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09-05-2018 , 09:06 PM
I didn't forget you bird

I did watch it when you posted

I wanted to talk to you about fouda and the Palestinian actress and her comments about it

But I've been busy at professional development

One of them was about privilege
09-05-2018 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
That's true but if they had their druthers they would be permanent
Lol, no
09-05-2018 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
this seems kinda unprecedented
for whatever reason, i actually believe the veracity of this for the most part

it's pretty sad
09-05-2018 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
this seems kinda unprecedented
Given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would start a complex process for removing the president. But no one wanted to precipitate a constitutional crisis. So we will do what we can to steer the administration in the right direction until — one way or another — it’s over.
Absolute ****ing cowards.

Removal of the president via the 25th amendment isn't a constitutional crisis; it's literally part of the ****ing document.

I'll tell you what is a constitutional crisis: People in positions of power (looking at you, Congress and high level Cabinet officials) not doing they're goddamn jobs.
09-05-2018 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by well named
The Senate passed the bill under "budget reconciliation" rules, allowing them to bypass the filibuster. There are details of the reconciliation rules and process here, and here.

These are the most relevant parts:

So the irony is that the GOP tended to still give lip service to the idea that the tax cuts would be revenue neutral due to extra growth, but they were forced to make the bill temporary in order to use reconciliation rules precisely because no economist will actually agree with the idea that the bill is revenue-neutral :P

So, It's not exactly that they had to be temporary by law. They had to be temporary to be passed under the reconciliation rules, and part of the point of those rules is that the process isn't really intended to be used to write new law.

Congress rules are so bad now nobody does anything to make sense

even this Kavanaugh hearing is a waste of time, nothing he says is going to change anyone's mind this is just a waste of time because the dems want to wait until november because even if they dont win the senate, they can have the joe manchins and the like vote no then, where right now if they vote no they may lose their seats

and say what you want about republicans, but they voted in Kagan and Sotamayer with 67+ votes each and little hassle. even though they completely disagreed with them philosophically

also, these hypothetical questions to Kavanaugh are way out of line

even schumer recently said you shouldnt ask them

but they are going nuts that he wont answer them

09-05-2018 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Absolute ****ing cowards.

Removal of the president via the 25th amendment isn't a constitutional crisis; it's literally part of the ****ing document.

I'll tell you what is a constitutional crisis: People in positions of power (looking at you, Congress and high level Cabinet officials) not doing they're goddamn jobs.
removal of a president via the 25th amendment in this circumstance would be

the purpose of the 25th amendment is if a president gets alzeimers or soemthing like that. not that you think he's aggressive or doesnt think things through.

he was voted in and acting the exact same way as he did before he won.

it's just sour grapes

Section 4: this is an emergency provision that allows the Vice President and members of the Cabinet to declare the President unfit to carry out the duties of the Presidency. The President may assert his competency (ability to serve) by sending a declaration to Congress. The Vice President and Cabinet can submit another declaration against the President, which would force Congress to reach a 2/3 majority that the President is unfit for office.
09-05-2018 , 09:46 PM
and i do think it's okay for anonymous sources under certain circumstances, but this is getting out of control.

if you want to call him out, call him out but dont be a ****ing pussy and hide under a gimmick
09-05-2018 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
and say what you want about republicans, but they voted in Kagan and Sotamayer with 67+ votes each and little hassle. even though they completely disagreed with them philosophically
Aside from being wrong (Kagan was 63-37), you're acting like Republicans actually wanted those two in the SC. They both got a very small minority of R votes.
09-05-2018 , 10:21 PM
it all started with bork

both sides forgot what the ****ing point of advise and consent means

it doesnt mean you dont vote for someone cause you dont like their politics

both sides suck
09-05-2018 , 10:21 PM
you needed 60 votes then and dems had 56 seats so repubs could have blocked both fwiw
09-05-2018 , 10:22 PM
like i believe lindsey grahm voted for both of them

why do you think he did?
09-05-2018 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Absolute ****ing cowards.
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
and i do think it's okay for anonymous sources under certain circumstances, but this is getting out of control.

if you want to call him out, call him out but dont be a ****ing pussy and hide under a gimmick
Per the narrative of the op-ed, they are staying hidden for our sake, not for theirs - well, perhaps "also" for theirs...

