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POG PUB DECEMBER 2015 (LC; NSFW) Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa and a Festivus for the rest of us POG PUB DECEMBER 2015 (LC; NSFW) Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa and a Festivus for the rest of us

12-25-2015 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by kioshk
It was great seeing Wyman back in pog and the Pub again. Hearty congratulations on your upcoming blessed event.
appreciate it man. Miss hanging out. Happy holidays.
12-25-2015 , 12:04 AM
Congrats well named

I hope you all had a good year and a Merry Christmas to come. Even though I don't really post here any more I think about you all sometimes and wish you the best.

12-25-2015 , 12:09 AM
May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be ****e, wyman
12-25-2015 , 12:12 AM
Now go search your name in a different forum and stop calling people ****s
12-25-2015 , 12:12 AM
Seriously, never change, it's a good look on you.
12-25-2015 , 12:21 AM
I would never change what's not broken!

s to sun and his middle age

And filthy, I always knew you're a gangster

And wn, a not entirely insincere congrats in finding happiness. May you blindly say yes when she suggests a life insurance policy and honeymoon to a nudist resort
12-25-2015 , 12:38 AM
this Wyman is a good guy

he’s just a straight shooter with upper management written all over him
12-25-2015 , 12:40 AM
so did we ever find out was WN the one who broke his wifes heart? is he that bad guy?!?!?!?!
12-25-2015 , 12:43 AM
she was a controlling female with gray pubes. I thought we all knew this.
12-25-2015 , 12:56 AM
All the dumb people like the other dumb people, thats something I've noticed about you guys

12-25-2015 , 01:01 AM
lol, is there anything pwns could ever say here in pog that could ever get him in trouble. He's Teflon, like the great Ronald Reagan.

He's not quite as brash and bold as he used to be though. Entering his 30s etc.
12-25-2015 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by LeonardoDicaprio
Congrats well named

I hope you all had a good year and a Merry Christmas to come. Even though I don't really post here any more I think about you all sometimes and wish you the best.

12-25-2015 , 01:22 AM
Merry Christmas Moocher! and the rest
12-25-2015 , 01:37 AM
12-25-2015 , 03:17 AM
Leo's alive!
12-25-2015 , 04:58 AM
Merry Christmas POG!
12-25-2015 , 07:43 AM
Merry Christmas all!
12-25-2015 , 08:08 AM
Häid jõule!
12-25-2015 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Maybe wyman jr will have bipolar disorder, that would be an ironic circle of life, huh?

I would really, seriously never wish it on anyone. Not Wyman or his kid. Not mets. Not kioshk. Not kcaw. Not pwnsall. Honestly.

Ok, well, maybe mets. But that's because he probably already has it and just doesn't know it.
12-25-2015 , 09:04 AM
Don't be mean to wyman, he always helps me in the homework help thread, he is a nice guy
12-25-2015 , 09:53 AM
Merry Christmas everyone.
12-25-2015 , 10:08 AM
merry jewmas. some combo of bball movies and chinese
12-25-2015 , 10:15 AM
Merry Christmas

Hi Leo. Still have all 10 fingers?
12-25-2015 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
some combo of bball movies and chinese
Could combine all three of those activities by watching "Woman Basketball Player No. 5"
12-25-2015 , 10:30 AM
be cool, be merry, or be ****ed
