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11-05-2018 , 11:13 AM
noam chomsky cracks me up man. dude is legit hilarious. like when he says the republican party is the most dangerous organization in human history

i 100% agree with him, but it's still hilarious
11-05-2018 , 11:23 AM
landlords are worse than isis
11-05-2018 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
landlords are worse than isis
possibly the most privileged and offensive thing said itt to date
11-05-2018 , 12:56 PM
I'm trying to envision what it would look like if filthy had to figure out how to find a place to live in a landlordless society, and what that might look like after he lived there a while.

I was also sort of thinking about the lens we look through to get information about politics. I was thinking that if I saw nothing but Fox news, I'd probably vote republican. And, weirdly enough, if I saw nothing but the politics forums hera at 2p2, I'd also probably vote republican. Seems weird.
11-05-2018 , 01:31 PM
Georgia gubernatorial update:

Remember earlier, when I posted that the GOP candidate (Kemp) is the sitting Secretary of State, charged with election oversight, and that he has refused to resign despite the obvious conflict of interest?

Well, yesterday, two days before the general election, Kemp opened an investigation into the Democratic Party, alleging that the Dems "hacked" the state's voter registration system. This is the guy who oversaw multiple voter purges and who was shot down by the courts for doing so.

Per CNN, this is what the "hack" looked like:

a voter [] said he had discovered potential vulnerabilities in the state's voter information page and its online registration system.

That voter, Richard Wright, took his concerns to the Georgia Democratic Party's voter protection hotline to alert authorities

Wright [] was looking up his own registration information on the state's My Voter Page when he discovered he could access other people's information too.

The system, he found, doesn't verify who's making the query and, for that reason, it appeared to him that voters' private information could be accessed and that voter registrations could even be edited by anyone on the site.
note: some of Kemp's purges operate by disqualifying individuals whose address or other info does not match the info on their voter role

Kemp's statement:

"In an act of desperation, the Democrats tried to expose vulnerabilities in Georgia's voter registration system."

maybe the language wasn't carefully drafted, but I'm not sure "exposing vulnerabilities in voter registration" is something we want to discourage... unless we're the secretary of state?

anyway, the timeline afaict looks like:

1. Wright discovers the vulnerability
2. Wright contacts the Democratic Party
3. Democratic Party hires a cybersecurity expert
4. Cybersecurity expert contacts Kemp
5. Kemp accuses Democratic Party of hacking and opens a GBI (Georgia's state-equivalent of the FBI) investigation
11-05-2018 , 02:19 PM
He did basically the same thing in 2016, was later debunked, he’s a terrible person etc
11-05-2018 , 02:19 PM
And more likely than not our next governor yay georgia lol
11-05-2018 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I've bolded a section that I think you have wrong. Saying "cotton picking" does not make one racist. However, someone being informed that the word has racist connotations, that saying it actually hurts black people who may be in earshot, and THEN that person contiinuing to use the term because "that's what they've always done." That makes someone a racist. Because they've been told that their actions hurt people of another race, and for whatever reason, be it tradition, or stubbornness, or anything else... they've decided that continuing to use the term is more important than the feelings of the race being injured.
11-05-2018 , 02:29 PM
this morning, Shelley Winter (RW radio host) said he went to the Trump rally - the one that Kemp cancelled the debate for

Shelley says he wore a Kemp shirt, but one of the rally's staffers told him he had to turn it inside out because "this is a Trump rally"

at a rally in Georgia held to endorse Kemp's bid for GA governor!
11-05-2018 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
what if the race they hurt is white?
11-05-2018 , 02:33 PM
what examples are there of the white race being hurt by the use of historical idioms?
11-05-2018 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
what examples are there of the white race being hurt by the use of historical idioms?
Ninja edit
11-05-2018 , 02:43 PM
yes, to limit the question to the context of the original quote
11-05-2018 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
yes, to limit the question to the context of the original quote
If you want to be that specific, then probably very few.
11-05-2018 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
I call people out for this all the time. And yes they often don't realize it

I think it's all a good discussion

A lesbian friend once called me out for using the word cock sucker as an insult to a man, not realizing that it's a slur against gay people

It's good to have conversations like this, without automatically thinking the person is purposely being racist or hateful
You called a guy this, and did not realize it was a slur against gay men???
11-05-2018 , 02:49 PM
isis never did **** to me. landlords have taken most of my money, and that of my family for my entire life. yes, they provided us housing. but their plan was to use their vast wealth to buy homes that we could never afford to buy, and rent them out to us at crippling prices because we have no choice.

they are parasites. and they aren't the only ones.
11-05-2018 , 02:55 PM
if air was bought and sold, and you couldn't afford to buy air, but you had to rent it from airlords, and most of your money went to the airlords for no other reason than because they were rich enough to buy up all the air then rent it out to you, you would resent them very much.

or maybe you'd be brainwashed into thinking it was just capitalism and it was ok. thank you airlords for giving us air otherwise we couldn't breathe! thank you airlords! i could never afford air if it wasn't for you. thank you!
11-05-2018 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
what if the race they hurt is white?
Then the people who use the term, shouldn't. I'm not sure why it matters what race the affected party is.
Originally Posted by biggerboat
If you want to be that specific, then probably very few.
And this is true, there are VERY few terms that have been used in the oppression of white people as a whole over time.
11-05-2018 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
isis never did **** to me. landlords have taken most of my money, and that of my family for my entire life. yes, they provided us housing. but their plan was to use their vast wealth to buy homes that we could never afford to buy, and rent them out to us at crippling prices because we have no choice.

they are parasites. and they aren't the only ones.
So, got mine **** all y'all?

How very right wing of you.
11-05-2018 , 02:59 PM
Is it wrong that I find the phrase "cracker-ass cracker" really funny? Uh, I mean if someone finds it funny. Asking for a friend.
11-05-2018 , 03:03 PM
i've been discriminated against for being white, and i've been discriminated against for being mexican! fml!

they both hurt. the mexican one hurt a lot more.
11-05-2018 , 03:03 PM
I called a white guy a "cracker" once, and he told me it was offensive, and I was like
11-05-2018 , 03:05 PM
isis never did **** to me.
ergo "privileged"

Last edited by iamnotawerewolf; 11-05-2018 at 03:17 PM.
11-05-2018 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by well named
Is it wrong that I find the phrase "cracker-ass cracker" really funny? Uh, I mean if someone finds it funny. Asking for a friend.
I think it's pretty funny.
11-05-2018 , 03:08 PM
man, i'm soooo privileged isis never did **** to me. me and about 7 billion other people.
