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10-28-2019 , 01:17 PM
Sometimes the UK makes me feel better about the USA
10-28-2019 , 01:17 PM
A hearty "**** you" goes out to Joe Scarborough and Chris Coons for their idiotic commentaries this morning regarding the booing and chants at the World Series game last night.
10-28-2019 , 01:57 PM
Right??? I was just reading about that. Lots of SMH.

Hey and don’t forget Mika, how dare you!
10-28-2019 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
re: Brexit. So, if I get this right, the EU voted to not do anything until later. I'm thinking everyone could just keep voting to do nothing forever. Problem solved.
The only problem is that they only set it for 3 months, and this is being called a 'long' extension. I'm really pulling for like a 5 year extension, tbh.
10-28-2019 , 04:35 PM
I'd just like to take a moment to marvel at the amount of sheer stupidity and incompetence it took from the entirety of Donald Trump's horde of minions to fall (or jump gleefully, perhaps) into Pelosi's simple trap of getting them to base their entire impeachment defense on something completely under her control -- namely, holding a vote to authorize impeachment proceedings.

I'd also like to take a moment to marvel at the fact that there's someone named "David Sklansky" who keeps getting quoted as a legal expert in random news articles.
10-28-2019 , 04:41 PM
The vote forces people in swing States to take a stand

And it legitimizes the process
10-28-2019 , 04:44 PM
I hated Michael Bloomberg. I was at a Brooklyn cyclones game when he was mayor and he was booked as bad as Trump was. I winced

If you think free speech and it's okay to boo Trump during the world series that's fine

But saying **** you ton someone for suggesting we should be better than that .. I just don't get that
10-28-2019 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
The vote forces people in swing States to take a stand
it takes a truly brilliant tactician to force the Democrats to hold a vote that will require Republicans to go on the record about whether they support something that is popular with the public as a whole but unpopular with the subset of people who voted for them
10-28-2019 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
But saying **** you ton someone for suggesting we should be better than that .. I just don't get that
Joe McCarthy Scarborough literally said the chants were "un-American". That's too stupid for words.

And Chris Coons was on TV saying that people should "respect the office of the president". What the hell does that even mean? The people weren't booing "the office of the president". They were booing Donald Trump.

Both of them are clowns.
10-28-2019 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Joe McCarthy Scarborough literally said the chants were "un-American". That's too stupid for words.

And Chris Coons was on TV saying that people should "respect the office of the president". What the hell does that even mean? The people weren't booing "the office of the president". They were booing Donald Trump.

Both of them are clowns.
It was disgusting when Trump supporters yelled lock her up to Hillary at a Trump rally but it's awesome that people said lock him up about Trump at a baseball game?

And Scarborough a Trump hater is now McCarthy for agreeing it's unAmerican to chant that about a sitting president

Ok your bias has clouded your ability to not put party first

Carry on
10-28-2019 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by soah
it takes a truly brilliant tactician to force the Democrats to hold a vote that will require Republicans to go on the record about whether they support something that is popular with the public as a whole but unpopular with the subset of people who voted for them
Whether it hurts or helps the Republicans it is important that if you're doing an investigation to see if you can remove the president from office you should at minimum vote to have that investigation and go on record
10-28-2019 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
It was disgusting when Trump supporters yelled lock her up to Hillary at a Trump rally but it's awesome that people said lock him up about Trump at a baseball game?

And Scarborough a Trump hater is now McCarthy for agreeing it's unAmerican to chant that about a sitting president

Ok your bias has clouded your ability to not put party first

Carry on
Joe actually said the same thing (and this reply absolutely nails it):
10-28-2019 , 06:22 PM
he actually is above the law, and so are his rich buddies. trump has openly admitted to many crimes and never spent a day of his life in jail. most/all of his buddies have also committed zillions of crimes and most of them never spend a day in jail.
10-28-2019 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Joe actually said the same thing (and this reply absolutely nails it):

