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03-25-2019 , 04:14 PM
Yes i do believe he was letting his people starve rather than allow aid in from the US, yes
03-25-2019 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Birdman divides the world (at least geopolitically) into imperialist vs non-imperialist.

It is not a correct world-view (false dichotomy) but it still gives more insight than believing cable news or whatever is printed in wapo, nyt, etc.

What Birdman gets right about Venezuela is that the US/West has neither clean hands or clean motives. That is unfortunately just about all that he gets correct as his worldview clouds over any and all other issues related to the problems there.
Thank you, this is a good post.
03-25-2019 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Yes i do believe he was letting his people starve rather than allow aid in from the US, yes
I never actually watched the video that purported to show the aid trucks torched. It wouldn't shock me though if it was done intentionally (go figure) The reports were that a tear gas canister ignited the trucks but others have been skeptical of that.

It's been reported that even more violence from the opposition had been planned but this was found out by the Colombian government and they stopped it. Regardless Maduro was put in a difficult spot between allowing the aid to enter and showing weakness or not allowing it and being accused of starving his own people. So you're doing the latter.
03-25-2019 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
Finally, Soah asked me my thoughts on Dustin based on some of the discussion here. I made it clear I don't care if he's banned, but I don't know about the history. I just didn't want him to pretend it was all fake, when I know it was not. I knew Brooks Brown very well, obv knew the two I mentioned earlier. I didn't want to click the video for reasons Jenn alluded to. It wasn't that I wouldn't entertain his insane theory (although, I won't). It was that I don't want to see videos of something that was very hard, very personal, and very traumatic to deal with. It was my senior year of high school, which is a fairly transformative time. Dustin was tone deaf to not realize that when he pressured me to click the video, but don't think he was malicious. There's enough history there he wasn't trying to hurt me. I'm not interested in discussing alternative theories, and definitely not interested in watching videos of what happened. I don't think his intention was bad, though.
Thank you Chim and I'm sorry that things happened the way they did.
Eyebooger asked me what I would do differently and the biggest thing is that I wouldn't see your post and then automatically just hit the reply button and keep hitting it without any kind of forethought. That is what I did and where the tone-deafness came from. Not an excuse at all that is just what happened and I apologize for it.
03-25-2019 , 05:32 PM
03-25-2019 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by soah
Then let's just ask mets directly right now which parts of that article he vouches for and which parts he condemns.
Are you going to do this, or are we all in agreement that mets is a racist and should just be ignored?
03-25-2019 , 05:37 PM
Mets, are Islamic politicians going to put jews "on the menu"? Do you think its racist to say that? Or post articles for others to read that say that?
03-25-2019 , 05:38 PM
How much do you hate Muslims, mets? That article about Omar was a hate article from a hate site.

Why don't you tell us which parts you stand by?
03-25-2019 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Are you going to do this, or are we all in agreement that mets is a racist and should just be ignored?
I'm fine with him being ignored.
03-25-2019 , 07:19 PM
Schumer today at Aipac


“Only in America, could an exterminator’s son become the first Jewish Leader of The Senate.”

“The security of Israel is and has always been in America’s national interest.”

“The overwhelming majority of Democrats support Israel... the foundation of our relationship must remain bipartisan... those who use Israel to score political points and divide Americans do a disservice to America and a disservice to Israel.”

“I ask BDS supporters: Do you support a Jewish State? And they waffle or say ‘No’ and that’s not a disagreement over policy; that’s a disagreement over Israel’s very right to exist.”

“We must call it out” regarding antisemitism with examples alluding to statements of Ilhan Omar, Trump, Kevin McCarthy, and more.

“Am Yisroel Chai! Gd bless you! Israel , keep up the great work!”
We'll see how this plays out with the far left
03-25-2019 , 07:30 PM
We all support Israel's right to exist. We just don't support Israel's right to be an exception to rules.