Removal of the president via the 25th amendment isn't a constitutional crisis; it's literally part of the ****ing document.

I'll tell you what is a constitutional crisis: People in positions of power (looking at you, Congress and high level Cabinet officials) not doing they're goddamn jobs.
this, though
09-05-2018 , 10:23 PM
if the vote is held in the next week i think 3 dems will vote for him (manchin, jones, and maybe 1 other from a trump state). if it is after election day 0 will\

it's all bull**** posturing on both sides

congress is a waste we all agree
09-05-2018 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
Per the narrative of the op-ed, they are staying hidden for our sake, not for theirs - well, perhaps "also" for theirs...

this, though
but thats wrong

honestly i wouldnt blame trump if he fires his entire staff right now and starts over

its not this guys job to undermine trump even if he thinks it is
09-05-2018 , 10:25 PM
so for those of you that think actually ordered a kill on assad

do you also think trump is putin's puppet?

i mean if trump ordered his death, and his cabinet didnt listen, this would imply that the cabinet is in bed with putin, and trump isnt right?
09-05-2018 , 10:26 PM
cant have it both ways
09-05-2018 , 10:27 PM
Mets, do you believe Trump violated campaign finance laws?

If so, do you believe his election is therefor illegitimate?
09-05-2018 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
so for those of you that think actually* ordered a kill on assad

do you also think trump is putin's puppet?

i mean if trump ordered his death, and his cabinet didnt listen, this would imply that the cabinet is in bed with putin, and trump isnt right?
assassinating Assad could result in the first direct major power war in 75 years

it would probably result in massive international sanctions against the US

and it would invite a major constitutional crisis at home

it does not mean that Mattis is Putin's ally; it means Mattis knows Putin is our enemy

and it does not mean that Trump is not under Putin's thumb; it means that Trump lacks the ability to think past move #1

* if that actually happened
09-05-2018 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
assassinating Assad could result in the first direct major power war in 75 years

it would probably result in massive international sanctions against the US

and it would invite a major constitutional crisis at home

it does not mean that Mattis is Putin's ally; it means Mattis knows Putin is our enemy

and it does not mean that Trump is not under Putin's thumb; it means that Trump lacks the ability to think past move #1

* if that actually happened
putin is up assads ass. putin would def tell trump to not kill assad

you cant have it both ways
09-05-2018 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
Mets, do you believe Trump violated campaign finance laws?

If so, do you believe his election is therefor illegitimate?
im not convinced you can prove that trump ordered cohen to pay anyone off

and im not convinced if he did it is a violation, but it might be

regardless, no that wouldnt make his election illegitamate
09-05-2018 , 10:48 PM
hillary financing the dossier may be a violation of campaign finance laws

but i dont even care anymore, calling him illegitamate is loltastic
09-05-2018 , 10:48 PM
Mets, the point/narrative is that Trump is impulsive and reckless. It doesn't matter what daddy tells him to do when he's in the middle of a tantrum.
09-05-2018 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
im not convinced you can prove that trump ordered cohen to pay anyone off

and im not convinced if he did it is a violation, but it might be

regardless, no that wouldnt make his election illegitamate
what other campaign finance laws do you think are irrelevant to electoral legitimacy?

Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
hillary financing the dossier may be a violation of campaign finance laws

but i dont even care anymore, calling him illegitamate is loltastic
they could both be illegitimate if victorious
09-05-2018 , 11:23 PM
i think there is likely some sort of campaign finance reform violations in every election
09-05-2018 , 11:26 PM
there were only 3 no votes against ginsburg

the good old days