Trump didn't lead the lock her up chant

And people were outraged by it

I also condemned it so at least I know I'm not a hypocrite

All are legal but we would all be better
10-28-2019 , 06:38 PM
[x] locks kids in cages
[x] starts wars
[x] brags about his sexual assaults
[x] encourages white supremacists

but don't boo him!!!!
10-28-2019 , 06:38 PM
btw, california has been on fire for like 5 years straight. all of LA smells like smoke, and it's worse in norcal
10-28-2019 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
[x] locks kids in cages
[x] starts wars
[x] brags about his sexual assaults
[x] encourages white supremacists

but don't boo him!!!!
What war did he start?
10-28-2019 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
[x] locks kids in cages
[x] starts wars
[x] brags about his sexual assaults
[x] encourages white supremacists

but don't boo him!!!!
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
What war did he start?
lol!!!! i love how mets acknowledges the other stuff, but still thinks it's bad to boo him

trump started the turkish invasion of syria.... probably because he had some kind of deal with the turks like "like i'll scratch your back. you scratch mine. i'll withdraw usa troops from syria so you can invade. go nuts! and you give me x"

definitely the dumbest thing i've done today is engage with mets *sigh*
10-28-2019 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Whether it hurts or helps the Republicans it is important that if you're doing an investigation to see if you can remove the president from office you should at minimum vote to have that investigation and go on record
That sounds nice in theory but if the GOP held the house and senate, would such a vote ever get to the floor? Would it pass???

What the Republicans are doing that Trump basically impeached himself, is to say.. wait....... "maybe the search warrant was not valid", as in "we never voted on the parameters of impeachment in the house..", so nothing in the hearings count.

But, this misdirection from the actual situation to the process can only buy the GOP a little time..

The Dems have the house, so what is the next move by the GOP to save Trump from himself. Can they drag the vote out on some delaying or procedural tactics. Also, what does the GOP do after the vote passes and Trump still obstructs?

Plus lol at the GOP talking about the whistleblower.. Trump validated the whistleblower's basic position. It is all about the people in the room now.
The fire was confirmed by those in the building. But the GOP is still obsessed with the person who pulled the fire

Can someone tell the GOP that the whistleblower reported the fire; he did not start it....
10-28-2019 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
lol!!!! i love how mets acknowledges the other stuff, but still thinks it's bad to boo him

Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
Plus lol at the GOP talking about the whistleblower.. Trump validated the whistleblower's basic position. It is all about the people in the room now.
The fire was confirmed by those in the building. But the GOP is still obsessed with the person who pulled the fire

Can someone tell the GOP that the whistleblower reported the fire; he did not start it....
Pretty good analogy imo.
10-28-2019 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
The fire was confirmed by those in the building. But the GOP is still obsessed with the person who pulled the fire

Can someone tell the GOP that the whistleblower reported the fire; he did not start it....
10-28-2019 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
That sounds nice in theory but if the GOP held the house and senate, would such a vote ever get to the floor? Would it pass???

What the Republicans are doing that Trump basically impeached himself, is to say.. wait....... "maybe the search warrant was not valid", as in "we never voted on the parameters of impeachment in the house..", so nothing in the hearings count.

But, this misdirection from the actual situation to the process can only buy the GOP a little time..

The Dems have the house, so what is the next move by the GOP to save Trump from himself. Can they drag the vote out on some delaying or procedural tactics. Also, what does the GOP do after the vote passes and Trump still obstructs?

Plus lol at the GOP talking about the whistleblower.. Trump validated the whistleblower's basic position. It is sall about the people in the room now.
The fire was confirmed by those in the building. But the GOP is still obsessed with the person who pulled the fire

Can someone tell the GOP that the whistleblower reported the fire; he did not start it....
I haven't followed political threads on the internet very much, historically speaking, but my experience of Canadians wrt US politics has been as follows:

In our house, we may talk about what our neighbour is doing and what effect that will have on us. We may even chat over the fence with that neighbour about his life, but fairly low key.

Now we find ourselves in a position where we see smoke coming out of the neighbour's house, and have run in, found him passed out, and are trying to wake him and drag him out.

At least that's what I am seeing these days.
10-29-2019 , 01:43 AM
I'd like to know where Dustin is currently at with his "but at least he's not a neo-con" argument now that Trump is openly announcing that we're going to send troops right back into Syria to fight for control of their oil so that American companies can sell it and make big profits.
10-29-2019 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Joe actually said the same thing (and this reply absolutely nails it):
iirc this is not correct. trump was not the most powerful man in the world. he was running for president, and a longshot to win because clinton was more powerful. and trump didn't really lead the chant. i mean he did want to lock clinton up, but it was the crowd who started the chant, and trump just basked in it.

but the crowd wanted to lock clinton up because clinton is scum. and she too thinks she is above the law. and she is above the law.

both chants came from justified feelings of wanting to lock up pieces of **** trump and clinton who deserve it
10-29-2019 , 09:23 AM

for some reason my tweet embeds don't work. i guess cuz i'm old?

but this is a meme of distracted boyfriend but it's bernie sanders and karl marx
