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POG Politics Thread POG Politics Thread

08-29-2012 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
I watched Chris Christie's keynote speech replayed on youtube this morning. Speaking as an unbiased political observer it was ok but nowhere near great. And I miss the grandness of the old conventions. This almost looked like an infomercial or something.

Plus he is really fat, and a little Soprano-ish to be honest. Although I actually do like him, as politicians go.
I noticed they gave Gilchrist a slot last night. I was a little surprised and then about 100 seconds later, he was finished and off the stage.

Don't blink.
08-29-2012 , 01:23 PM
I've been watching Rubio make the rounds. Very impressed.
08-29-2012 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
And I miss the grandness of the old conventions. This almost looked like an infomercial or something.
They certainly sounded way more fun back then.
08-29-2012 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
I watched Chris Christie's keynote speech replayed on youtube this morning. Speaking as an unbiased political observer it was ok but nowhere near great. And I miss the grandness of the old conventions. This almost looked like an infomercial or something.

Plus he is really fat, and a little Soprano-ish to be honest. Although I actually do like him, as politicians go.
I was listening to some of Christie's campaign commercials. He said he doesn't do extraordinary things everyday. But he has the potential to do them everyday. Goodenuff for me.

08-29-2012 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
I was listening to some of Christie's campaign commercials. He said he doesn't do extraordinary things everyday. But he has the potential to do them everyday. Goodenuff for me.

That's why Obama won the peace prize, amirite?
08-29-2012 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
That's why Obama won the peace prize, amirite?
That still cracks me up...

King of the Drones!
09-02-2012 , 01:43 AM
I heard on the radio that Britain and France wants to jointly build and operate an aircraft carrier. I don't foresee any problems there...

A couple other things they mentioned was a potential 20% budget reduction for Britain in military spending. And also some politician wants to one time tax the wealthy on their wealth.

Well, on 2nd thought, I guess Obama isn't looking so bad after all.
09-02-2012 , 02:01 AM
Blaming China for the GFC is lol. We all know Obama did it.
09-02-2012 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
A couple other things they mentioned was a potential 20% budget reduction for Britain in military spending.
Might just be some accounting voodoo similar to the US system where "increasing spending a little less then we expected to increase it" is shortened to "decreasing spending".
09-02-2012 , 06:54 PM

What do informed Pog posters think Obama's likely chances of winning are?

I've heard everywhere from 75%+ to toss-up, depending on the models being used.
09-02-2012 , 06:56 PM
He's pretty much a lock.
09-02-2012 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
He's pretty much a lock.
then you should go make your fortune on intrade where Obama is currently trading at 57.7%
09-02-2012 , 07:01 PM
Cool, will do.
09-02-2012 , 07:07 PM
I remember the days when gingrich had over 25% of getting nominated on intrade


RW - Do you agree with the 57% assessment?
09-02-2012 , 07:09 PM
I would take Obama at 3:2
09-02-2012 , 07:12 PM
I generally accept intrade because I don't know a better way. Doubt it's a perfect market but decent at least.
09-02-2012 , 07:12 PM
models will always appear skewed based on the source

and the elections are rogged anyway so it doesnt matter
09-02-2012 , 07:14 PM
Intrade was way wrong on Dewey vs. Truman. And the rest is history.
09-02-2012 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Systolic
models will always appear skewed based on the source

and the elections are rogged anyway so it doesnt matter
Obama won despite the rogging and he's very likely to again.

I have just too much faith in the American people to believe they would actually elect scum like RMoney and Ryan to the WH.
09-02-2012 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
Obama won despite the rogging and he's very likely to again.

I have just too much faith in the American people to believe they would actually elect scum like RMoney and Ryan to the WH.
Obama and Mr. Zionist are just as scummy as all of them

Americans are ******s who eat cheeseburgers, watch Jersey Shore and ban Online poker.

You should have no faith in us
09-02-2012 , 07:20 PM
who the hell is Mr. Zionist?
09-02-2012 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
who the hell is Mr. Zionist?
Joe Biden
09-02-2012 , 07:22 PM
Cheeseburgers are awesome
09-02-2012 , 07:22 PM
Note about Intrade outstanding shares Romney vs. Obama

Let's say 4MM is at risk since shares are worth $10 at maximum value, realistically this number is probably well below 2MM since i don't think any/many shares ever sold below 2.50

2MM is lol for being a reliable indicator. That is pennies against the kind of money being thrown around by Super Pacs and wealthy donors.

I tend to believe that Obama is realistically above 70% chance to win, and media has a perpetual vested interest in making race look closer than it is. Less undecided voters than ever. Romney negatives sky-high and Obama all time great campaigner. I think unless economy gets significantly worse Romney gets clobbered.
09-02-2012 , 07:24 PM
Mr. Zionist is probably a Jewish person, or an evangelical Christian.
