably wouldn't have got any other way.
12-04-2010 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
I got pink eye when that whole "Turn facebook pink for breast cancer!" stuff was all going on.

My status was : I turned my eye pink for breast cancer awareness.

Someone actually messaged me that I was hurting the cause.
lol I would have messaged them back something very mean.
12-04-2010 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by ForestFairy
WOAH. Chillout with the facebook bashing! I changed mine to Dangermouse because there was a distinct lack of Dangermouse going around.
somewhere in new york, a 5 year old is about to get beaten up
12-04-2010 , 07:22 PM
Hey everyone! Help end bad things today by putting something mundane and stupid as your status. Then go around "liking" the status of others who do the same!

With your help, we can end bad things!
12-04-2010 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
Hey everyone! Help end bad things today by putting something mundane and stupid as your status. Then go around "liking" the status of others who do the same!

With your help, we can end bad things!
can you go one step further and provide me with something I can copy/paste as my status to end bad things?
12-04-2010 , 07:26 PM
You're all cynical bastards. Sure it's not going to make any noticeable difference on a global scale but it's not like it actually hurts anyone and if this campaign ends up with even one extra person being helped it's a good thing. Hell it even made it onto regional news over here now so it's certainly getting fairly widespread publicity at least.
12-04-2010 , 07:26 PM
good thing my profile has been a cute adorable cartoonish native american cat for quite some time
