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07-07-2016 , 12:49 AM
you should get a job as social justice editor for buzzfeed
07-07-2016 , 12:50 AM
The over-focus on language used has become very tiring with me.

I've been attempting to extend an olive branch on all the fighting yet haven't gotten much back from anyone here on their willingness to not judge me as believing things I haven't even said and am telling you myself I don't even believe!

The R word wouldn't have so much power if everyone actually was racist.

I'm TRYING to finally drop the notion "everyone on the left is an emotional guilt triping ****** raw rwar" nonsense and have opening dialogues but I need to be met halfway here. I do appreciate DWetzel at least doing that for a bit with me after, even if he wouldn't back off his "your a racist " stance entirely.

I'm only human, unfounded accusations and nastiness are not going to make me like people.
07-07-2016 , 12:51 AM
who said anything about loving anything? where do you get this **** from? anyway, like 70% of kids in black families are raised by single moms, so yeah i'd say it's a problem
07-07-2016 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Black people love drugs and guns and single motherhood! They act like poor people! Why won't they take some goddamn responsibility for their own police beatings!!


lol yeah, an over-acceptance in it in the culture means they all LOVE it, that's what we mean. Sigh
I simply refuse to believe you believe what you're typing.
07-07-2016 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
I really need to contend that it is necessary. I think it's important that less smart people not feel a reason to believe they are smarter than smart people. Smart people look stupid when they don't state things for what they are.

I KNOW this can be used by actual racists.... but um... do you think they can't figure this out on their own. Does Obama think the racists in this country don't know that ISIS is Islam? It's silly. Be confident and complete in identifying problems. Scold people on both sides that use the information for malevolence/silliness.
It's not necessary to berate people over word choice imo. It's easy to justify your choice of words and then move on to the meat, if necessary.

As to what ISIS is, it's a cult. That is accurate and tells you something about the problem beyond ascribing it to 'religion'.

If Obama said Islam caused ISIS it would not only be inaccurate, but it would be unwise.
07-07-2016 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
lol yeah, an over-acceptance in it in the culture means they all LOVE it, that's what we mean. Sigh
I simply refuse to believe you believe what you're typing.
she's dripping in condescencion while also being incredibly stupid
07-07-2016 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
I'm TRYING to finally drop the notion "everyone on the left is an emotional guilt triping ****** raw rwar" nonsense and have opening dialogues but I need to be met halfway here. I do appreciate DWetzel at least doing that for a bit with me after, even if he wouldn't back off his "your a racist " stance entirely.

I'm only human, unfounded accusations and nastiness are not going to make me like people.
these things don't happen immediately, keep it up though
07-07-2016 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
Was it ever? Exactly what did I do that pissed you off regarding morality? forgive me I genuinely don't remember.
For all your focus on black poverty you never talk about the crimes you've committed over seas. It's a real travesty.

As to morality, morality is fluid. You wouldn't acknowledge that. It was annoying.
07-07-2016 , 12:54 AM
At least I'm not dripping in racist bull****
07-07-2016 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by Myrologue
It's not necessary to berate people over word choice imo. It's easy to justify your choice of words and then move on to the meat, if necessary.

As to what ISIS is, it's a cult. That is accurate and tells you something about the problem beyond ascribing it to 'religion'.

If Obama said Islam caused ISIS it would not only be inaccurate, but it would be unwise.

We disagree. I would argue he should demonstrate that he's aware of that to the public... in fact he should demonstrate he's aware that the US killing innocents constantly in drone strikes is also a factor.

The leader of the the Nation should demonstrate some god damn nuance to the public.
07-07-2016 , 12:56 AM
i think if you said "white people are richer than black people" the crossnerdbot would screen your posts for the words "white" and "black" and respond with "racist" automatically
07-07-2016 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Black people love drugs and guns and single motherhood! They act like poor people! Why won't they take some goddamn responsibility for their own police beatings!!

Oh shush. The way the word is being used it's a demographic, not a race.
07-07-2016 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
we should entirely change the way our government is run, which is the same answer i give any time a question like this comes up
In what ways?
07-07-2016 , 12:59 AM
Obama can create a program that helps minorities, but when a conservative ITT tries to it is obviously racist.
07-07-2016 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by Myrologue
For all your focus on black poverty you never talk about the crimes you've committed over seas. It's a real travesty.

As to morality, morality is fluid. You wouldn't acknowledge that. It was annoying.

Well let's be clear on something though I don't think individual Black people who haven't done anything should sit around feeling guilty about all the crime in the Black community, that's ridiculous.

I am really really distressed about the morality of drone strikes and war in general. But I also can't say it's not a necessary evil, but the idea of little innocent children (who just as easily could have been me, or a girl I've grown to love, or my mom as a child or whatever) are dying.

