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Pog Pub April 2012 (LC Thread) Everybody Welcome (NSFW) Pog Pub April 2012 (LC Thread) Everybody Welcome (NSFW)

04-24-2012 , 12:24 AM
Luther's on Netflix. I may watch it if it has subtitles.
04-24-2012 , 12:36 AM
Damn a great singing voice is like +50% to a woman's natural sexiness.
04-24-2012 , 12:40 AM
i'm going on a blind date wednesday night lol!! should have a good TR after it's over
04-24-2012 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i'm going on a blind date wednesday night lol!! should have a good TR after it's over
avatar even more appropriate
04-24-2012 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i'm going on a blind date wednesday night lol!! should have a good TR after it's over
Who's the lucky girl? Who set you up?
04-24-2012 , 12:52 AM
my brother set it up. i don't know anything about the girl. he said she looks like sansa stark, and lives a few blocks away. my brother hangs out with hot chicks though. he said he described me as being like him, but not fat, balding and drunk
04-24-2012 , 12:53 AM
In the land of the blind date, the averted eye man is king.
04-24-2012 , 01:01 AM
***Shameless Plug***

Hey guys, signups for my anonymous mason WW game are almost closed, and we are painfully close to being able to run a 17er. I'd love it if some of you guys joined if you hadn't seen the thread yet


/shameless plug
04-24-2012 , 01:16 AM
did people go out and plaster kony 2012 stuff all over the place on 4/20 like the video told them to? i didn't hear or see anything
04-24-2012 , 01:28 AM
yes, there was stuff lots of places in San Diego
04-24-2012 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i wonder how sangaman is feeling right now after his 65 mile walk or whatever it was lol

hope he's ok
Yo. I'm doing well. Still pretty sore everywhere, but I've been walking normally today and feel good. Also played some fairly competitive ping pong today without a problem.

Haven't had the time yet but I'm going to write a post mortem about the whole ordeal, either tomorrow or Wednesday. Thanks for sweating, gave me a lot of motivation.
04-24-2012 , 04:01 AM
The Italian 4-cheese Cheez-Its are confirmed superior to the White Cheddar Cheez-Its. Very similar taste but slightly zestier.
04-24-2012 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by Systolic
I blocked you because you're wasting space on my facebook wall

EDIT: And I want to keep my POG 'persona' out of my personal life. I add people from POG to facebook so they can see who I am behind the madness that exists on 2p2, not so that they can troll me.
What is this 2p2 madness you speak of?

I dont see it

is this 2p2? is this... real life?

Originally Posted by dkgojackets
i want to add some foreign friends so i can say i met them on travels to europe since chicks dig a guy who is worldly
You can add me if you want!
04-24-2012 , 04:32 AM
How is going, Andy?

Hello, Pub!

E: I need a new avatar. Any reccomendations?
04-24-2012 , 04:34 AM
04-24-2012 , 04:35 AM
yo Willi
04-24-2012 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
Damn a great singing voice is like +50% to a woman's natural sexiness.

04-24-2012 , 06:06 AM
Ehh. Another bear scared some golfclub people in the morning.
04-24-2012 , 06:07 AM
04-24-2012 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by amplify
Oh sweet Jesus my ****ing back is broken. I am dying and I have no drugs.
don't do that
04-24-2012 , 06:17 AM
I found some kahlua
04-24-2012 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by Willi
How is going, Andy?

Hello, Pub!

E: I need a new avatar. Any reccomendations?
04-24-2012 , 06:39 AM
I've lost my voice. It's highly painful and annoying.
04-24-2012 , 06:45 AM
you can be the next Taylor Swift kokiri!
04-24-2012 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
I've lost my voice. It's highly painful and annoying.
Maybe someone was annoyed of your voice and do not have to listen your voice now and you make that person happy now.

I mean try to think more positive. Your voice lost might have some benefits too.
