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07-31-2018 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
Hmmm, would you agree with a statement like, someone could use the phrase "tough on crime" as dog whistling while others use it in a non dog whistling manner.
Sure, I'm saying as much to birdman. His argument is that the phrase "weak on crime" can only have one meaning, and therefore Ocasio-Cortez' usage must be intended to convey that one meaning.

I disagree with that, although I do agree that it's hard to talk about criminal justice in the US without talking about racism, and I also agree that there's often a lot of racial prejudice involved (consciously expressed or not) in people's attitudes about law enforcement in the US.
07-31-2018 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
Thanks for that, reading the link now. I'd guess for "tough on crime" most people use it in a sort of honest "Crime is bad, of course I want to be tough on it" sort of way.

i don't think is true. i think "tough on crime" to most people means cops stopping things like muggings, robbing gas stations, rapes, kidnappings, vandalism.... mostly crimes that poor, powerless people commit.

people don't think of things like illegal wars, business monopolies, union busting, bribery, stealing/abusing public lands.... crimes that rich powerful people commit
07-31-2018 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
Whatever. I’m fine waiting a few years (or less) to be proven right by AOC’s inevitable hard pivot to the center.
if you're wrong, and she doesn't, she'll be the first politician i can think of to actually be good.
07-31-2018 , 02:28 PM
My best guess for AOC is she gets shoved in a corner/generally dismissed unless she learns the political game.
07-31-2018 , 02:30 PM
If only AOC could be right and proper with her wording on twitter, like the President.

That would fix everything.
07-31-2018 , 02:38 PM
Birdman, gotta admit, your concern over the coming imperialist menace of some 28 year old from the Bronx isn't really the best look.
07-31-2018 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
My best guess for AOC is she gets shoved in a corner/generally dismissed unless she learns the political game.
I more or less agree with this
07-31-2018 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
Birdman, gotta admit, your concern over the coming imperialist menace of some 28 year old from the Bronx isn't really the best look.
Bummer because I definitely care about the look I give off to liberal bootlickers
07-31-2018 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
Bummer because I definitely care about the look I give off to liberal bootlickers
Did you know that Republicans were weak on crime and national security?
07-31-2018 , 02:57 PM
I think of myself as more of a leg-humper
07-31-2018 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
Whatever. I’m fine waiting a few years (or less) to be proven right by AOC’s inevitable hard pivot to the center.
Define please.
07-31-2018 , 03:08 PM
Birdman what do you think are the hardest things for a politician to go against the "establishment" on, if you understand that question. This is also sort of rephrasing eyeboogers question I think?

Or what will she get pulled to the right on the hardest.
07-31-2018 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
It’s almost like Mussolini gave a bad definition of fascism to make it sound more palatable. Wonder why he would do that?
Well it also describes our reality pretty well without the overt eugenics which is why I go with it.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 07-31-2018 at 03:24 PM.
07-31-2018 , 03:20 PM
political duopoly, gop/dem chokehold on political power

money in politics(she's already expressed concern over her ability to function without big money)

usa empire exploiting the world

capitalism as the be all end all

07-31-2018 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
political duopoly, gop/dem chokehold on political power

money in politics(she's already expressed concern over her ability to function without big money)

usa empire exploiting the world

capitalism as the be all end all

cliffs: every bipartisan issue (makes sense at a basic level, though- right)
07-31-2018 , 03:25 PM
idk how to embed tweets. but from alexandra's twitter...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Verified account

3m3 minutes ago
Doing some future-focused organizing today!

Had the honor of sharing breakfast and thoughts with Mayor @MichaelDTubbs, who is piloting Universal Basic Income in Stockton.

Then sat down with Walmart & Toys R Us workers to talk about the path forward for retail labor in the US.
imperialist scum!!!
07-31-2018 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
Assuming we get to universal healthcare who decides what the best health care plan (meaning course of action of treatment) is for each person and what's covered?

I'll start and throw out I think each individual should get to decide what's covered and what their best course of treatment is.

There are plenty of different styles of universal healthcare - many with overlays of private insurance, but even in the uk, where there is a low level of non-state healthcare and hence the state decides on coverage, patients get to choose a lot of their treatment, yes.
07-31-2018 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
Eugenics was quite the liberal/progressive idea before the Nazis.

I take it as a lesson smart people can easily be lulled by terrible ideas.
Margaret Sanger is still a hero of the left, and as everyone knows, planned parenthood was invented to kill black people.
07-31-2018 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
idk how to embed tweets. but from alexandra's twitter...

imperialist scum!!!
If she’s not sitting down right this second with the Walmart workers in Palestine and Botswana, she’s basically Donald Trump.
07-31-2018 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
Birdman what do you think are the hardest things for a politician to go against the "establishment" on, if you understand that question. This is also sort of rephrasing eyeboogers question I think?

Or what will she get pulled to the right on the hardest.

It is the one thing even the IWW couldn’t stand up to the establishment on.
07-31-2018 , 05:09 PM
can somebody please tell me why the US Justice Dept needs a Religious Liberty Task Force?
07-31-2018 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
can somebody please tell me why the US Justice Dept needs a Religious Liberty Task Force?
Religious liberty isn’t just going to enforce itself.
07-31-2018 , 06:34 PM
Religion is stupid and people who are very religious are also stupid. They should call it the Freedom of Stupidity Task Force.
07-31-2018 , 06:45 PM
It’s the opiate is the masses and we have a war on drugs going. Seem at odds with each other.
07-31-2018 , 07:29 PM

Well it's definitely a bad sign for Mexico's new socialist president when the cia owned voa publishes an article where nyt owner Carlos Slim says Amlo no threat.