Can you tell me specifically what we're talking about? I also have to ask what nation you are from, and I feel the need to point out I'm not really a big nationalist.
07-07-2016 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
We disagree. I would argue he should demonstrate that he's aware of that to the public... in fact he should demonstrate he's aware that the US killing innocents constantly in drone strikes is also a factor.

The leader of the the Nation should demonstrate some god damn nuance to the public.
You know what the president should do. He should stop killing hundreds of thousands of innocents and drop all your warships and droids in the ocean forever, and send all the nukes into space bar say 7 for self-protection.
07-07-2016 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
again, the disagreement comes from word choice. when we say something is a cultural issue, we don't mean its inherent to any group of people, we mean it's an observation based on how people actually behave. petty crime isn't inherent to black people, but it's still a part of black culture in the year 2016. that's why a #1 song talks about "hitting licks" and creddit card scammers, because these are parts of black culture in the year 2016. seriously, what is so confusing about this? it's an observation of basic reality, not a statement of how people are destined to behave because of their skin color
Were there a lot of hit Nigerian songs in the early 2000s about scamming people via email?
07-07-2016 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
i think if you said "white people are richer than black people" the crossnerdbot would screen your posts for the words "white" and "black" and respond with "racist" automatically
If you said white people are richer than black people because black culture, then yeah, I would call you a racist, kinda like I did tonight.

I hope being called out for racism doesn't ruin your happy meal
07-07-2016 , 01:03 AM
repeal half the federal laws, get rid of half the federal agencies and half the federal employees, massively lower federal taxes, put people on the supreme court who understand the concept of federalism, give the power that the president has usurped from congress back to congress, give power that was usurped by the federal government back to the states and raise state taxes

this is all just framework stuff, then there are the specific policy things that i would personally like to see, such as legalizing drugs and gambling, banning private prisons, and all the things of that nature
07-07-2016 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Myrologue
Oh shush. The way the word is being used it's a demographic, not a race.

07-07-2016 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme

I am really really distressed about the morality of drone strikes and war in general. But I also can't say it's not a necessary evil, but the idea of little innocent children (who just as easily could have been me, or a girl I've grown to love, or my mom as a child or whatever) are dying.
It's not a necessary evil. IT's a pointless evil. Completely frivolous. Has been for 7 decades. Nuke the region or leave it alone. Check the polls, America is hated around the world. You think that decreases terrorism? This is Vietnam all over. And incidentally, America has done this repeatedly for the last 7 decades. Their interference has destabilized the region more than not, and your people (through your government) has made more tyrants out of democracies than they have the reverse for a reason.

Can you tell me specifically what we're talking about? I also have to ask what nation you are from, and I feel the need to point out I'm not really a big nationalist.

the bear.
07-07-2016 , 01:06 AM
The fact you make the assumption your government is doing a 'necessary' evil is an evil out of ignorance.
07-07-2016 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
If you said white people are richer than black people because black culture, then yeah, I would call you a racist, kinda like I did tonight.

I hope being called out for racism doesn't ruin your happy meal
i've never had a mcdonalds hamburger in my life, you can add that to your file on me
07-07-2016 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by Myrologue
You know what the president should do. He should stop killing hundreds of thousands of innocents and drop all your warships and droids in the ocean forever, and send all the nukes into space bar say 7 for self-protection.

Well.... there are a few different points being made here. I think the existence of nukes prevents World Wars.... as far as all the drone strikes.

I'm afraid I agree with you they're an evil action, but you might not like what I have to add to this. We're in a state of weird morale flux where 1st World citizens are willing to accept SOME horrible tactics but not others. Many of the tactics used to win World War 2 such as firebombing or dropping the atomic bombs in general would be considered unacceptable now.

Letting your enemy kill you is also unacceptable.

But there is this political soft spot where you can drop a jabillion drone strikes if you promise you're giving it your best shot to kill an important enemy but also create tons of collateral damage. No real effort to win the war is made... but you do these mini politically correct strikes that probably will end up killing more people in the long run.

I think the most moral actions would be to in some circumstances accept MORE brutal tactics but also be willing to lose American life if it saves greater #'s of life of innocent "enemies" This means boots on the ground in some instances over drone strikes.

I may seem a bit all over the place with this post but my main point is that I think a lot of deaths occur over POLITICS, which is evil and wrong.
07-07-2016 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Myrologue
It's not a necessary evil. IT's a pointless evil. Completely frivolous. Has been for 7 decades. Nuke the region or leave it alone. Check the polls, America is hated around the world. You think that decreases terrorism? This is Vietnam all over. And incidentally, America has done this repeatedly for the last 7 decades. Their interference has destabilized the region more than not, and your people (through your government) has made more tyrants out of democracies than they have the reverse for a reason.

the bear.

Well... I guess read my last post
