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POG Politics Thread Version 3 POG Politics Thread Version 3

03-13-2023 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
We are less that 2 decades removed from a crisis that almost ended capitalism thanks to banks and was only averted because of government intervention.

The liberals need a reality check.
Pretty sure 2008 almost ending capitalism is akin to January 6th almost ending "democracy".
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-13-2023 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Pretty sure 2008 almost ending capitalism is akin to January 6th almost ending "democracy".
Not really.

Without government intervention it would have been catastrophic.

Comparing 2008 to Jan 6 seems delusional
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03-13-2023 , 01:09 AM
Even with a trillion dollar bail out it was catastrophic
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03-13-2023 , 01:21 AM
They should have let Chrysler die. Probably GM too.
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03-13-2023 , 01:23 AM
i've always suspected that mark is really a communist
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03-13-2023 , 04:03 AM
Shhh comrade!
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03-13-2023 , 09:38 AM
Not that I have much invested but I think I'm sufficiently diversified that i just make no money. Robinhood telling me that all my gold stocks have big upwards movement, so naturally that means I'm down .2%.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-13-2023 , 03:58 PM
Apparently my employer had been using SVB as their primary bank. Who knew!
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-18-2023 , 01:43 AM
Tech tycoon called a ‘creep’ for $100K offer to female plane passenger

The dude offered the woman $100K to take off her mask and she declined. I would have done it for $100.

Filthy, how much to take off your mask for one night at the poker table?
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-18-2023 , 02:22 AM
i'd probably go maskless for $10. or in other words, if i had to buy a $10 mask every session, i don't think i'd do it

rake and tip are about $35 an hour

but 100k is absurd... i wouldn't be offended if the guy offered me 100k to use my body, or to commit murder
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03-18-2023 , 02:24 AM
btw, i have only been sick once in the last 3 years. i love wearing masks!!!
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-18-2023 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i'd probably go maskless for $10. or in other words, if i had to buy a $10 mask every session, i don't think i'd do it

rake and tip are about $35 an hour

but 100k is absurd... i wouldn't be offended if the guy offered me 100k to use my body, or to commit murder
Filthy, he has 320 million dollars. If he's offering you 100K to kill someone--counter!
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-18-2023 , 02:49 AM
i didn't say i'd accept it!

i just wouldn't be offended if he asked
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-18-2023 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
btw, i have only been sick once in the last 3 years. i love wearing masks!!!
Me too, except no masks
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-18-2023 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i didn't say i'd accept it!
A likely story.

Originally Posted by filthyvermin
i just wouldn't be offended if he asked
How would that go I wonder? Random multi-millionaire sits next to you on a plane. "Hi there, you look like an enterprising sort of chap. One perhaps not overly concerned with morality. Fancy making a quick 100K to off someone for me?"
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-18-2023 , 09:06 AM
Long plane ride, gotta talk about something
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-18-2023 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
Tech tycoon called a ‘creep’ for $100K offer to female plane passenger

The dude offered the woman $100K to take off her mask and she declined.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-20-2023 , 03:32 PM
‘Pantry porn’ trend slammed as sexist and classist

“What lies beneath the surface of this anti-messiness, pro-niceness stance is a history of classist, racist and sexist social structures,” Drenten notes.

“In my research, influencers who produce pantry porn are predominantly white women who demonstrate what it looks like to maintain a ‘nice’ home by creating a new status symbol: The perfectly organized, fully stocked pantry,” the professor continues. “Perhaps it’s not surprising that pantry porn found its foothold during the Covid-19 pandemic, when shortages in the supply chain surged. Keeping stuff on hand became a symbol of resilience for those with the money and space to do so.”
That's hilarious.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-20-2023 , 04:11 PM
adverts from the 80s and nineties are why people obsessed with cleaning i assume

POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-20-2023 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
The content creators who do this stuff, right?
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-20-2023 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
adverts from the 80s and nineties are why people obsessed with cleaning i assume

It blows my mind what the average person believes about hygiene, cleanliness, etc. Some people actually wash their meat, and argue for it.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-20-2023 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
I defy 90% of people on the planet to maintain a pantry that is simultaneously fully stocked and perfectly organized, while cooking regularly.

My pantry only gets really organized when I get low on stuff and am trying to stave off a grocery visit. That's when I unearth the last lonely cans of water chestnuts, curry paste, and coconut milk and try to turn them into dinner.

ETA: I also think the people decorating the insides of their refrigerator have already given into our new overlords and are creating shrines to them.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-21-2023 , 02:13 AM
I'll trade you your curry paste for my Southwest mustard.
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03-21-2023 , 08:31 AM
I keep the pantry so everything is visible and accessible. Not always fully stocked, though. What're the things you should always have in the pantry (thinking mostly canned stuff).

I do rinse meat sometimes. Think it's normally if it was cryovaced and has goo on it.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
03-21-2023 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
I keep the pantry so everything is visible and accessible. Not always fully stocked, though. What're the things you should always have in the pantry (thinking mostly canned stuff).

I do rinse meat sometimes. Think it's normally if it was cryovaced and has goo on it.
Sweetened condensed milk for when you have a hankering for Vietnamese coffee.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