Kind of like how you are viewed in this thread.
03-25-2019 , 07:34 PM
We all support Israel's right to exist.
I don't think BM does.
03-25-2019 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
I don't think BM does.
I don't think much of the non jewish left does

I don't even think Bernie Sanders does
03-25-2019 , 08:39 PM
So the reactions to the Mueller investigation being over have been interesting. Something like the 7 stages of grief although reactions in this thread have been muted. Of course anybody paying attention over the last several weeks has seen how the media had severely toned down expectations.

And now we the see the media coming out with headlines saying "Trump Exonerated". The Hill has an op-ed today literally apologizing to Trump on behalf of the media.

Since I started posting in this thread again in the fall of 2016, my one big preoccupation has not been talking about whatever conspiracy theory is pertinent, but rather understanding the nature of Trump vs the elite/establishment/ptb/boog/etc.
(And I understand here that this is a question that is only relevant to me as most people believe things like democracy being real or the same America that elected Obama turning racist and electing Trump).

And I fully admit to initially drinking the kool-aid a bit even though ultimately I had no logical reason to, in thinking that because Trump has done so much damage to the media in his attacks on it and how he calls it the enemy of the people, that it would be impossible that they could be on the same team. I've changed my mind on that over the last 18 months.

So part of being a conspiracy theorist is that it allows you to make predictions and I have a bold one: that we are in the early stages of witnessing the controlled destruction of the MSM. I won't say why I think this or to what purpose, as that wouldn't get us anywhere, but I do think it is happening and I want to get this prediction in early.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 03-25-2019 at 08:53 PM.
03-25-2019 , 08:42 PM
Mets already said the only good jew is a religious jew, all the other jews are israel traitors
03-25-2019 , 08:44 PM
Omg luckbox
03-25-2019 , 08:58 PM

I initially read this as @aoc taking direct action against methane-producing livestock. Oops. Go green new deal!
03-25-2019 , 09:23 PM
Aoc is upset that the Senate is voting on her NW Green Deal tomorrow calling it a publicity stunt to get people on the record for a vote on a bill they already know they don't have the votes for...

Shouldn't she be thanking him?
03-25-2019 , 10:55 PM
Good stuff today, everyone
03-25-2019 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
Good stuff today, everyone
So that means you are in favor of one fascist palestenian state, thank you
03-26-2019 , 10:10 AM
Mueller investigation:

It is obvious to everybody that the Trump team worked directly with the Russians to gain an edge over Clinton, that Russia interjected itself into US electoral influence, and that Trump/Russia publicly praised and supported each other throughout. Whether this constitutes "collusion" is a semantic question, I guess, but my political sensibilities and demand for honesty and fair dealing color my reading of the term against Trump.

At any rate, facts were found, nobody cares, etc. The whole thing is more or less functionally moot since Republicans held onto the Senate, and I doubt anybody's mind about Trump has changed in the past week regardless.

It was a fact-finding mission that has already resulted in multiple convictions of administration insiders with more pending, so I would not call it a total failure, and who knows what the House may be able to do with it in the coming months.
03-26-2019 , 10:12 AM
The correct lesson to be learned about the MSM is that they (still) are there to report findings of fact - not to draw conclusions therefrom.

Who said what when; what did who see where; etc.

If the punditry is taken down, great. If investigative journalism goes with it, not so much.
03-26-2019 , 10:16 AM
The current, for-profit media model will continue to drive click-bait and dramatization, and Trump will continue to deliver, so we'll continue to see unabashed Trump coverage.

It's not because Viacom executives like Trump (though they probably do) or because they did 3 years ago (they probably didn't); it's because he made and makes them money.

Last edited by iamnotawerewolf; 03-26-2019 at 10:21 AM.
03-26-2019 , 10:20 AM
The optimist in me hopes that people will see the lackluster Mueller results as confirmation that they have to do things themselves (organizing, communicating, etc).

The pessimist in me fears that people will take it as a final seal of hopelessness and abandonment.
03-26-2019 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
The optimist in me hopes that people will see the lackluster Mueller results as confirmation that they have to do things themselves (organizing, communicating, etc).

The pessimist in me fears that people will take it as a final seal of hopelessness and abandonment.
Im much more in column b right now
