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The POG Programmers Containment Thread The POG Programmers Containment Thread

12-01-2010 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
So, we have about 25 analysts and every single one (that gives a rat's ass) has told our management that attempting to re-write all of our systems in one shot is a recipe for disaster.

Ingredients now being mixed into said recipe.
all you need now is a ridiculous date to do the upgrade. midnight on the 31st December is always a sure sign of clueless management. (sounds good, but is the height of idiocy).
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-07-2010 , 03:38 PM
I am bad at making scripts..

I have 1600 torrent files in a folder, I need a script that opens one, presses "enter" and then opens the next one...

is that easy/ possible?
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-07-2010 , 03:39 PM
You want them all opened at once?

What about Ctrl+A, Enter?

If that won't work, try autohotkey
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-07-2010 , 03:40 PM
I tried to open them all at once
and it apparently does "nothing"
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-10-2010 , 01:36 PM
So, we are in the process of re-organizing and I've now been told that I will no longer be able to talk to the users (I'm a lead analyst). We have 2 new business analysts that will do this and then tell me what to do.

So, they've accomplished three things

1) Thrown away 12 years of business knowledge
2) Destroyed the only consistently successful team in this organization
3) Completely and utterly demoralized me

I hate work so much
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-10-2010 , 05:21 PM
So, I'm officially looking for another job. Where would I start? LinkedIn? I have no clue.
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-10-2010 , 05:23 PM
If you know a good recruiter, I would start there

Also check out the Stackoverflow careers section, imo. That's where I found my current job
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-10-2010 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
So, I'm officially looking for another job. Where would I start? LinkedIn? I have no clue.
For most skillsets networking is critical in my experience. So really posting in this thread is a good way to do that, unless you're some highly accomplished wizard, in which case people would be coming to you anyway.

What are you good at?
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-10-2010 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Neil S
For most skillsets networking is critical in my experience. So really posting in this thread is a good way to do that, unless you're some highly accomplished wizard, in which case people would be coming to you anyway.

What are you good at?
Yikes, what a question. I'm going to sound so egotistical. But, I'm good at getting new systems to production. I've done this at large state agencies and Fortune 500 (and 50) companies. I'm not a techno-geek but you can show me any technology and I can conceptualize it well and know if it will be a good thing to use or not. I know how to navigate the politics of an organization and I forge excellent relationships with the power users. I've been the most productive programmer/analyst (always the lead) every place I've been. I put in systems that need almost no maintenance. After the initial bugs are sorted out, they run with no problems. Design it right early and you have no problems late.

God that sounds so bad. I feel dirty.

As far as what I've done - mostly Java/web stuff but I got my start as a mainframe programmer that was basically told to go figure out how to get a website up and running. That should say something.

I suck at documentation, though.
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-10-2010 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Yikes, what a question. I'm going to sound so egotistical. But, I'm good at getting new systems to production. I've done this at large state agencies and Fortune 500 (and 50) companies. I'm not a techno-geek but you can show me any technology and I can conceptualize it well and know if it will be a good thing to use or not. I know how to navigate the politics of an organization and I forge excellent relationships with the power users. I've been the most productive programmer/analyst (always the lead) every place I've been. I put in systems that need almost no maintenance. After the initial bugs are sorted out, they run with no problems. Design it right early and you have no problems late.

God that sounds so bad. I feel dirty.

As far as what I've done - mostly Java/web stuff but I got my start as a mainframe programmer that was basically told to go figure out how to get a website up and running. That should say something.

I suck at documentation, though.
So you'd say you're very good with process and management of large systems and deployments?

You might look into getting into QA and open up some more big corporate (and government) doors that way. People like to make fun of that stuff but in the hands of good managers it's very useful, and from what you say you sound like someone who could make it very useful.

I mean, that may be lousy advice if you need work THIS INSTANT but I don't know your situation, and whether you can find one-off work to support yourself while getting new certifications.
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-10-2010 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Neil S
So you'd say you're very good with process and management of large systems and deployments?

