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POG Pub February 2020 (LC/NSFW) - 3.57% Extra Free! POG Pub February 2020 (LC/NSFW) - 3.57% Extra Free!

02-26-2020 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
just took a walk in los angeles chinatown. it was crowded. business as usual
Living on the edge!
02-27-2020 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
just took a walk in los angeles chinatown. it was crowded. business as usual

How many people were wearing masks?
02-27-2020 , 12:26 AM
probably around 1 in 20

i think it's a little more at the casino. the casino has higher asian % than chinatown. and a lot of the casino workers are wearing masks, so maybe 1 in 10 at the casino
02-27-2020 , 08:00 AM
Dropped by to find a sheep to play in, noticed some new pog blasphemy where some non-sheep thing called codenames gets a green arrow. Booo
02-27-2020 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Dropped by to find a sheep to play in, noticed some new pog blasphemy where some non-sheep thing called codenames gets a green arrow. Booo
A SHEEP for you...
02-28-2020 , 01:09 AM
I went to Costco tonight. Wow. Shopping cart after shopping cart leaving the store filled with bottled water. Purell pallet was empty. Clorox wipes were down to about 10 left.

After seeing that, I filled up both my cars with gas before anyone else gets the same idea. And no I didn't buy any water.
02-28-2020 , 01:13 AM

i feel like i'm getting sick right now ugh. i was planning on going to costco tomorrow, but probably too sick to go

it would be so insane to see stores empty of stuff to buy. we've never seen that in usa in our lifetime.
02-28-2020 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
it would be so insane to see stores empty of stuff to buy. we've never seen that in usa in our lifetime.
It's standard before any possible hurricane or big snow storm.

When I was in Cairns, I saw a store get emptied when Cyclone Larry was 12 hours from landfall. I bought a frozen pizza for dinner that night. All the restaurants were closed.

Also when in Honolulu 10 years ago, after our plane got in, we normally go to Walmart to buy breakfast foods. Anyway, it was super difficult to find a parking spot and then when we got inside, everyone had shopping carts filled with water and food. I asked some random person what was going on. They said a hurricane was to hit the islands in a couple days. Oops, I had no clue.
02-28-2020 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
It's standard before any possible hurricane or big snow storm.

When I was in Cairns, I saw a store get emptied when Cyclone Larry was 12 hours from landfall. I bought a frozen pizza for dinner that night. All the restaurants were closed.

Also when in Honolulu 10 years ago, after our plane got in, we normally go to Walmart to buy breakfast foods. Anyway, it was super difficult to find a parking spot and then when we got inside, everyone had shopping carts filled with water and food. I asked some random person what was going on. They said a hurricane was to hit the islands in a couple days. Oops, I had no clue.
im ****ing dead! lmao!!

speaking of death. im about 90% dead from the coronavirus rigt now

at like 9ish i wasn't even sure if i was sick or not. then just like an hour later it hit me like a ton of bricks. very sore throat, very sore muscles, fever, headache. but that's it. no runny nose yet or sneezing or coughing. and i feel high from the fever which is nice

im mentally preparing for death, which i recommend doing from time to time. think back on your life of all the great memories. it's pretty nice. it makes you feel lucky and proud and grateful
02-28-2020 , 05:33 AM
and if it's not clear, i am joking about havving the virus. im sure i just have a flu.... i hope!

but if i do have the virus i'll take a custom undertitle about it
02-28-2020 , 05:35 AM
and another silver lining if the city gets locked down, it will be soooooo quiet!!! no ****ing leaf blowers, no traffic, no horns honking. we'll probably still have helicopters though
02-28-2020 , 05:53 AM
a week or so ago i was terrified of getting sick cuz i wouldn't know if i had the virus or just a normal flu. but now that i'm actually sick i'm not scared in the least. maybe cuz im high from fever or not on death's door at the moment.

about 15 years ago i was so sick that i thought i might die and i was terrified. im not sure what i had, but it was nasty.
02-28-2020 , 05:55 AM
RIP Filthyvermin. The dude single-handedly kept the POG Pub and Politics threads alive. He will be missed.

One of my favorite stories about Filthy was when he had to avert his eyes...

I raise my Corona beer to Filthy. See you on the other side.

Last edited by Mark_K; 02-28-2020 at 05:57 AM. Reason: *Insert obvious Monty Python quote here*
02-28-2020 , 06:01 AM
POG Patient zero
02-28-2020 , 07:11 AM
i got about 5 minutes left now boys, then it's on to the pog pub in the sky.

mark everytime you go on vacation to wallmart, if i can help you out from the other side, i'll slip you a coupon

no regrets!!! except maybe my 44k posts, and averting my eyes.

btw, a funny pog story you all might not know is there was a time when someone had the idea to match up new ww players with veterans for a one on one wolf tutoring program. i got hifi! she was my wolf tutor! we had good times

and you can clearly see the results of her fine tutoring. just look in the database at my amazing record. especially biggerboat's risk mishmash. iirc i killed a fellow wolf who had the ability that he automatically killed whoever killed him

i probably should have thought that one through a little more
02-28-2020 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i got about 5 minutes left now boys, then it's on to the pog pub in the sky.

mark everytime you go on vacation to wallmart, if i can help you out from the other side, i'll slip you a coupon

no regrets!!! except maybe my 44k posts, and averting my eyes.

btw, a funny pog story you all might not know is there was a time when someone had the idea to match up new ww players with veterans for a one on one wolf tutoring program. i got hifi! she was my wolf tutor! we had good times

and you can clearly see the results of her fine tutoring. just look in the database at my amazing record. especially biggerboat's risk mishmash. iirc i killed a fellow wolf who had the ability that he automatically killed whoever killed him

i probably should have thought that one through a little more
i remember that game, i also shot that wolf and also fell into the trap.

But don't worry I once lost an f3 where the wolf voted the peeked villager.
02-28-2020 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i got about 5 minutes left now boys, then it's on to the pog pub in the sky.
RIP filthy, you had a good run.

I'll lobby for increased funding of the CDC in your honor.
02-28-2020 , 11:30 AM
We can try for the filthyvermin poker room in one of the LA casinos.
02-28-2020 , 12:35 PM
wow! i feel waaaay better! my throat still hurts but a lot less, and my fever broke. and my sore muscles are about 20% as sore as they used to be. i might live!
02-28-2020 , 12:57 PM
Too late. Onto the wagon you go.
02-28-2020 , 02:05 PM
Maaaaan I already bought a bottle of Don Julio for the wake
02-28-2020 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I went to the goddamn ER last Saturday because I thought I was dying, but nope! This is just what normal feels like now!
Just got the bill. Slightly northward of 3k, and that’s with really good insurance...

I’m sure this recent coronavirus panic will go super well considering the state of health care in this country... Sigh.
02-28-2020 , 06:42 PM
ugh wow! that is so awful! jfc man....

i have a broken rib, and a cut that "needed" stitches, but i didn't go to the doctor cuz it's too expensive and doctors never ****ing do anything to help. my accident was 4 weeks ago and my rib still hurts, but it seems to be healing nicely. and my cut stopped bleeding after about 3 weeks. i think it'll be fine, just a bad scar which i don't mind.

it sounds like the doctors didn't do anything for crossnerd but take her money. they are worse than thieves.
02-28-2020 , 06:45 PM
Well... they did make sure I wasn’t dying.
02-28-2020 , 06:47 PM
It doesn’t matter though because I was going to max out my deductible having this baby anyway. I’m fortunate to be in a position where I can just pay this.