You might look into getting into QA and open up some more big corporate (and government) doors that way. People like to make fun of that stuff but in the hands of good managers it's very useful, and from what you say you sound like someone who could make it very useful.

I mean, that may be lousy advice if you need work THIS INSTANT but I don't know your situation, and whether you can find one-off work to support yourself while getting new certifications.
I would absolutely hate QA. I'm a builder, not an inspector. I get immense satisfaction from creating and implementing a product. I don't think I'd be happy doing anything else.

No, I don't need work this instant. My job is secure and I can be patient while I look.
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-10-2010 , 08:07 PM
I can see that. Having the skills for something is useless if the passion's not there.

Something I wish I'd known when I was 18, but I digress.

Hmm. All the people I know who might be hiring are more web programming types. But I'll keep an eye out.
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-11-2010 , 03:11 PM
Learn physics and go to graduate school. They pay you and you can code until your heart is content.
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-21-2010 , 10:28 PM
I can connect to the internet using ubtuntu but not with windows

the same with my roommate.

we use the router next door so i dont know if they made changes

any ideas?
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-21-2010 , 11:46 PM
I imagine there's some way to make the wifi software in linux generate lovely detailed logs that would tell you all the relevant information that you can then double check in windows, i.e the ssid, security protocol, and all that jazz

it may be ubuntu is just auto-connecting to detected unsecured wifi networks and windows is not, but if you open the connection manager in windows it will let you connect.
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-21-2010 , 11:51 PM
no— its something more complex than that.

the network is open and the settings are set to automatically connect to it and thats what normally happens. Its just that tonight for some reason we both could not connect using windows.

Its actually working for windows now for both of us. But she had a error message on hers saying that there was another ip address the same as hers on the network— so I showed her how to refresh/renew and perhaps that was just the issue but I'm not sure that makes complete sense.
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-22-2010 , 12:29 AM
it would make sense if the dhcp cache on the router was stale
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-23-2010 , 02:55 PM
I really like my job. I like the app I work on, I like the people I work with. The CEO has some moments where I want to punch him in the face, because he tends to fly off the handle about little bugs at 10:00PM, but it's not a huge deal because he's generally pretty accepting of explanations of why things don't work as he expects

But every time I find myself working with a particular guys code, I want to tear my hair out. It's inconsistently formatted, he copy/pastes CONSTANTLY, and leaves the old indentation in place when he does (a pet peeve of mine), and he shoehorns things in to a single function or view unnecessarily, using long if statements. Or worse - he outputs it all in PHP and then uses JAVASCRIPT to hide unnecessary elements.

And it's not like this particular stuff needs to be dynamic - the form is built server side, and doesn't change based on input. He just sends it all and uses client side logic to present it. It's absolutely mind boggling, and incredibly painful to work with

And forget about making a change to something he wrote - inevitably it requires updates in multiple places for a change to be universal. Again, entirely unnecessarily.
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-23-2010 , 03:00 PM
that javascript hiding thing sounds ******ed
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-23-2010 , 03:02 PM
It is

I might be tilted by that more than any code I've ever seen. And, emacs kind of barfs on php code embedded in script blocks on an HTML page, so I get errors all over the screen when I'm looking at the code, which is just that extra little kick in the face
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-23-2010 , 05:48 PM
Visual Studio has the very nice ctrl+K ctrl+F. It formats (indentation, etc) a selection.

copy / paste coding is so wrong.
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-23-2010 , 05:49 PM
Visual Studio has been crashing on me every time I try to find all references on certain properties today.

I are not the pleased
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-23-2010 , 05:51 PM
Emacs has numerous auto indenting features, which I do use on code I'll be working with, but that I would rather avoid because it can cause unnecessary headaches when merging changes in version control.
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
12-23-2010 , 05:54 PM
Sure. If I touch a bunch of lines reformatting I try to do that in a separate checkin so it doesn't mask real changes.
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
01-07-2011 , 11:57 AM
The POG Programmers Containment Thread Quote
